Dr. Jill Stein🌻 Profile picture
Medical doctor. Presidential candidate. People. Planet. Peace. Campaign updates at @TeamJillStein
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Apr 28 8 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: Jill Stein and her Campaign Manager and Deputy Campaign Manager, Jason Call and Kelly Merrill-Cayer, have been arrested at Washington University in St. Louis while supporting a protest against WashU’s ties to the war on Gaza.
Video from @KallieECox @KallieECox Jill sent this video shortly before the police started arresting students and supporters at Washington University:
Nov 9, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
The political system is broken. Over 60% of us now say the two-party establishment has failed us and we need a party that serves the people.

I’m running for President to offer a better choice for the people. Join us!
Let's put a pro-worker, anti-war, climate emergency agenda front and center in this election and on the ballot across the country.
Feb 24, 2023 27 tweets 5 min read
1/27 In honor of this proxy war birthday, I'd like to share some forbidden truths the war machine does NOT want you to know... because it’s hurting us all, and no one more than the people of Ukraine, the cannon fodder in this tragic war. jillstein.net/blog/2023/02/1… 2/27 We need a movement to overcome the special interests behind the war machine – war profiteers, fossil fuel & Wall Street barons profiting from the carnage. In the interests of building that movement, here are some empowering truths the corporate media keep hidden from view.
Oct 17, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
Threats to Assange's health are the cumulative result of extraordinarily cruel, unusual, degrading & inhuman conditions imposed on him. This includes 10 years in arbitrary detention w/periods of solitary confinement despite never having been convicted of a crime. Assange has been subjected to:
•relentless persecution that systematically violated the rule of law & due process, and had little basis in fact, and
•illegal surveillance in the Ecuadorian embassy which included video recording of his legal & medical consultations.
Feb 24, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
War is a racket & crime against humanity. We must condemn Putin's attack on Ukraine & stand in solidarity with people caught in the crossfire between great powers run by oligarchs & nationalist warmongers. And we need to tell the truth about US/NATO provocations that got us here. In 1990 negotiations on German reunification between the US and USSR, Bush's Secretary of State James Baker told Gorbachev the US could make "iron-clad guarantees" that NATO would not expand "one inch eastward." That promise was quickly broken. latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/…
Feb 13, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
They lied to you about Vietnam.
They lied to you about Iraq & Afghanistan.
They lied to you about Syria & Libya.
They lied to you about Honduras & Bolivia.
They lied to you about Assange & Russiagate.

So why the hell would you believe what they're telling you about Ukraine? Russiagate conspiracy theory is dying & none too soon. Russiagate was the 1st step to manufacture consent for war w Russia, peddled by the same MIC tools now drumming up #UkraineCrisis.
Screw warmongers pushing us to the brink. Pass the mic to the folks who got #Russiagate right!
Dec 7, 2021 12 tweets 4 min read
Right now I’m in a battle for the future of independent politics and I need your help.

Go to jillstein.net to learn about our fight to ensure independents and alternative parties can get on the ballot, challenge the ruling elites and build real democracy! We're fighting an FEC decision that limits independents’ and alternative parties’ use of public matching funds to get on the ballot. The FEC is demanding our 2016 campaign repay $175K in public matching funds we used to complete ballot drives - over 5 years ago!
Oct 30, 2020 11 tweets 4 min read
BIG NEWS: the #Recount campaign has won our court fight in Wisconsin, overcoming the final obstacle to a groundbreaking examination of voting machine source code by defeating voting machine vendors' attempts to gag us from telling the public what we find.

facebook.com/drjillstein/po… WI courts ruled that the largest US manufacturer of voting machines, ES&S, has no right to suppress the findings of our upcoming inspection of voting machine source code. The inspection will bring much needed transparency & accountability to the software that counts our votes.
Mar 6, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
To people voting for Biden because establishment politicians & pundits say he's the most "safe" & "electable": the same people said the same thing about Hillary Clinton. Joe's even more of a DC insider with even more baggage, even weaker campaign & serious cognitive challenges! Biden electability baggage: Iraq War, NAFTA, trying to cut social security and medicare, crime bill, civil rights lies, cognitive issues, inappropriate touching, Ukraine/Burisma, plagiarism scandal, anti-busing bill, "racial jungle", Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas, Hyde Amendment...
Apr 3, 2019 9 tweets 5 min read
NY Times published a video where @Joannahausmann attacks me & others who say no US war on #Venezuela. NYT didn't disclose: her dad is the economist working w/ Guaido to privatize VZ's oil. Last VZ gov't he worked for imposed IMF austerity & massacred the poor when they protested. Joanna Hausmann claims she's not a military hawk. Meanwhile her neoliberal economist father has called for “D-Day Venezuela”: a foreign military invasion of #Venezuela to overthrow the government. What US regime change does he want to replicate in Venezuela: Iraq? Syria? Libya?
Feb 1, 2019 14 tweets 7 min read
They lied to you about Vietnam.
They lied to you about Iraq.
They lied to you about Syria.
They lied to you about Honduras.
They lied to you about Libya.

So why would you believe what they're saying about Venezuela? Venezuela is in crisis. But like the run-up to Vietnam, Iraq, Libya and so many other bloody US foreign policy disasters, we're being bombarded with a one-sided, simplistic, often false narrative. No one claims Venezuela is a threat to us... but they do have LOTS of oil.
Jan 31, 2019 8 tweets 4 min read
CNN tweeted this interview with a quote implying I made Clinton lose. Funny that they cut out the first 3 minutes where I talked about Ranked Choice Voting, which would end the "spoiler" panic. Let's talk about why CNN's attempt to blame and shame independent voters is bogus. Exit polls showed that most people who voted Green wouldn't have voted if we weren't on the ballot. With no Greens, HRC might've netted 11% of our votes - & still lost MI, PA & WI.
(Cc: @NateSilver538)

Trump margin of victory w/ no Green in race:
MI: 5,043
PA: 38,798
WI: 19,330
Jan 29, 2019 11 tweets 4 min read
I'll be on @FoxNews tonight at 8pm ET talking about @HowardSchultz & the Democratic Party establishment's treatment of independent candidates & voters. If you don’t like Fox, please let @CNN, @MSNBC & your favorite channel know I'll talk with them anytime. :) I don't support @HowardSchultz. What I do support is voters' right to have a full say in our democracy. Don't like a system where someone can “split the vote”? Support the movement for Ranked Choice Voting, which lets you vote FOR what you want instead of AGAINST what you fear.