Dave Boucher Profile picture
Investigations for @freep. Contact: dboucher@freepress.com or DaveBoucher@protonmail.com. Ex-@dallasnews, @tennessean, WV and more. @NorthwesternU grad
May 21 9 tweets 4 min read
I’m at the University of Michigan Diag for @freep, where university police recently cleared out an encampment that called for divestment from entities supporting Israeli attacks in Gaza.

Now only garbage trucks, U-Hauls and police

.@TAHRIRumich, one of the groups that organized the encampment, posted several videos earlier this morning showing a chaotic scene when police worked to remove people from the Diag
Dec 1, 2021 23 tweets 4 min read
Watch live at 3: Oakland County sheriff update on Oxford High School shooting freep.com/story/news/loc… Sheriff Bouchard speaking now, thanks Prosecutor McDonald for charges.

Of 7 remaining injured, 4 still hospitalized.

- 14-yr-old male still in serious condition, GSW to jaw + hand
- 14-yr-old female has improved from critical to stable
- 17-yr-old female still critical
Dec 1, 2021 18 tweets 4 min read
Watch live: Oakland County Prosecutor to announce charges in Oxford school shooting freep.com/story/news/loc… via @freep Oakland County Prosecutor Karen MacDonald starts to detail her office's review of the Oxford High School shooting:

"We have watched school shootings unfold in communities across this country for far too long."

She also identifies 15-year-old suspect as Ethan Crumbley
Nov 30, 2021 16 tweets 6 min read
Breaking: Oakland County law enforcement report 3 students dead in Oxford High School shooting. At least one teacher, other students hurt.

Suspect in custody within 5 minutes of first call. Hand gun recovered freep.com/story/news/loc… Law enforcement says suspect was a 15-year-old student who was a sophomore at the high school.

Suspect has already evoked right to remain silent. freep.com/story/news/loc…
Aug 25, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
Breaking: A federal judge in Michigan has sanctioned Sidney Powell, Lin Wood and the Kraken team over their election lawsuit that sought to overturn legit results and award state's votes to President Trump.

Judge Parker's ruling, in a word: excoriating freep.com/story/news/pol… Parker used every inch of this 110-page ruling to outline how the attorneys flouted all norms of legal practice.

"Plaintiffs’ attorneys have scorned their oath, flouted the rules, and attempted to undermine the integrity of the judiciary along the way"
Aug 23, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
LANSING — Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, joined by local leaders and economic development officials, set to announce proposals to use $2.1 billion in federal funding pandemic funds for economic development, education grants and housing programs.

All plans need legislative approval Image Today's announcement is in line with similar events focused on:
- Police/criminal justice: freep.com/story/news/pol…
- Housing: freep.com/story/news/pol…
- State parks: freep.com/story/news/loc…
- Child care: freep.com/story/news/pol…
Aug 19, 2021 60 tweets 14 min read
Today, a Michigan House committee is set to take up a bill that would make it illegal for employers to require employees to:
- Get COVID-19 vaccines (or flu/TDAP vaccines)
- Wear a mask
- Disclose their vaccination status

Here's the bill: legislature.mi.gov/documents/2021… Cmt chair Rep. Beth Griffin, R-Mattawan, says some constituents have been threatened, mocked, and shamed because "they are exercising their right not to be forced to put something into their body."

Shares idea that vaxxed/not-vaxxed spread COVID-19 at same rate (they do not)
Aug 18, 2021 18 tweets 5 min read
Michigan health department officials report COVID-19 trends worsening across the board and across the state.

In addition to hospitalizations and deaths increasing, the state's case rate is up *611%* since the June 26 low - Hospitalizations are up 23% since last week.
- Death rate up 41% since July 22, the most recent low
Aug 17, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Michigan House taking up a few election bills. First up: bill that would ban connecting electronic poll books to the internet.

They're currently *not connected* -- as noted in an analysis of the bill -- but there's a fear this bill will further confuse voters post-2020 election Image Rep. @ElectRyanBerman says bill codifies existing practice and is not opposed by local clerks.

Rep. @koleszar_matt says the bill "feeds into the narrative of the Big Lie, that our election was somehow stolen."
Aug 17, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
A Michigan House committee is now discussing the safety and security of the Mackinac Bridge. Hearing comes after a bomb threat closed the bridge for several hours last month freep.com/story/news/loc… Lt. Col. Chris Kelenske, Deputy Director at the Michigan State Police, tells lawmakers on June 17, a man with a backpack climbed underneath the structure of the bridge. He was detained.

Kelenske also details the bomb threat received in July (no bomb was found)
Aug 17, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Michigan Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey, R-Clark Lake, told JTV he has "natural immunity" against COVID-19 because he was previously infected.

Asked how long that immunity lasts, he said "forever."

