Life-loving, easy-going, full of humor, Pan-African, FABA Enthusiaste, Women`s Advocate, Techwoman,Technology crazy! Love me some football too!!
Oct 20, 2019 • 10 tweets • 5 min read
#AmbaBoys:The Poisoned Chalice of #SouthernCameroons.These Boys had no jobs.Some idling around. Barely surviving. Had little or no economic/social pwr. Had certificates & no jobs. Rode Okada, taxi or did odd jobs to make ends meet. Some were farmers.Others hd petty business.Etc
Today, bcos of govt's brutal repression of legit peaceful protests in 2016/2017, the indiscriminate killing
&abduction of young men by #Cameroon soldiers, loss of their main sources of income, they hv all but a few become members of armed militia. Sponsored mainly by diaspora