Dr Charles Omole Profile picture
*LLB, LLM, PhD (Bucks)*, Polymath, Lawyer, Author, Retired UK Judge, Strategist, Good Govt advocate, DG@IPSPRorg, Policy reform; Security Sector Reform Expert
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Jul 29, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read

As Nigeria strives to strengthen its economy and foster sustainable development, one crucial aspect that demands attention is the cost of government. Image Reducing the cost of government expenditure can free up resources for essential services, infrastructure development, and social programs that benefit the population. I will like to explore ten creative ways to cut the cost of government in Nigeria.
Feb 14, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Many Nigerians are not ready for the change they seek. True transformation takes place when principles are upheld regardless of personal bias or preference. If you believe in the principle of the rule of law; then you cannot pick and choose which court order you comply with. Complying with court orders you disagree with help strengthen the rule of law & build institutions. Sadly; many Nigerians (especially the young) feel they should obey court orders only if it supports their personal preferences, choices or agenda.
Jan 29, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Perspectives on the CBN cash deadline

Let's assess what is on the ground. Lagos have about 6,000 mobile base stations (MBS) out of the 42k we have nationally. As a nation, we need about 120k MBS to cover the nation sensibly. Some states in the north have only 500 or less MBS. How do u do eBanking without needed infrastructure? Then 55% of Nigerians are unbanked. For example; Bornu have 27 LGAs. But only 4 have banks. How do folks access banks? Some have to travel over 100miles to d nearest bank. How do they move large sums safely over such a distance.
Dec 16, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read

The combined effects of the two new CBN policies announced in recent weeks will cause monumental damage to the poor in our country. On one hand, the CBN has redesigned Naira thus forcing every citizen to go to a bank... ...to deposit the outgoing notes (whether they have a bank account or not). Then the CBN imposed a limit on how much can be withdrawn to an unreasonably low amount in my opinion.
Sep 17, 2022 20 tweets 4 min read
Concern about Insecurity in the South East.

There is a quiet erosion of national security governance in the SE that many are not paying attention to. When a proscribed rag-tag group can shut down states every week at will and the Government seems incapable of stopping it,... Image ...we are at the cusp of total lawlessness. These cowards declare a stay-at-home day at will and the streets become empty on those days, yet the Government is powerless to enforce civil order. A short study I undertook on this issue shows that the people obey the stay-at-home...
Aug 10, 2022 63 tweets 11 min read
I have received many private submissions on the ASUU saga and as promised, I will be sharing some with my esteemed Twitter followers. This is a long post but it will be revealing as it is from respected Prof Eyitope Ogunbodede (VC, OAU, Ile-Ife, 2017-2022) President Muhammadu Buhari recently gave a 2-weeks ultimatum, which has since expired, for the negotiating parties to resolve the Federal Government-ASUU imbroglio. Some of us who had been in the educational sector long enough and had witnessed the aberrations knew...
Aug 8, 2022 29 tweets 5 min read

After posting my views on the ASUU strike, someone sent me the following analysis by someone named Kay Lord. I feel it is worth sharing with my esteemed followers on this platform. You can then make up your minds on these issues as you see fit. Rather long, but worth reading, and hoping the "Powers That Be" also get to read this and change their policies:
"The Problem with Nigerian University System".

I have been doing a lot of research on why we continually have problems with university education in Nigeria.
Aug 6, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
In every relationship; it comes a time when the question have to change from WHO is right to WHAT is right. What is the right thing to do regardless of who is right. I believe it’s time for ASUU to call off it’s strike. The medication is now at risk of killing the patient. For as long as I can remember; most of INEC’s RECs have been ASUU members. How well have they served the nation in that capacity? That is a question for all. So ASUU should not consider itself faultless. It’s time to get the students back to school & accept incremental solutions
Jan 31, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
One of the ways to improve your Capacity to Think Critically is to deliberately argue in favour of a position that is opposite to what you believe. Arguing against your preferred position enables u to see the issue from the opposite side. This has TWO vital positive consequences. 1. It allows you to see there is some merit in the argument of the other side, even though u do not agree with it. It helps to broaden your perspective as well. And helps you appreciate that u do not have a monopoly of passion or position on an issue.
Jan 24, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read

