Advocate of the year, Women in Law Awards 2023 | Family Law | Cambridge Academic | Founder @Right2Equality. Personal account. RT/likes not endorsements.
Jan 12 • 8 tweets • 5 min read
In 2024, I fought for rape survivors & women accused of alienation🧵. At the same time @barstandards prosecuted me for criticising a judge’s boys’ club attitude. They threatened to bar me from representing victims. It was an attack on me & the women I represent. I was vindicated.
In 2024, I represented former Member of Parliament, Kate Kniveton in family court. She was a rape victim who secured final orders protecting her child: no direct contact with her rapist, change of child’s surname, limited his parental responsibility and a barring order.
Apr 29, 2024 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
I represented a mother, a victim of rape and domestic abuse by her ex-husband. He sought to present himself as her victim. He claimed the mother ‘influenced’ (or 'alienated') the children against him, but the court found all the allegations the father made about her to be unfounded.
By @hansummers
The father used allegations of ‘parental alienation’ to distress and frighten the mother.
Despite his efforts to paint himself as the victim, his actions were made clear in the courtroom. He consistently recorded the children on a body camera, told the mother she could not speak to the children when it was ‘his turn’ and locked one child in her bedroom.
I represented a domestic abuse complainant in an appeal against unsupervised child contact with her ex-partner who had threatened to “slit her throat” in front of the children. The judge defined this as a “toxic relationship” instead of domestic abuse.
Important appeal addressing the duty to consider fact-finding hearings.
The mother secured permission to appeal on all five grounds including the failure to address her vulnerability as a complainant of domestic abuse and the need for special measures. The father conceded many of her grounds but not all of them.
Apr 7, 2024 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
I represented the mother in the first case that refers to DARVO. The father accused the mother of ‘parental alienation’ and false allegations — in actual fact, he had raped, abused, gaslit and controlled her, as well as abusing the children. He had to pay her £50,000 in costs.
The fact-finding hearing came after a successful appeal on behalf of the mother who asserted it was wrong for the family court to order a psychological assessment of ‘parental alienation’ among other issues. @MyCafcass and the father opposed the appeal. The court determined that ‘parental alienation’ is a question of fact not a psychological diagnosis.
Feb 21, 2024 • 5 tweets • 6 min read
I represented a domestic abuse victim who fled with her child from Italy to England. She successfully opposed the father’s Hague application to return to Italy.
The father had physically assaulted the mother & called her a slut in front of the child.
The mother’s allegations of domestic abuse during the relationship included, for example,
9. M alleges that throughout their relationship F was threatening, controlling and coercive and subjected her to physical, emotional, verbal and sexual abuse (although no details were given of the sexual abuse). While living in Italy, F had opened a restaurant which had failed, leaving F bankrupt. He stopped working and began drinking heavily. While drunk he became very aggressive and violent towards M, making threats to kill her and causing criminal damage in the home by throwing or kicking their possessions. M was constantly in fear for her own and TKJ's safety, particularly when F drove a car with TKJ as a passenger while under the influence of alcohol. M had no support networks in Italy and feared what would happen if she went to the police. F would often threaten that if M left him, he would take TKJ to Egypt and raise her there, with the help of his mother.
10. M relies upon the following specific incidents.
10.1. In January 2020, F came home drunk. The pair had an argument. F hit M so hard in the face using the back of his hand that M bled from her mouth and nose. They were in the living room and TKJ witnessed the assault. There was blood all over the floor. F recorded the aftermath of the incident on her mobile phone…
10.2. In August 2022, F threw a big metal air freshener spray (described also as a heavy perfume bottle) with considerable force; M turned her back and it struck her in the back, ripping her tank top and tearing her skin causing bleeding. The injury became bruised and swollen to the extent she was unable to sleep on her back. TKJ witnessed this incident; she was very scared and still remembers the incident. M took a video of the injury, but no longer has a copy of it. She explains that '[TKJ] accidentally sent it to a Facebook Friend and I deleted it'.
10.3. In November 2022 F threatened kill M with a knife. They were at home with TKJ. F had been drinking. M suggested he should cut down drinking and smoking and explained that it was becoming increasingly difficult for her to care for TKJ on her own. F lost his temper and grabbed a kitchen knife from the kitchen, held it to M's chest and threatened to kill her. M was petrified, apologised and asked him to put the knife down. F then punched her in the face and pushed her onto the balcony. TKJ witnessed the assault. M briefly contemplated escaping by climbing down from the balcony (the flat was on the 2nd floor) but was concerned about leaving TKJ alone with F. Shortly afterwards F left the house and M went back inside to care for TKJ.
10.4. On 15 November 2022 F repeatedly hit M in the face, threw a lighter at her which struck her nose and caused a nosebleed. He then punched her multiple times in the ribs, causing bruising…
10.6. On 1 December 2022 … He then hit M in the face, pushed her into the bathroom and locked her in. While she was in the bathroom he kicked and damaged the door. A photograph of the damaged door was produced in evidence. F also threatened to throw M out of a window. MSC has given a statement describing this incident, including how F appeared in the background without his top on, shouting and swearing at M, his eyes were red and he looked drunk. M looked afraid and kept saying 'it is a disaster with us'. M then ended the call without warning.
10.7. On 8 December 2022 F left a voicemail message for M saying 'Every time you take [TKJ] out and you're planning to return late you must tell me, where the fuck are you?' F later assaulted M when she returned home. F became very angry with M and hit her in the head with a lighter he had in his hand, causing pain and bruising which took a few days to subside.
11. This last incident prompted M to leave F a few days later and to take TKJ with her to the UK...
Aug 13, 2023 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
As my cousin took this picture of me in King’s College, Cambridge — a white male student shouted, “if they catch you, you’ll get chucked out.”
I sharply told him: I belong here, my portrait hangs in the College Chapel — not his.
King’s is a beautiful College and has always welcomed me. It’s like a second home. The comments made by this man are not a reflection of the College (he may have been a student elsewhere) rather they reflect male entitlement & a deep rooted belief that women like me don’t belong.
Dec 20, 2022 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
1/ Amber is not a liar. She is one of millions of women who sought justice in a system that failed her. I stood with her from the start, I stand with her now. I share my thoughts on settling Depp’s defamation claim & what it means for survivors.🧵…2/ I have always fought for victims of domestic abuse. I stand up for women. It’s what I do, this case was no different. I saw this case for what it was: the silencing of a victim. When we speak up about abuse (#MeToo), we have the power to challenge the system & male dominance.
Nov 16, 2022 • 4 tweets • 4 min read
As an expert and barrister in violence against women and girls I’ve signed on to an open letter
supporting Amber Heard. Over 100 of my colleagues have joined me. Please read it
below. #ExpertsForAmber#IStandwithAmberHeard