There's *0* evidence to support that claim. In fact, experts refute it Image It was one of several times that the highest ranking elected Republican in Michigan spread COVID-19 misinformation during the interview.

Jul 12, 2021 65 tweets 12 min read
Parker reconvenes Powell hearing (yes, it's still going).

Lin Wood again argues he didn't have any role in this lawsuit. Parker brings up affidavit from Mellissa Carrone. Carrone, as you probably remember, is the woman who testified with Rudy Giuliani and later spoofed on SNL
freep.com/story/news/pol… Image
Jul 12, 2021 35 tweets 7 min read
Morning! I'm back from a brief (and welcome) Twitter hiatus.

My *extraordinarily strong and amazing wife* recently gave birth to our daughter. Everyone is eating, no one is sleeping and we're loving every minute! At 8:30 this morning, U.S. District Judge Linda Parker will hear arguments for why Sidney Powell and other Trump-supporting attys in Michigan should be sanctioned re: lawsuit/lies alleging an international conspiracy and election fraud.

Background: freep.com/story/news/pol…
May 6, 2021 49 tweets 11 min read
At 1030 am, a Michigan House cmt will discuss vaccine passports. They're set to hear from a conspiracy theorist who has suggested, among other false ideas:
- Bill Gates helped created mosquitos that can inject people w/the vaccine
- Vaccines might be used to implant microchips The list of espoused conspiracies from Naomi Wolf is long, varied and wildly inaccurate. I'll share snippets of some during the hearing.

Also, at no point has Gov. Whitmer or Michigan health department leaders suggested they would implement vaccine passports.
May 4, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
New: Gretchen Whitmer + GOP legislative leaders were so close to a big deal.

Framework was in place for board deal on easing COVID-19 rules, allocating billions in fed. $ and formalizing new role for #mileg on health orders.

Today? Everything's in flux freep.com/story/news/pol… Sources tell me the two sides were to the point of negotiations where they discussing wording on planned joint statements.

Then, the governor announced her plan to tie vaccine metrics to easing COVID-19 rules. It caught some GOP lawmakers off guard freep.com/story/news/pol…
Feb 26, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
New: You've heard about the "hoax," the contemplated fistfight with the governor, the "bat-shit crazy" remark.

They're from a man asked to lead lawmakers and the GOP, emblematic of comments made for years.

They show us the real Mike Shirkey, sources say
freep.com/story/news/pol… When I asked @SenRuthJohnson, R-Holly and the ex-MI SOS, if Shirkey still has the confidence of the Senate GOP caucus, she hesitated.

"I’ve gotten some texts and calls that, you know, people are concerned and suggested that maybe he be replaced." freep.com/story/news/pol…
Feb 25, 2021 25 tweets 5 min read
Now: Senate committee discussing the appointment of Elizabeth Hertel as director of the Department of Health and Human Services. She was appointed after Robert Gordon resigned the role in January freep.com/story/news/hea… Sen. @SenAricNesbitt asks Hertel to offer 3 specific things she would've done differently to fight pandemic.

- I would have worked to partner more closely with one or two hospitals on the TCF site; would've made process easier.
- Beta-tested messaging for lab and state system
Feb 25, 2021 37 tweets 9 min read
Full Senate begins process of taking up two COVID-19 funding relief bills. Bills offer some, but not all, of the billions already provided by federal government. Plan still differs from House, governor's proposals freep.com/story/news/pol… The Senate Advice and Consent Committee is supposed to meet right now to discuss the appointment of Elizabeth Hertel as new director of the state health department.

But, given lengthy caucus meetings this morning, the full Senate is still in session.
Feb 24, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
Sen. Tom Barrett, R-Charlotte, attempting to amend a Senate bill so that the state could not distribute vaccines based on race, gender, socioeconomic status or a litany of other factors.

Right now, state uses a "social vulnerability index" to help determine distribution Sen. Runestad, R-White Lake, arguing a 20-year-old in perfect health who has "minority status and you don't speak English that well" has a higher priority in the index than someone over 65.

Right now, a 20-year-old likely isn't eligible to get a vaccine in Michigan
Feb 24, 2021 16 tweets 4 min read
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is giving another update on the state's fight against COVID-19. Watch live here: freep.com/story/news/loc… Whitmer notes US surpassing 500,000 deaths due to COVID-19.

"It's enough to fill the Big House in Ann Arbor five times over."
Feb 11, 2021 14 tweets 6 min read
"Happy budget day!" Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Jim Stamas, R-Midland, says as House and Senate lawmakers prepare to hear from Gov. Whitmer's administration on their budget proposals.

You can watch live here: misenate.viebit.com/player_live.ph… Stamas: "Despite the differences we have...I look forward to working with the governor and our legislative colleagues" on a plan that helps our state and its people.