The psychological concept of DUALITY explains that we all have good and bad sides to us. We are capable of contradictions and multiple manifestations. A good man can do bad things and a bad man can do good things. Gaddafi was a dictator but led a more peaceful & prosperous Libya than we have today. Hitler had enough good in him to convince over 80% of Germans to vote for him in a democratic election. Saddam was an oppressive leader but he hated Islamic Extremism…
Jan 19, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
A sign of a lawful Parody is for folks to know easily that it’s a Parody. Misleading or Deceptive conduct or Passing Off & Misinformation is not Parody. If u are a parody, u don’t use exact logo or image of Original without a twist that cleverly shows it’s parody. Let’s be guided Copying the original fully and sticking the word parody inconspicuously at the end is not a fair parody. Well planned parody play on words to make it glaring what is being copied but also that it is a parody. Misinformation & damaging mischief does not qualify as parody.
Jan 9, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
I disagree with Twitter’s ban on Trump. While I am not in support of many of his politics & diatribes but a ban is unwise & dangerous.
Voltaire once said; “I might disagree with your opinion, but I am willing to give my life for your right to express it” The caveats and warnings put under some of his tweets by Twitter was sufficient to highlight the non-mainstream nature of many of his views. But banning Trump is dangerous is a democracy. Crazy, unconventional and marginal views are part of democracy.
Dec 14, 2020 19 tweets 4 min read

The Nigeria Police Force (Establishment) Act 2020 was signed into law by President Buhari in September 2020 as a replacement for the antiquated 1943 Legislation we have been using since Independence. Image While the Act contain many provisions that relates to the operations of the Police; there are a few interesting clauses in the Act that should be of special interest to Nigerians. This Thread simply highlights very few of the many provisions.
Oct 11, 2020 46 tweets 9 min read
Rooting out abuse and brutality in the police tactical squads

The various allegations of brutality and extortion against the SARS squad of the police is symptomatic of a wider problem with the entire NPF personnel as a whole. Image Scrapping SARS will not stop the menace as it is merely a fruit of a poisonous tree. All other fruits will be equally poisonous. A more fundamental reform of the police paradigm is needed.
What many Nigerians do not know is the extent of the corruption economy within the police.
Aug 3, 2020 41 tweets 7 min read

From 01 August 2020, CBN gave effect to a new policy that will have major ramification for banking services in Nigeria. The new Global Standing Instruction (GSI) policy provide that at the point of executing loan agreements... Image ...borrowers must also execute a GSI mandate in favour of the participating financial institution (PFI). Should a borrower default in paying a loan, the lending bank can now activate the GSI, give it right to withdraw from the borrowers account held in any other bank in Nigeria.
Jul 28, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read

The psychological concept of DUALITY explains that we all have good and bad sides to us. We are capable of contradictions and multiple manifestations. A good man can do bad things and a bad man can do good things. Image Gaddafi was a dictator but led a more peaceful & prosperous Libya than we have today. Hitler had enough good in him to convince over 80% of Germans to vote for him in a democratic election. Saddam was an oppressive leader but he hated Islamic Extremism so much...
Jun 9, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Every Pandemic has elements of unknowns. D challenge with Covid is some folks have tried to say with certainty what was yet an unknown. So science is now beginning to get a bad name as WHO shifts some of its earlier positions. The caveats that has been missing is problematic. The 1918 Pandemic Virus was not fully discovered until 1933. So scientists were dealing with lots of unknowns during the pandemic in 1918-1920. What is happening now is Scientists have not been transparent enough to put caveats around guidance & honestly say they were not sure.
May 21, 2020 15 tweets 3 min read
DON’T BLAME FEDERAL GOVT FOR EVERYTHING GOING WRONG - Challenging the Failures of State Governors

There is a case of Legal dereliction of duties that can be made against many State Governors in Nigeria. Observing what is happening; it is clear that many Nigerians do not fully... Image ...understand the status of the law hence the FG is blamed for many things unfairly; although FG have a lot to answer for in its own right. Take for instance, cases of the police killings of citizens, the soldiers killing of citizens, kidnappings, herdsmen killings etc.
Apr 13, 2020 16 tweets 3 min read

Different countries have employed different ways to combat this pandemic with successes despite variation in tools employed. Nigeria cannot afford to just copy other countries. A distinctive local solution must be found. Image Our security agencies cannot police the chaos that a prolonged national total lockdown will create. We already see signs of that in Lagos. Hunger & destitution can also kill more people than the virus itself.
So what are some of the ways other nations have managed this pandemic.
Apr 11, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read

“Successful people tend to become more successful because they are always thinking about their successes.” - Brian Tracy

So what do you spend most of your time thinking about these days?…..That thing that consumes your thinking time will end up... Image ...in your future. So you are either making progress or repeating the past. It is your choice. The past is over.. .forget it. The future holds hope.. .reach for it.

Don’t spend all your time during this pandemic just thinking about all the problems.
Apr 2, 2020 17 tweets 3 min read

The trajectory of this pandemic in different nations offer lessons for Nigeria in a way that allows us to own our solution in a bespoke way. South Korea has the pandemic under control without imposing any national lockdown. Image They did this through mass testing, aggressive contact tracing and isolation of suspected victims. And it worked wonderfully for them. Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong achieved elements of control over this virus by mass testing and insistence on citizens wearing face masks.