Aaron New Profile picture
Once a Professor of Psychology/Counseling in Christian higher ed, now an Organizational Development Manager in healthcare. I love good books and good Tex-Mex.
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Feb 26 18 tweets 4 min read
I have been a vocal critic of how Heath Lambert conducts himself, primarily in the counseling world, but periodically in the SBC world. Both of those are of interest and important to me. I’m not interested in offering a criticism of everything Heath says or does. But he published an article today that is a prime example of his modus operandi when he speaks of people he disagrees with.
Oct 21, 2024 16 tweets 4 min read
It's only been a week. But Heath Lambert is still at it.
And so am I, I guess. 🧵

fbcjax.com/first-thoughts… Cards on the table: I think this article is directly related to the ongoing controversy of how Heath has been treating other biblical counselors. He mentions it in his first paragraph. Image
Oct 14, 2024 22 tweets 6 min read
Apparently, Heath Lambert isn’t yet willing to stop his nonsense.

And I’m not yet willing to let it go. A couple of weeks ago, I tried to draw attention to his hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness – because he continues to disparage his brothers and sisters in ways that are grossly unfair.

Oct 2, 2024 16 tweets 4 min read
Warning: I’m about to lose my mind over Heath Lambert and his egregious treatment of anyone not in lockstep with his approach to counseling. Again.
Mute me now if you want. I’ve made no secret of how strongly I disagree with him. Or how much I dislike his tone. Like this from May, for example:
Jun 7, 2024 31 tweets 5 min read
Warning: I’m about to lose my mind over John MacArthur and his reckless and dangerous advice about mental health. Again.

Mute me now if you want. Some of you saw the video of John MacArthur telling people that PTSD, OCD, ADHD and other diagnoses aren’t real.
Jan 20, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
I still get emails from @drtimclinton and @theaacc. Which is funny. And sad.

They blocked me a long time ago. But I guess they’re still hoping they can get some money out of me from their mass marketing campaigns.

Anywho…. their most recent ad is a doozy. 1/x It’s an invitation to a free webinar: “Christian Counseling and Biblical Studies with Logos.”

This sentence caught my eye immediately. “Find all AACC Quick-Reference Guides to Biblical Counseling right at your fingertips.” 2/x
Nov 5, 2023 34 tweets 7 min read
Some of you have caught wind of a new book from Paige Patterson. I first saw it here. The quotes and comments are worth checking out, if you haven’t seen those already. 1/x I’d like to point out this tweet from @ThigpenTiffany in particular. She has an exceptionally strong opinion. But if you know her and her story, then you know why. 2/x
Jun 5, 2023 18 tweets 6 min read
Watched #ShinyHappyPeople. It’s worth checking out, if you haven’t already.

Plenty has already been said about the authoritarianism and subjugation of people we see within that flavor of Christianity. I would only add to the conversation that NONE OF THAT WAS SURPRISING to me, given what I know about *another* Duggar.
Feb 4, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
This is so tiresome. But because there is *still* some local controversy over CRT and wokeness (fueled mostly by pseudo intellectuals whose expertise is in making strawman arguments), here’s my 2 cents. When I was still at a local college, a parent of a prospective student contacted our admin. Said she was against CRT and wanted to know where we stood on it. The admin asked me for a response. So here’s how I answered. (Pardon the typos.)
Apr 21, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
PSA: If you can encourage a Primary Care physician or nurse, do it. Burnout is at critical levels. Some tidbits from an article in the latest JAMA issue: "Over the past 2 years, more than 36,000 survey responses from clinicians across the country have painted an alarming picture of a workforce that's increasingly burned out, traumatized, anxious, and depressed."
May 7, 2021 23 tweets 4 min read
The stuff of earth competes for the allegiance I owe only to the Giver of all good things. Someday I need to tell the story of Rich Mullins coming to speak at our student-led Bible study in high school.
Mar 22, 2021 30 tweets 9 min read
I am glad for helpers of all stripes who are committing to serving victims of domestic violence.

But I came across this the other day. And I have some questions. Let's start with this one: Why can't we get past the headline before reading about DV victims being "tempted?" Temptation leads to sin - and so from the very beginning of the article, we are getting echoes of victim-blaming. If she doesn't seek help, it's probably her fault. Image
Jan 29, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
Periodic reminder: your college classes aren't doing you any favors if you are never challenged or offended by them. We aren't here to protect your bubble. This isn't VBS. It's boot camp. "The student who is simply conditioned to respond in certain ways to certain stimuli is at a loss when he confronts novel situations, as he will in a changing society undergoing a knowledge explosion."
Dec 5, 2019 14 tweets 3 min read
As you study the Old Testament, you see God’s people caught in a cycle. I’ve heard it described as one of rebellion, retribution, repentance, and restoration. It happens over and over and over. God’s people keep forgetting. They keep going back to old ways. They keep returning to idol worship and self-determinism and a whole host of bad choices.
Sep 19, 2019 11 tweets 5 min read
Among the many concerns I have had (and continue to have) about @theaacc, this one may not be as serious. But it still speaks to the integrity and trustworthiness of the organization. The advertising for the new "Care and Counsel Bible" has been misleading, at best. @theaacc Even though I already owned the "Soul Care Bible" printed in 2001, I ordered the new "Care and Counsel Bible" just printed this year. I told that story here:
Sep 13, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
Guys. GUYS. I’ve got a story to tell. I teach psychology and counseling classes at a small Christian college. One of my classes is “Psychology and Christianity” where we wrestle all semester long with issues of faith/theology and how they relate to the work we do to care for and counsel people.
Mar 14, 2019 9 tweets 4 min read
"The key to a healthy marriage is to keep your eyes wide open before you wed, and half closed thereafter."

Wisdom from @DrJamesCDobson. He has said it often. And he's been saying it for many years. I don’t know exactly when he started saying it. But I did find it in a newspaper article from back in 2000.
Feb 19, 2019 23 tweets 10 min read
One of the many problems that comes with unequivocal support of Trump while also running the world’s largest Christian Counseling association:

The entire organization is rendered mostly mute and powerless to speak on issues of sexual abuse and misconduct when it’s really needed. Sexual abuse is *always* important to address. But this month has brought it front and center for many Christians, with the largest denomination publicly confronting its own sexual abuse crisis.
Sep 8, 2018 134 tweets 54 min read
THREAD: A few of us have been raising questions about some of the writings of Tim Clinton. Most notably, @wthrockmorton has several blog posts you can find here: wthrockmorton.com/tag/tim-clinto…. I’m still surprised more people aren’t asking more questions. And I’m disappointed Dr. Clinton hasn’t given a more satisfactory response.
Jun 12, 2018 14 tweets 4 min read
Hey SBC, if you show special attention to the MAGA men and say, “Here’s a good seat for you,” but say to immigrants, minorities, and women, “You stand there” or “Sit on the floor by my feet,” have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts? #sbc18 Not to put too fine a point on it, but the SBC is giving VP Mike Pence a platform during the annual meeting tomorrow at 11:00. I think Jesus’ brother would have something to say about that.
Jun 8, 2018 13 tweets 3 min read
It is never a bad time to consider how you can help someone who may be at risk for suicide. But with 2 high profile suicides in just a week, it may be especially relevant now to review 4 QUESTIONS TO ASK. So here is Suicide Assessment 101, the Twitter version. Commit these questions to memory. Don’t be afraid of engaging. You might save a life.