Dennis | Sovereign Solopreneur Profile picture
Marketer & Consultant behind 100+ of your favorite X accounts. DM me for help with email, offers and high-ticket sales. Join my newsletter 👇
Paravon Profile picture Tajul Ghani Profile picture Nainil Chheda 🦊 Lead Generator | LinkedIn Nerd Profile picture 3 subscribed
Dec 30, 2022 15 tweets 4 min read
How to make $5,000 a month writing simple emails as a beginner 1 - Learn Email Copywriting

Spend at least a few weeks immersing yourself in the basics

• Listen to podcasts
• Watch YouTube videos
• Read books and blog posts

You can see a list of my favorite marketing books right here

Dec 29, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Every 9-5er should try to build a one-person business

Here are 5 reasons to get started today: BACKGROUND
I’ve been running my one-man show since 2017.

First as a freelance copywriter.

Then I added other income streams.

But before all that I was an office drone for 15 years.

Here’s how my life changed when I made the jump…
Dec 20, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
The Rise Of One-Person Businesses

10 reasons to jump on this million dollar opportunity 1. We’re in the Information Age

For the first time in history...

We can start and grow a business without large amounts of capital or labor

Because software reduces:

1. Costs
2. Need for employees
Nov 16, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
I've been a freelance copywriter since 2017

Here are 10 things I've learned about getting freelance clients 1. If a client doesn't have an audience, you're wasting your time

They should have an email list, SMS list, mailing list or social media audience

No audience means no way to drive traffic

And if you can't drive traffic, there's no way to make sales
Nov 10, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
20 Reasons Your Coaching Programs Aren't Selling

1. Your prices are too high
2. Your prices are too low (seems low value)
3. Your process isn't clear
4. Your offer isn't specific
5. The end result isn't clear 6. Your claims are unbelievable
7. You're targeting the wrong group
8. You don't promote it often enough
9. Your testimonials aren't believable
10. You're not solving an important problem
May 18, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
The 80/20 Of Reviewing Your Own Copy

*** Thread ***

Here are 3 things you must ALWAYS include: #1 — Big Idea/Hook

The Big Idea should address the BIG PROBLEM on your prospect's mind.

This is how you grab their ATTENTION...

And keep them reading.

It also connects your entire promotion.

@comedicbizman explains how to do this in 6FP…
May 17, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
Are You Making These Costly Beginner Mistakes With Your Sales Letters?

*** Thread ***

Pssst... if you sell anything on Gumroad...

You might wanna pay attention to this 👇 Image I usually focus on email...

But I've been busy critiquing sales letters this past week.

Instead of getting in the weeds...

Let's zoom out and talk about 5 high-level areas that can help you boost those juicy conversions.
Apr 25, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
How To Make $20K (Or More) In 1-2 Weeks

***Thread*** Making money online requires 3 key ingredients:

1. List
2. Offer
3. Copy

#1 — LIST
Your niche is a GROUP of people with the SAME problem

e.g. Guys to lose at least 20lbs of fat to get 6-packs

e.g. Twitter noobz unable to make their first $100 online

Jan 19, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
Two of the BEST audience-builders on Twitter:


In a recent interview, Pomp shared how he grew his media empire platform-by-platform...

Including his EMAIL MARKETING strategy.

Here are my 5 favorite takeaways...

Whether it’s once a week or every day…

Pick a frequency…

And STICK to it.

Readers like consistency…

And it’s easier to create when you have a set schedule.
May 28, 2020 7 tweets 4 min read
An Introduction To Broadcast Emails [5 Popular Types]

Broadcast emails = Manual, one-time emails you send to a group of subscribers in your contact list

You can send them once a year or multiple times a day

Common Mistakes:
√ Inconsistent
√ Infrequent
√ No strategy

Cont.. 1. Weekly Newsletters

I think of newsletters like online magazines

My Sunday newsletter tends to go deep on one specific topic

e.g. Ascension ladders, choosing a niche, etc

@jamesclear has a great "round-up" style that touches on different ideas in a single email
Mar 23, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read

Let's talk about your OFFERS

I know a few people on Twitter have offered bodyweight or minimalist programs

Does that mean bodyweight or minimalist programs are "saturated?"

Does that mean you can't offer them too?

Fuck no!

