DemmieHellCat Profile picture
She/Her, 28, Aries. Just a fan fic writer and a Tired Raging Pansexual™️. That is all.🔞 no one underage please.
Jun 2, 2023 23 tweets 5 min read
A little Pan pride drabble

#bkdk #gaykatsuki #panIzuku #krtd #noquirkau #minatsu

Izuku hummed as he got ready for his date with his boyfriend. Many of his friends couldn't understand how he could love someone like Bakugo. Izuku was so kind, loving, selfless, and pure sunshine. They were complete opposites. Bakugo to them was selfish, cruel, vindictive, and a demon. They tried many times to get them to break up. But Izuku was adamant they just didn't understand Kacchan. They couldn't believe Izuku had given the hellspawn such a cute nickname.