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Jan 9, 2024 • 16 tweets • 5 min read
Das Arbeitskommando „Plantage“ im KZ Dachau: Zwangsarbeit in Himmlers "#Bio-Garten", um„heimische“ Kräuter anzubauen & biologisch-dynamische #Landwirtschaft zu erforschen, bekannt als #Demeter|anbau.
Die Plantage Dachau wurde von SS-Wachen & mobilen Wachtürmen gesichert, statt komplett eingezäunt zu sein. Die SS nutzte diese Postenketten, um Gefangene willkürlich zu terrorisieren & zu ermorden.
Sep 2, 2021 • 14 tweets • 4 min read
1/14 This video should show Belarusian border guards armed with metal shields pushing migrants towards #Lithuania. It was filmed by Lithuanian border guards & published former Minister for Foreign Affairs & former Minister of Defence of Lithuania @LinkeviciusL
2/14 There is another video published by the State Border Commitee of #Belarus that should show Lithuanian border guards pushbacking asylum seekers to Belarus.
Aug 31, 2021 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
1/5 People at the Polish-Belarusian border try to destroy the barbed wire barricades. They came from the Polish side and held a Polish national flag while trying to cut and remove barbed wire. The barricade was erected by @Straz_Graniczna and the Polish military.
2/5 @Straz_Graniczna and military forces arrested 13 people. 1 Dutch national and 12 Polish nationals. Actions are underway to bring charges against them.
Die Regierung gibt eine Erklärung ab und nun scheint alles im Griff. Doch wo wurden die Proben genau entnommen @nmitarakis? Wir fordern Transparenz und Zugang zur Studie. Hintergründe und offene Fragen hier im Thread:
Vorab: Die Untersuchungen hätten durchgeführt werden müssen, BEVOR Menschen dort in Zelten wohnen. Ganz besonders, weil es sich um ein Militärgelände mit einer Schießbahn handelt. 2/17
Dec 24, 2020 • 9 tweets • 14 min read
⭕️This thread should make you understand why the new camp on the island of Lesbos is called #Moria2 by its inhabitants.
There is no dignity, safety or protection in this camp. Please take the time to read and retweet this thread.
#Christmas2020 #LeaveNoOneBehind
Update: Since a few days there are some showers with warm water. Showers can be taken for only a few minutes once a week. But that does not mean that there are humane conditions now. We will open an extra thread tomorrow to explain the shower system.
!Share! The new Camp on #Lesvos looks like a #Moria2. #Refugeesgr from inside sent us photos/videos. This thread will present the footage in order to give a voice to the refugees silenced again. No one wants to be in this camp. 1/9
The tents at #Moria2 where set up quickly. They have no floor. What's if it rains? They are not winter-proof. The camp is exposed to the north. In autumn & winter the wind is heavy & cold. How to heat these tents? There is no electricity. Almost no light at night 2/9