You just need to be creative

THREAD👇 You can position your offers 100 different ways:

- Bodyweight training for men
- Bodyweight training for women

- Bodyweight training for men over 40
- Bodyweight training for chubby girls

- Bodyweight training for tall men
- Bodyweight training for skinny fat hard gainers...
Feb 7, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
3 Underrated Email Sequences You Can Use In Your Business

1. Welcome
2. Evergreen
3. Win-back

#1 — Welcome
The first set of emails new subscribers get when they join your email list

Common Mistakes:
- Only one email
- Doesn't sell anything
- Doesn't tell your story #2 — Evergreen
Use this to sell old products that were never sold again post-launch

Common Mistakes:
- Not pre-selling
- Not creating urgency
- Treating it like a boring product instead of something new and exciting
Mar 23, 2019 15 tweets 4 min read
The Difference Between Working As An In-House vs Remote Copywriter

In-house Copywriters works in offices
Remote Copywriters work anywhere they want

In-house Copywriters tend to work at advertising agencies OR for companies that are heavily into direct response (DR) marketing The copy you write at an agency is generally NOT direct response

It’s “brand” copywriting

Nobody at ad agencies calls it that, though

They just call it copywriting (CW)

I suspect most ad agency employees don’t even know what DR is
Mar 10, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
Are attention spans getting shorter?

Between texts, tweets + memes it might seem like it, but...

People still read 300-page books

People still watch 2-hour movies

People still listen to 3-hour Joe Rogan podcasts


Because people are HUNGRY for amazing, in-depth content Social media has brought us together only to make us feel disconnected

People are craving real SUBSTANCE that goes beyond surface-level connections

That's why I decided to create an ongoing interview series with successful entrepreneurs
Feb 10, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
One of the best things about living abroad almost non-stop for the past year is you give less fucks

- AOC becomes President? Don't care

- Somebody talks shit to me online? Don't care

- Virus turns people in Wisconsin into zombies? Don't care Let's keep going since some people will see this as apathetic or nihilist

Nope - complete opposite

Because it's given me tunnel vision to focus on the things I DO care about

- Talking to my family every day
- Growing my business
- Interacting with you guys
- Fitness goals etc
Jan 21, 2019 12 tweets 9 min read
Here's what $746 USD can get you in Medellín's best neighborhood

Nothing fancy, but it's safe, secure, has everything you need plus skyline views Here's what $950 USD can get you in Medellín's best neighborhood

L-shaped studio where the bed is separate from rest of apartment
Nov 16, 2018 10 tweets 3 min read
THREAD // Making Friends Is Easier Than You Think

Had a great time with @MyLatinLife @NomadicHustler and @_RobORourke at dinner last night

It's easy when you're in school

But a lot of people seem to have trouble making new friends as they get older The school environment is conducive to friendship because you spend so much time together

You share classes, activities and meals together so it's easy to find your tribe

Because you're younger, your standards are also low

You haven't refined who you are and what you want
Nov 13, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
DD's Principles For Freedom, Fulfillment and Fuck You Money: #6-10

6. I prioritize establishing and enhancing meaningful personal relationships

- I always have time for family or a true friend

- I believe the best way to build your network is by helping other people succeed But… I don’t try to help people who don’t WANT to be helped

7. I strive for simplicity

Would eliminating a system or saying “No” save time, energy, or money?

I believe that less is more and always seek to do more of less
Nov 12, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
I've invested more money in my business in the past 4 days than most freelancers invest in a year

That's how the game is played

If you're an EMPLOYEE, then your income is probably the same as it was 12 months ago

But if you're an ENTREPRENEUR, your income should be higher I know some of you work hard and that's great

But I believe you need to think about AGGRESSIVE growth

If you've been stuck at $1,500 for the past 12 months, what are you waiting for?

AS SOON AS you see an urgent problem in your business, FIX IT

Don't wait 6 months or a year
Nov 8, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
THREAD // Doing What You LOVE vs Doing What You HATE

If you're constantly pushing yourself to do things you don't enjoy in your business, you need to cut it out

Whenever people ask me how to start making money online or grow their business, we start here: Three Guidelines to Leverage Your Skills and Run A Thriving Online Business

1. Do what you enjoy
2. Do what you're good at
3. Do what's monetizable

One more guideline:

4. Do what's scalable
Oct 28, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
DD's Principles For Freedom, Fulfillment and Fuck You Money: #1-5

1. I take a long-term perspective

When making decisions, I consider 2nd and 3rd order effects

I realize that it’s a combination of compound interest over the long-term and Quick Wins that leads to results Whenever possible, I invest in multipliers that compound results and deliver exponential growth

2. I recognize the value of consistency and commitment to accomplishing challenging goals

I #TrustTheProcess

This is why I work, read, train, etc 7 days a week