Oh for Nan's sake! Just #MaskUpUK when shopping or on bus & help lower high infection rates. Help save the lives of NHS staff, the elderly & vulnerable & yours!
Feb 28, 2021 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Re: 'Benefits'- Let's get a few things straight!
1. Support is NOT a handout! It's a PAYOUT against National Insurance contributions we all pay to ensure reasonable support if in exploitative low paid work, unemployed or become sick and/or disabled! (see more in thread)
2. Instead of reasonable support, claimants find the absolute poverty of Tory Universal Credit.
This, along with the sneers of mean-spirited 'I'm alright Jacks' so thick, they don't realise they're one call away from HR or the GP, to find themselves needing to have to claim!
Apr 15, 2020 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
1/ Gen Sec #UNISON@DavePreston, We're shocked by #Labourleaks revealing Unison/Labour officials corruptly abusing position to undermine Jeremy Corbyn, supporters & prospects of Labour government. Membership subs pay their salaries. How can Unison be seen to fund such corruption?
2/ Unison members are shocked as is this devastated 16 yr old Labour Youth Officer 👇who worked tirelessly for Labour only to find his efforts were being undermined at every point by corrupt officials who hold position in both Labour & Unison. #LabourLeaks
At risk of stating the obvious, there is without doubt extremism within Labour! But it's not from the Left! It lurks within the so-called 'centrists' who lay claim to being 'moderates' yet who are anything but. They are the extremists in every sense of the word. 1/ #LabourLeaks
These so-called 'moderates' like any extremist are more than prepared to do or say anything to try & take control. They will lie, smear, hijack & weaponize serious social issues, & devastate reputations & lives to achieve their aims. 2/ #LabourLeaks
Aug 13, 2019 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
@NeilCouling 1. Universal Credit defrauds taxpayers who after paying their National Insurance expect reasonable support in times of need, instead find themselves in utter poverty as Tories capped housing benefit way lower than actual rents leaving them to choose between food or rent shortfall
@NeilCouling 2. Yet there's plenty of money, well over a billion in last few years. to slip to privatising profiteers US Maximus & Capita to defraud the sick & disabled out of proper support by running crooked damaging health assessments often overriding Specialist reports to deny support