Jason Sampler 🔜ers Profile picture
Husband to 1, Dad to 10 #Editor #SmallBusinessOwner #Adoption #OrphanCare advocate
Jun 8, 2023 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
No one who has served as a trustee at @SWBTS in the last 20 yrs should ever be allowed to be a trustee again. What kind of fiduciary oversight is this? How are they actually managing the entity in a way that benefits the SBC? This is flabbergasting. baptistnews.com/article/southw… Hiring Patterson was an unmitigated disaster. We've known that for years. But what we didn't know is that it's clear that trustees, until the day they fired him, kowtowed to his mismanagement. And what about current trustees? Were they asleep at the wheel?
Sep 26, 2022 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
Nobody asked me, but i'm going to give my thoughts on @SWBTS and @AdamGreenway. SWBTS was the seminary closest to where I grew up. Its where all of my pastors growing up went to seminary. Its where all of my colleges friends in ministry went to seminary. I went elsewhere, but 1/ I have great affection for SWBTS, if for no other reason than @JLGResources taught there and influenced thousands of students, including my first theology professor, Stan Norman. I want SWBTS to not only do well, but to thrive and train pastors who can serve globally, and /2
Jun 9, 2022 • 22 tweets • 6 min read
A 🧵about the SBC, @GuidepostGlobal, the #SATF, and the upcoming #sbc22.

I am amazed at how ignorant many in the SBC are. I don't mean that pejoratively. I didn't say stupid; I said ignorant. We are so insulated that we don't know how the world operates. What do I mean? Well, for starters, we have at least one Provost of our 6 seminaries that was ignorant of federal law that he is required to follow. And it wasn't some obscure, arcane law. Its a basic and fundamental law of higher education called FERPA. I caught a provost breaking FERPA.
Jun 7, 2022 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
There are countless reasons why I wont vote for @tomascol for #sbc22 president, but here's one. He's actively working to undermine many of our entities. Did you know he runs his own unaccredited institute (instituteofpublictheology.org/about/)? Why does that matter? A short thread: Its not that its unaccredited. I could care less (though its an easy way to avoid accountability). It matters because they are in direct competition with our 6 SBC seminaries. Why should anyone care?
Jun 21, 2021 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
I am genuinely confounded by those within the #sbc who oppose the 2019 Resolution 9 on CRT and Intersectionality. I reread it just now to refresh my memory and I am still perplexed. It states unequivocally that Scripture is supreme and nothing outweighs the gospel. It goes on to say that CTR/I is helpful in some regards to explain from a sociological perspective aspects of our culture that the Bible doesn’t address. Res 9 simply puts into practice the theological concept of “common grace,” that even those without the Spirit can be correct.