Debunk the Funk Profile picture
👋🏾 I’m Dan, I’m a Ph.D. in molecular biology that covers bad science while making good science accessible. All views are my own.
Nov 18, 2023 20 tweets 9 min read
A long-ish thread 🧵 on these baseless concerns about DNA in vaccines.

These ideas have been thoroughly debunked already by myself & many others as being, at best, hugely overstate. But this will serve as a compilation of resources that directly respond to common talking points. Almost all biologics are made using immortalized cell lines or microorganisms at some point during their manufacturing process. A lot of work goes into removing residual impurities like proteins and DNA from these cells and we have decades of research into how to do this safely. Image
Nov 12, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
@TheChiefNerd @Kevin_McKernan Since Buckhaults has me blocked, you can let him know that his sequence does not match the actual SV40 ori.…
Image @TheChiefNerd @Kevin_McKernan Haha, so here is what Kev said behind his block. And here is an alignment of the “SV40 ori” with the current complete SV40 genome consensus. It’s not part of the natural virus. This is all in addition to the fact that as fragments they serve no function. Poor Kev.
Mar 10, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read… @ViroLIEgy @Burki677 @sense_strand @ine16840704 @DrCanuckMD @dan_gadd @MotrinRn @DAVID__BB @Censored4sure @HealthcareGlob1 @dirk_fasshauer @JoeHendry696 @Alec_Zeck @andyparksmma @JamieAA_Again @Fckelonmusk1 @ValZimmer2 @richdatasci @THC1001 @AsymetricTrades @jason_willz1 @rt7683 @PChandr43659403…
Feb 18, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I swear it’s like anti-vaxxers are running on internet explorer. We’ve known since early 2021 that vaccination + infection confers immunity that is better than either alone.… We’ve known since at least mid 2022 that 3 doses of vaccine are better than 2 in preventing severe disease, especially with omicron coming around.…
Feb 16, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Heard someone in this space boxing concerns about fetal cells in vaccines. As several correctly explained, there are no fetal cells in any vaccine. I’d just like to add a little info on something called Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). A very short explainer below. GMP requirements apply to all drug products, including biologic and vaccines. Some vaccines need to be produced using cell lines since viruses need a host to reproduce and you need virus to make certain vaccines. These host cells and cell products are separated from the drug.
Feb 1, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Since people still don’t understand how to interpret what science says about masks, let me explain.
Masks. Are. Source. Control. 🧵 If someone tells you that masks don’t work, you can respond by asking, “what is the purpose of the mask?” If they respond with something like “protect the wearer from infection,” they are wrong. The purpose of a mask is to reduce the amount of virus you spread. Source control.
Jan 14, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
This is a really childish but typical blog post.

@DrLizaMD is right, the “analysis” here does not establish a causal relationship between COVID vaccines and excess deaths. Let’s go into some of the details. The authors of the “analysis” here failed to assess the relationship between confirmed COVID deaths and excess deaths. If they had, it would have destroyed their conclusion. So let’s do a little of that for them.
Jan 4, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
More footage of COVID vaccines causing heart attacks?!?? Nope, this is from 2010. Another MSM psyop to “normalize sudden deaths??!?!” Nope. This is from 2018.
Sep 21, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Yes, anti-vaxxers are still convinced that COVID PCR tests are fatally flawed. However, every time they are asked to address the data, they simply can’t answer. The Tl;dw here is that @eduengineer initially claimed PCR tests aren’t validated to in vaccinated people. He begins by making false claims about clinical trial data and falsely equates negative virus culture with a false positive PCR test. After explaining to him why that’s wrong
Feb 25, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Unsurprisingly, McCullough continues to misinterpret science (probably intentionally) in order to scare people. No, that is not what this paper showed. They are missing key experiments that are needed to demonstrate their integration into a host genome. This paper suggests that the mRNA in the Pfizer COVID vaccine can be reverse transcribed (RNA -> DNA). Integration is another huge hurdle that thee molecules would have to go through. This can be shown in two experiments that were not done by the authors.
Feb 9, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Ridiculous. This paper demonstrates that, upon vaccination, your immune cells keep antigen in germinal centers, which leads to a greater breadth of antibodies. Meanwhile, infection disrupts germinal centers and hinders development of this breadth. Malone keeps on lying. Our immune system is supposed to do this. Germinal centers (GC’s) are where B-cells, cells that produce antibodies, go to school. It’s where they undergo selection I order to make better antibodies, and certain immune cells present antigen there in order to assist this process.
Aug 7, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Joe Rogan is once again making "scientific" statements about COVID vaccines with a less than half-baked understanding of what the science actually says. Let's go through the example in the paper Rogan quoted from.… "Imperfect vaccination" in this context is referring to Marek's disease, a disease caused by a virus that infects chickens. The vaccine for Marek's disease does not prevent the virus from replicating in the chicken nor does it prevent the chicken from transmitting the virus.
May 8, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Anyone heard #COVIDIOTS say something like, "If this is a pandemic where are all the mass graves?"
They have been there for a long time
And now there are more than ever in India
And denial still persists
Check the thread for examples.
Misinformation + bad leadership = disasters Mass graves being set up for COVID victims in Manaus, Brazil. An area where some proponents of the #greatbarringtondeclaration claimed herd immunity had been reached.…