Teresa T. Martín-Carreras, MD Profile picture
Vice Chair of Radiology @orlandohealth | Musculoskeletal radiologist | @PennRadiology @UW_MSKrad @ourmedschool @UF Alum | Informaticist
May 31, 2020 27 tweets 18 min read

You're on call and open a chest CT for a patient with suspected #COVID19.

How do you interpret and report the imaging findings?

A #TWEETORIAL of the @Radiology_RSNA Expert Consensus Statement on Reporting Chest CT Findings Related to COVID-19

pubs.rsna.org/doi/10.1148/ry… 2/

This consensus statement has been endorsed by @thoracicrad and @RadiologyACR.

Important work by our faculty @PennRadiology Drs. Scott Simpson & Harold Litt.
Podcast: rsnaradiologycti.libsyn.com/welcome-to-the…

*Figures/tables in this #tweetorial from orig. manuscript, unless otherwise stated.