Steven Lubka ☀️ Profile picture
Head of Private Clients & Family Offices Walking Maximalist (350 miles per month) Praise the Sun ☀️
Jun 12, 2024 20 tweets 7 min read
All life on earth owes its existence to sunlight yet we are told to avoid it

Should we really be hiding from the sun, or is the sun is one of our greatest allies in health?

I explored the research on sun exposure, here is what you need to know👇🧵 Image When most people think of the health benefits of sunlight, they think of Vitamin D

Yet the vast majority of sunlight's benefits are not due to Vitamin D, but instead due to the complex way light manages circadian biology - our bodies responses to light and dark cycles Image
May 11, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
Tether recently announced their Q1 results showing a massive profit but also disclosing a 2% #Bitcoin position

We ran the numbers to show if adding 2% BTC to a 'cash portfolio' improved risk adjusted returns, and fit a low vol portfolio

It did 🧵 Image First, lets clarify our assumptions:

- We had to use treasury proxies (treasury ETFs)
- We cant model the secured loans portion
- We modeled from 2017 to now
- We included quarterly rebalancing

Holding 2% #Bitcoin massivley improved @Tether_to 's conservative portfolio
May 9, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
‘Noooo you have to keep your back perfectly straight or you will injure your discs’

Actually, you can just train your spine in flexion and then your spine will not suck in flexion Also, believe it or not you are stronger in light spinal flexion because your diaphragm and pelvic floor are lined up

‘Neutral spine’ in deadlifts is basically slight extension
May 8, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
I have started to tell my girlfriend 'thats cope' whenever she is coping and it has been amazing

She now tells me when I am coping, and we are both rapidly getting good

She has set several deadlift records in the past few weeks, and life has become much more organized When someone is making excuses, putting things off, or acting defensively simply being told 'thats cope' is highly effective, if you have the desire to 'get good'
Mar 3, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
How would you respond to a political candidate that said the following:

"I am for this policy because I know it is fundamentally right. I will not debate it on a level of rationale. I will not provide reasons why I believe this.

If you agree with me, vote for me" How would you respond to a close friend who said:

"I believe this thing because I know it is fundamentally right. I will not debate it on a level of rationale. I will not provide reasons why I believe this. This is my stance"
Jan 28, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
All of Twitter is simply a proxy war being fought by long dead philosophers whose ideas live inside you "Philosophy is stupid, action is all that matters"

Bro, I am so sorry but you are just a Tulpa that Nietzsche made
Jan 28, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
In Mesopotamia the King was known to embody the archetype of a Deity

However, each year the King was ritualistically stripped of this mantle and made to confess the ways in which he fell short of the ideal

🧵on why transcendental virtues are the antidote to utilitarianism One thing our politicians don't do is admit fault


Surely part of the reason is personal failing, but it's more than that

There are 2nd order impacts to saying "We were wrong" in today's world, especially when all outcomes are utilitarian

Jan 27, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Anyone who is at all confused as to why Bitcoiners like liver, pans, sunlight, anti-seed oils, etc

You simply aren't ONLINE enough

Each of these items possess its own passionate subculture

Bitcoin attracts people who seek out information in online subcultures "Oh gee what a shocker, these people who discovered a niche internet asset and became obsessed with it also do the same with other subjects who could have ever seen it coming?"
Dec 27, 2022 20 tweets 5 min read
Everyone wants to know why modern life has led to so many physical and mental health issues

Diet, exercise, chemicals, culture- everyone has a different theory

What if none of these are the actual drivers?

And what if we are getting closer to finding the real reason?

👇🧵 Let me be clear, I am NOT saying those more common factors have no role

It's clear that they certainly have an effect, and some specific practices (sedentary as opposed to exercise, truly artificial diets vs "suboptimal" diets) more than others


Oct 3, 2022 20 tweets 4 min read
Capital misallocation is one of the most pressing issues with our current financial system, and Bitcoin REALLY does fix this

I wrote an article (which I will be discussing on @WhatBitcoinDid next week) exploring this topic in detail.

Here is why we need #Bitcoin
🧵👇 Image Capital misallocation is when our economic system, due to monetary and financial distortions, is impeded from the efficient allocation of resources

Those resources are Capital

Capital includes factories and commodities, but it also includes knowledge, skilled workers, etc
Oct 3, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Off my last tweet, here is the book idea/plot

A father's child dies due to a genetically preventable disease. The society he lives in has strong social norms against using their advanced technology for many different reasons, including human genetic engineering. The society is extremely high tech, robots work the fields, AI governs central technology advancement, space travel, limited genetic engineering of food crops

However, there are also myriad restrictions on what can be done.

