Abdolrasool Divsallar Profile picture
Senior Researcher at UN Institute for Disarmament Research @UNIDIR. Non-Res Scholar @MiddleEastInst; Prof. @Unicatt; Ex @EUI_EU; Views own.
Jul 31 13 tweets 2 min read
THREAD—A few thoughts on Haniya's assassination.

The deliberate choice of location in Tehran and the timing after the inauguration ceremony highlight several points.

What are the impacts on the ground?
/1 Image First, Netanyahu is pushing Tehran to be the escalator and expand the war, which he needs politically more than at any other time. This tactic works well for US politics and guarantees that Israel will keep having US/Western moral and material support. /2
May 20 12 tweets 2 min read
Few thoughts on the implications of the Iranian President and Foreign Minister's death.

Why are the impacts likely to be mixed and less significant than they might look?
/1 Image The Iranian constitution provides a mechanism for substituting the new president, which is likely to guarantee a smooth transition to the next president. Constitutional procedures & strong internal security mechanisms reduce the likelihood of chaos or a surprise in the system. /2
Mar 9 7 tweets 2 min read
Former IRGC commander in Chief and advisor to Supreme Leader Gen. Safavi recently made noticeable comments.

According to Safavi, "Iran's strategic depth should increase to 5000 km, including in the Mediterranean and Red Sea."

Few thoughts on What this means precisely. /1 Image Considering the Mediterranean as Iran's strategic defensive depth is not new. Yet the Red Sea has not traditionally had such a status. Bringing the Red Sea into Iran's strategic depth indicates that Tehran will draft long-term strategic plans to cement its presence there. /2
Feb 15 8 tweets 2 min read
THREAD- Saudi-Iranian normalization is advancing much deeper than many anticipated.

At least three crucial military-security developments highlight both side's political will to deepen ties. /1 First, military talks between Riyadh and Tehran have gained unprecedented momentum in the last months. Yesterday, the Saudi ambassador met Iran's Ministry of Defense. It seems they agreed about improving defense cooperation and more exchanges of military delegations. /2
Jan 17 6 tweets 2 min read
حمله به پاکستان یک اشتباه استراتژیک بود. این تهاجم منافع ملی ایران را در کوتاه و میان مدت خدشه‌دار خواهد کرد.
حداقل در سه سطح این مساله قابل ارزیابی است. /۱ در سطح روابط متقابل، اخلال در بازدارندگی پاکستان ایران را در معرض برخورد با قدرتی اتمی قرار داده است. اقدام ایران اخلالی آشکار در نظام بازدارندگی یک قدرت اتمی بود. پاکستان برای حفظ تصویر بازدارندگی اش به ويژه در برابر تهدید اصلی این کشور یعنی هند، چاره‌ای به جز پاسخ قاطع ندارد./۲
Dec 17, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
رشتو- موضع لاوروف درباره غزه نشانه شکست تلاش تهران برای نزدیکی به روسیه در مساله فلسطین است. لاوروف از لزوم تشکیل کنفرانسی با حضور اعضای دائم شورای امنیت، اتحادیه عرب، GCC، و OIC می‌گوید. در طرح روسیه، ایران در حاشیه و عربستان نقش محوری دارد. چرا؟/۱
Image در مواضع ایران و روسیه در مساله فلسطین حداقل دو اختلافات بنیادی چشمگیر است:
اول، مسکو بر تشکیل کشور فلسطین در چارچوب طرح صلح اعراب (پیشنهادی از سوی عربستان) تاکید دارد. لذا حق بقا و دولت اسرائیلی به رسمیت شناخته می‌شود. مساله ای که بر روابط ساختاری روسیه-اسراییل استوار است./۲
Nov 6, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: What is Iran’s military thinking regarding the war in Gaza?

