Keith is totally the one to leave the light on for when he comes home. He's been through so many bad foster homes and dark, empty houses where he was just check, a source of income, had to cook and clean and somehow survive anyway.
When he starts living alone, he always leaves lights on. The porch light. The living room light. His bedroom or the hall light. It feels welcoming, to come home to light instead of darkness. It feels like someone might be there or have just been there or might be coming back.
May 11, 2022 • 83 tweets • 15 min read
Ok but catholic #sheith posts got me by the navel and for some reason I was thinking about rosaries otw to work this morning and now I have Priest!Shiro who went into seminary because he couldn't shake his desire for slender, small men with big eyes and he knows god is testing
him when he finds himself the Priest at Keith's small parish church.
Keith's family is /devout/ and Keith is a fierce young man with a penchant for fighting and finding himself in trouble. As far as Shiro can tell, he usually gets into fights in defense of others, though he
Apr 27, 2022 • 182 tweets • 33 min read
Look. No one is going to like this. I don't like this. Nonconvaguely in the we drunk and Keith got us that way on purpose flavor. Angst. #sheith
Shiro is larger than life by reputation and all of it is real, it's /true/, it barely fucking scratches the surface of the many things that make the man incredible.
Keith has been more than half in love with him since day one, and in trying to claw out
Apr 20, 2022 • 100 tweets • 22 min read
Because I am a perfectly normal earth human, I sit in traffic and think about the Sheiths that are all living in my heard as result of various things.
This train of thought is /undoubtedly/ brought to you by the below art and my own love of Keith's back
This shouldn't come as any surprise to Shiro, given the other man's temperament, but the first night he comes out of their shared bathroom to the bared line of Keith's back laying on top of the covers of his bunk, he almost chokes.