There is a strong central religion
Oct 2, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Why is all of the Sci-Fi transhumanism, and no one can imagine a deep future of high-tech deep traditionalism?

Think (for example) Greco-Roman strong traditional culture, meaningful gender roles, strong social taboos around bad forms of transhumanism Think a sprawling Metropolis of traditional architecture, strong norms and values instead of most sci-fi cyberpunk "anything goes" postmodernism on steroids?

Why isn't this ever even imagined?
Aug 25, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
In this 21st year of the 3rd century of the Empire Joe, first of his name, decreed a debt jubilee for the sons and daughters of the academy.

The factions had grown too unsettled, in their rage they had deconstructed gender and religion. They had to be appeased Virtue was no more, values were another victim of the rage of the academy

Joe believed only a debt jubilee could placate the academy

But the people were unsettled, the peasants couldn't understand why the academy was bailed out

Surely, the farmers had struggled just as much?
Aug 24, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
This notion that despite the appearance of regularity (or fractals) in financial markets there is actually no information there is an important one

Moving from a view of markets as complex but knowable (or modelable) to one where markets are fundamentally uncertain is fantastic This build on another point in the book that price isn't information in the same way it's commonly discussed

While it is information, it's more accurately the destruction of all non-salient information and condensed down into a single variable
Aug 24, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
The reality of all discourse, in every discipline, is that all participants operate with partial information

No one person, no matter how expert, has all of the information available in the discipline

And an entire discipline in aggregate only has whatever information is available at that time, which is always less information than exists

And each discipline, no matter how specialized, has countless intersections with other fields, which participants lack information in

Jul 14, 2022 19 tweets 4 min read
There's been a lot of chatter lately that Bitcoin has failed as an inflation hedge.

But what if I told you Bitcoin has acted perfectly as an inflation hedge?

Where the confusion lies is how people define inflation. Allow me to explain with a summary of my latest article👇🧵 Is inflation the prices of goods increasing? Or is it the expansion of the money supply?

Inflation was originally defined as the creation of more paper currency against a limited supply of collateral (gold, etc)

It didn't refer to prices increasing
May 9, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
1) The focus on limited supply as the value proposition for Bitcoin is misleading people to view ETH as a superior investment if it has decreasing supply

Ultimately the true value of Bitcoin is it's battle tested resistance to changes in monetary policy 2) Even if ETH was actively deflationary, decreasing in supply each year, it would not possess the true value that Bitcoin brings as a monetary asset

Ethereum exposes itself to multitudes of risks that are not appropriate for a purely monetary good
Jan 23, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
There are no signs of a top in terms of liquid supply change

Let's compare the current supply change environment to previous cycle tops

The current level of massive flow to illiquid wallets is unprecedented historically 2/ In 2013 there were 2 meaningful tops

The first one is pictured below in terms of liquid supply flows

It is clear to see that coins started flowing into liquid wallets well before the top occurred, and there were no significant flows to illiquid wallets
Jan 20, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
This was posted and then deleted (not sure why, I appreciate it Radigan!)

So it seems like Plums thesis boils down to *in very broad terms*

"China is supporting Tether/Bitfinex because now they can print dollars"

I feel like this makes several assumptions

1/ Image 2/

That dollars are being printed from thin air. We already have confirmation that Tether is backed * at minimum* by mostly actual cash (with some other assets)

So the thin air bit doesn't make too much sense

Jan 19, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
@NateGeraci - The volume statistics are wrong. The site he uses conflates derivative trade volume with spot inflows.

It counts 100x leverage trades as the same as real dollars flowing in

On a spot capital flow level USDT is only a small part of overall volume

@NateGeraci 2/

- We have a handful of academic peer reviewed prices disproving a casual relationship between tether issuance and BTC price increase

We can however show that BTC price increases drive USDT issuance
Jan 18, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Actually, it looks like not only did @Grayscale buy 16,000 BTC today, but this was the single largest one day purchase of BTC * IN BTC TERMS * not just dollar terms

Wow Haven't like thoroughly vetted this, mostly just compared the amount to a few other notable jumps but if its not absolutely true its almost true