Iran has so far avoided direct confrontation with Israel and kept itself outside the conflict. Why will this strategy probably continue?
/1 Image Against the backdrop of threats made by Iranian politicians, such as Raisi & his Foreign Minister, Iran's military thinking shows more complexities and highlights important differences from political rhetoric. /2
Sep 2, 2023 24 tweets 4 min read
THREAD- How do foreign policy institutions of Iran operate?
In my new book chapter, I took a deep dive into the structure and rationale behind institutional development, & decision-making models of Iran's foreign policy establishments. /1

The chapter is part of very interesting book edited by @MehranKamrava with contribution of @KeshavarzianA @S_Akbarzadeh @mpargoo @AlirezaEshraghi @HamidehDorzadeh, Shirin Hunter, and others, that looks at how various institutions after the 1979 Islamic revolution evolved./2
Jul 25, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
THREAD. Iran started delivery of its long-range cruise missile, called Abu Mahdi, with a 1000 km range, to IRGC and Artesh Navies. Why is this important?

New deliveries aim at resolving critical weaknesses in Iran’s Anti Access/Area Denial (A2/AD) strategy. /1 Iran’s A2/AD strategy was mainly limited to the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman regions due to Iran’s limited stand-off capability. So, Iran has been defenseless against platforms operating in the northern Indian Ocean. /2
May 28, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
THREAD- Yesterday Taliban killed 2 Iranian border guards. However, despite speculations of further escalations, it’s unlikely that Tehran resort to a military option to punish Taliban.
What’s behind Iran’s military thinking in this regard?
/1 The overall assessment in Tehran seems to favor a non-military solution and minimize the importance of the incident. This is because of concerns over a costly, prolonged military conflict that can deteriorate country’s security. /2 Image
May 4, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
در تحلیل سفر رئیسی به سوریه نکات بسیاری مطرح شده از جمله مساله نگرانی ج.ا. از روند تقویت روابط دمشق با کشورهای عربی.

اما چرا این نگاه چندان دقیق نیست و نفوذ ایران به موازات عادی سازی روابط سوریه و کشورهای عربی احتمالا تقویت می‌شود؟ رشتو/۱ Image دلیل ۱: تجربه موفق ایران در حفظ نفوذ پس از عادی سازی سیاسی کشور میزبان. در تجربه عراق ج.ا. توانست نفوذش را در عین حضور تمام کشورهای عربی در بغداد حفظ کند. اگرچه رقابت و تنش همواره وجود داشت، اما فاکتور حضور سایر رقبا در عراق به تنهایی نتوانست عاملی برای افول نفوذ ایران باشد./۲
May 1, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
A well written report! Yet, I hardly see new evidences beyond what Islamic Republic claimed about Akbari's spionage. Still many things unclear and lots of doubts about the claims.
Some thoughts. /1
nytimes.com/2023/05/01/wor… A first big question is about Akbari's role in leaking Fakhrizadeh name. I have heard years before from informed people that the level of protection around Fakhrizadeh had risen at least since 2004. This indicates his name was already been leaked before Akbari's link to MI6./2
Mar 17, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
در سال‌های پس از حمله آمریکا به عراق، نیروهای مسلح ایران یکی از بزرگترین مطالعه کنندگان این جنگ بودند. مطالعه روش جنگ آمریکا، دکترین نظامي ایران را تغییر داد. جنگ اوکراین تجربه مشابهی است. دکترین موشکی، پهپادی، و پدافندی ایران بعد از این جنگ چه تغییری خواهند کرد؟ رشتو/۱ در این یادداشت @walberque توضیح می‌دهد که چگونه ضعف اطلاعات میدانی ناشی از کمبود قابلیت نظارت و شناسایی، مشکلات هدفگیری، و طرح‌ریزی بد نیروهای روسی، سبب شد قدرت موشکی برتر روسیه نتواند تأثیرگذاری معناداری در سرنوشت جنگ داشته باشد. /۲
Mar 9, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
IRGC received 95 new missile boats today with missiles ranging between 10 to 180 km. Two new features are notable.
1. some boats are likely equipped with Fateh ballistic missiles. IRGC Navy is transforming its capability by replacing 108mm rockets with sea-launched missiles./1 2. IRGCN is moving beyond its classic ZSU-23 air-defense cannon on its Ashora class boats. Now it is deploying a sophisticated sea-launched NAVAB missile defense system which can better defend against low-flying objects, cruise missiles, and UAVs. /2
Feb 8, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
THREAD - Iran unveiled a new underground Air Force (IRIAF) base.

