Dorotea Gucciardo Profile picture
Dotty, dot, dot dot, dot/Here's lots of news, but you can't read a jot.
Mar 15 10 tweets 4 min read
There are four sounds you hear in Rafah as night falls: the incessant buzz of drones, the menacing roar of jet engines, the boom of exploding bombs.... and children's laughter.

A thread lovingly dedicated to the "rascal children of Gaza" Image Despite knowing that children make up nearly 1/2 its population, the sheer # of kids in Gaza still took me by surprise. They fill the streets -- playing, running, on bikes, holding hands, selling goods, carrying toys, buckets, food, each other -- and their chatter fills the air. Image
Mar 14 5 tweets 2 min read
I just returned from Gaza, on a medical mission with @glia_intl. I bore witness to the human suffering caused by Israel’s ongoing war against Palestinians, but especially children. We are now in the terminal phase of a genocide that has been ongoing for 75 years. Image I visited multiple hospitals and spent significant time in Rafah, an area that once housed 30,000 and is now home to over 1 million IDPs. Makeshift tents are everywhere, and refuse and rubble are piling up. Tents are now popping up in the hospitals, too, as people seek refuge. Image
Feb 26, 2022 7 tweets 5 min read
We had such a great turnout for Community Solidarity London's rally in support of healthcare workers today.

Unfortunately we were confronted by another #FreeDumbConvoy, but most problematically, confronted by the #ldnont police. A 🧵 Our amazing speakers, like @DirkaProut seen here, spoke about the need to support the healthcare workers on the front lines, while a stationary group of #convoy protesters nearby heckled "bullshit!"