Donovan Farley Profile picture
writer/journalist/tear gas sommelier • covering extremism, the arts and the cops • Playboy, VICE, SPIN, Rolling Stone, Paste, Consequence • donovan.farley@gmail
Tim -Kamala Keep da #MoJoBiden #BlueVoterSuperNova Profile picture 1 subscribed
Oct 29, 2021 11 tweets 7 min read
Over at my Patreon, I have a deep dive into the role law enforcement in played in fomenting the January 6th insurrection via capitulating to far-right extremists in what terrorism expert Michael German called "A stunning abdication of duty." 1/ Throughout the country, the juxtaposition in law enforcement's response to racial justice protesters vs. far-right gatherings has been striking, and nowhere more so than Portland, which was used as a proving ground for far-right terror and law enforcement malfeasance both. 2/
Aug 23, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
I’m working on some things about today but here is a Proud Boy in the middle of Sunday afternoon traffic menacing people w/ a handgun directly in front of a school during a 30-minute rampage. The @PortlandPolice stood down as promised for these out-of-state far-right extremists. As the @PortlandPolice continue to stand down shots are apparently rigging out in downtown Portland.
Aug 21, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
This far-right extremist, who has harassed my family several times, claims to have a heavily armed “team” of former @PortlandPolice officers and says he has have been in contact with several government entities about his plans for Portland on Sunday. This man has called my 1/2 Image senior parents and my sibling multiple times, texted and emailed them relentlessly and posted their addresses and phone numbers several times. 2/2
Apr 13, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
Protesters in Portland have marched to a police building where riot gear-clad officers met them. The @PortlandPolice are currently under investigation by the DOJ for offenses far too myriad, violent and egregious to list in this space. 2020's mascot—a dumpster set aflame—has made an appearance:
Jan 29, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Hunter S. Thompson's platform while running for sheriff of Aspen including legalizing all drugs, tearing up all of Aspen's roads and replacing them with sod, renaming the place "Fat City" in order to better repel "human jackals," the public shaming of dishonest drug dealers & 1/2 Image the "savage harassment" by his deputies of those engaged in "land rape."

The mostly bald Thompson also completely shaved his head so he could call his crew cut Republican opponent a "longhair." And that's a peyote button the six-fingered fist on his campaign poster is holding. Image
Jan 20, 2021 13 tweets 6 min read
Given all the discussion around online speech and its ability to inspire real-world violence, I thought it a fine time to share a piece I wrote on the subject for @Playboy that concerns 8chan (now 8kun), “The Worst Site On The Internet.”
1/… For the piece, I spoke with Ron Watkins, the 8chan/kun owner and admin who became a primary figure in the Dominion conspiracy & is one of the only people who knows who Q is (or *is* Q); US Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR); 8chan founder Frederick Brennan (@fr_brennan); and a bevy of 2/
Jan 15, 2021 13 tweets 4 min read
After being repeatedly admonished by pal and colleague alike for not posting this in 2020, here is a thread of some of my official protest coverage over the years: You may have heard of this one:…
Jan 9, 2021 34 tweets 20 min read
Any effort by @TwitterSafety seeking to offset reprehensible disinformation that flourishes here and the carnage that disinformation has wrought should absolutely include banning @MrAndyNgo. Few on this platform have purposefully trafficked in deceit that results in violence 1/ to the degree Ngo has. Over and over he willfully deceives his followers into a frenzy that results in death and rape threats for journalists and anyone else Mr. Ngo decides is worthy of his scorn. He knowingly collaborates with neo-fascists & knowingly helps them spread 2/
Jan 9, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I guess he’ll just jump from account to account for the next few days. Pretty pathetic. Already gone. Hilarious. Don Jr is probably next to get 86’d. Image
Jan 8, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
I've been monitoring 4chan and 8kun (formerly 8chan) since yesterday and there's a lot of disappointment in Trump, Lin Wood and Q interspersed with this sort of thing: a discussion of the efficacy of millions of white people storming the government and taking over it from 8 kun. Image This anon counters with a mention of the Christchurch shooter who was radicalized on 8chan. In 2019 alone 8chan users murdered over 80 people in mass and Q-related shootings. This was part of the reason they had to rebrand as 8kun after being called before Congress. Image
Jan 7, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
I'd like for it not to get lost in all this that @tedcruz was fundraising during the attack on the Capital today. Not only was the Senator fundraising, but he was claiming he needed funds to continue the insurrectionist fight against these United States. Seems rather seditious. "Just like you, I've been angered by how we've seen election officials act outside their Constitutional authority to rewrite voting laws." - @tedcruz today, during an attack on the US Capital.
Aug 20, 2020 30 tweets 9 min read
In the parlance of my homeland I am fixin’ to be in SW Portland at our old pal the ICE building for another evening of first amendment expression at the #blacklivesmatter protests here in Portland’s Here’s something I wrote during the protesters last visit, which ended up lasting quite a while:…
Jul 25, 2020 66 tweets 17 min read
I am once more headed down to beautiful downtown Portland tonight (7/24) to the demonstration to cop my fair share of abuse. As always I implore you to reach out if I've missed something, you think the press needs to know something, or you need assistance. Stay righteous. Again just an amazing, festive and wholly diverse crowd that is absolutely massive.
Jul 18, 2020 61 tweets 17 min read
After a delay spent trying to figure out my new gas mask I am downtown bound once more this eve. DMs are open so if you see something of interest please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m particularly interested in fed behavior. Stay smart and stay safe out there. Tomorrow when PPB says cops were “trapped” in the JC they’ll mean this.