Opposite to official claims, the site is not a game changer. It can find a limited deterrence value after IRIAF jets are upgraded, mostly against regional foes.

See how the site may impact Iran's military power./1 The idea of going underground for airbases is nothing new. It's a WW2 and later a cold war tactic. It's a tactic to help a weaker military to resist a superior military's threat—for example, Chinese bases to withstand US strikes or Taiwan bases to withstand Chinese strikes. /2
Jan 29, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Some thoughts on last night’s drone attacks in Iran.
By showing a willingness to take measured risks, the attackers send a strategic message to IR aimed at resetting thresholds, convince leadership to revise policies, & initiating plan B. The goals are hard to achieve, Why?
1/ First, these small-scale strikes can’t meaningfully impact IR’s military capabilities. For years, Tehran has been dealing with sabotage & small-scale attacks, thus having a level of readiness. It has built a technical and strategic resiliency to deal with these situations. /2
Dec 12, 2022 16 tweets 6 min read
In my latest @TrendsRA I explored what has changed in Russo-Iranian relations after the war in Ukraine?

I argue that the relations is characterised by the two states increasing interdependency and changes in composition of drivers/limits. THREAD

trendsresearch.org/insight/rising… The emerging mutual interdependency of Moscow and Tehran is based on the fact that new drivers for cooperation are emerging while some of the limits that have previously constrained cooperation are eroding. /2
Nov 27, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
THREAD. According to Iranian sources, Russia and Iran plan to increase collaboration in the helicopter industry, especially in joint design and spare parts production. What can a future model of Russian military assistance to Iran look like? /1 Image First, Russia will continue to be reluctant to sell major offensive capabilities to Tehran. Any sales that change the regional balance of forces and favors Iran can upset Russia-GCC ties. For this reason, a deal like fighter jet sales to Iran face a serious political obstacle./2
Oct 21, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
به بعد نظامی #اعتراضات_سراسری کمتر پرداخته شده است. در یادداشت اخیرم در @GulfStatesInst به بررسی رابطه تحرکات نظامی اخیر ایران در کردستان عراق و مرزهای شمال غربی با اعتراضات پرداخته ام.
به برخی از مهمترین نکات این مقاله در این رشتو اشاره می‌کنم.

agsiw.org/the-military-d… دکترین نظامی ایران پرخطرترین سناریوی پیش روی خود را همزمانی تهدید نظامی خارجی با یک اعتراض یا ناآرامی وسیع داخلی ترسیم کرده است. استراتژی کلی ایران جلوگیری از همزمانی این دو تهدید است. بسیاری از رفتارهای ایران را باید در قالب این چارچوب‌ فهم کرد.
Jul 16, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
THREAD. I take news of Iran’s drone export to Russia seriously. Several reasons for this:

First, Iran have always been obsessed with the idea that its defense products could compete internationally. Now, it has an incentive and space to do so, considering it a show of power./1 Second,Iranian drones have a proven operational experience. More than similar drones like that of Turkish made. They have more variety in their missions, loads, etc., and most importantly, they are low-cost assets. /2
Apr 2, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
1/ Militaries are learning lessons from Russian operation. Use of missiles is a particular point of attention. So far Russia has fired more than 1250 cruise & ballistic missile, one of the largest in modern warfare.

Some thoughts on how it might impact Iran’s missile program. 2/ While Russia failed to secure an air superiority, missile strikes remained to be a critical solution to degrade Ukrainian vital infrastructures & capabilities. Russia’s use of missiles proved the operational value of precision missile strike in a modern conventional warfare.