EFTA 4 UK Profile picture
Original campaign for 🇬🇧 to rejoin the EFTA Common market YES political union NO Look to 🇨🇭🇳🇴🇮🇸🇱🇮examples to makebrexitwork
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Jul 27, 2021 32 tweets 14 min read
@Dominic2306 is talking again. What have we learned? Did he ever have a plan for a successful Brexit? And did it involve staying in, or leaving, the #SingleMarket? THREAD @Dominic2306’s discussion with @DavidGauke is worth a read. He admits that costs of 🇬🇧 leaving SM were supposed to fall on 🇮🇪. This is foolhardy in itself, but symptomatic of the lack of a wider plan. /1
Oct 30, 2020 14 tweets 4 min read
1/On Tuesday 27 October EFTA Ministers met virtually for their annual EFTA Ministerial meeting and released video messages celebrating 60 years since the establishment of EFTA in 1960 2/The meeting reinforced EFTA’s commitment to open & rules-based multilateral international trade to fuel economic recovery from COVID and ensure stable trading conditions, including supply chain security
Oct 27, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
1/THREAD on EFTA & the EEA Agreement
-EFTA is an intergovernmental not supranational structure; one of the two independent separate jurisdictions implementing the EEA Agreement.
-EEA Agreement is not an EU treaty. It’s a separate body of international law and own legal order. 2/
-🇳🇴🇮🇸🇱🇮 can (1) accept reject or request amends via the EEA Joint Commitee and/or (2) refuse to place it into their national law without which they are not bound by it.
-In response the EU either makes changes or takes proportionate countermeasures. Usually they make changes
May 7, 2020 17 tweets 3 min read
1/;It's clear that the UK government have given up even trying for a sensible EU - UK deal. Even though we are now outside the EU, any attempt by opposition MPs to insist on any deal (even a flimsy one) will be shouted down as an attempt to "block Brexit!!!!1!1!" 2/ Ask for an extension to the transition period? "You are trying to block Brexit 1!1!1!1 Fewmin!"
Feb 17, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
WARNING: This year, PM Johnson and his associates at the Telegraph (and useful idiots like the Brexit central crowd, Darren Whines and the ERG) are going to Promote ONE KEY MESSAGE 🗣️📢 you need to keep an eye out for 👀 [THREAD] 2/ The message is this - the 🇪🇺 EU is being unreasonable, cruel, bullying 👿😡, intractable and stubborn. This message will be pumped out through newspaper articles, interviews on TV and radio, blogs and tweets.
Jan 22, 2020 15 tweets 4 min read
A lot of people are now saying to Soft Brexit supporters like ourselves that it was "obvious" brexit would turn out this way. And that we have been used by a immoral clique of disaster capitalists who want a Hard Brexit. Here is our response: 1/ remember the Government's Brexit leaflets and website? We do.
Aug 28, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
1/ We are absolutely sick to death of people saying "the 17.4 million people wanted this, the 17.4 million wanted that." We are part of that 17.4 million and we didn't vote for a chaotic no-deal brexit. #brexit 2/ no doubt some brexit voters (a small percentage) wanted no deal, but others were promised a bespoke UK deal or something akin to 🇳🇴 or 🇨🇦. There was no WTO4UK campaign that we recall.
May 22, 2019 18 tweets 5 min read
The Brexit Party is not what people think it is. Some people think it is UKIP 2.0, others think it is going to be the start of some new political revolution. It isn't. It's not a party, its Nigel Farage's personal fan club. In this thread we will attempt to explain. 1. 2. Having spoken to many former UKIP members and activists, they all say the same thing - Farage wants people around him who are three things [1] loyal to him [2] smart enough to be useful [3] not smart or rebellious enough to be a threat to him.
Apr 10, 2019 13 tweets 4 min read
1/ At this point in Brexit, it's hard not to feel disheartened if you are a Liberal leaver. 2/ pre-referendum, every option from closer than Norway to WTO brexit seemed to be listed as a possible destination. (Except of course it wouldn't be WTO - because of "German car manufacturers" etc)
Apr 4, 2019 24 tweets 7 min read
1/ In the images below, we have a mobile telephone and a calculator. They are both similar in many ways. Both are manufactured electronic devices. 2/ in this comparison the telephone will be the single market (the EU's internal market, extended [with key exceptions] to the EEA countries and to a lesser extent 🇨🇭)
Mar 17, 2019 23 tweets 6 min read
In this thread, we would like to address a few brexit issues. But before we do, we would like you to look up the terms 'Potemkin Village' and 'force multiplier' #brexit 2/ In the UK, there has *NEVER* been a demand for a hard brexit. @_SimonBarnett can get you some stats on this. And the Tory backbench MPs who kept the flame of euroscepticism alive for decades talked about a Swiss style deal with the EU or a Norway deal, an FTA at the least.
Mar 12, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
BREXIT THREAD: Some thoughts on the new agreements and what they may or may not mean for EFTA supporters. First, here are the Docs 👇 1. We don't think these new documents substantially change anything. The language is more positive and constructive however.
Mar 5, 2019 11 tweets 3 min read
This is Stupidity on fecking stilts. [THREAD] 2/ if the UK drops substantively all its import tariffs, then signing new free trade agreements becomes much, much harder. @EdConwaySky
Mar 5, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
1/ ITV's Brexit Online Uncovered is must watch television. itv.com/hub/exposure-b… 2/ MPs like @NickyMorgan01 and @Sandbach have received some terrible abuse. 😟
Feb 27, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
BREXIT: The europhobic ERG have been pretty quiet of late. But we might know why. Let's look into our crystal balls... [1] 2/ let's say it's May the 1st. Article 50 was slightly extended (to allow all necessary legislation to pass through Parliament) and we have now left on may 1st. The ERG can take a few weeks off while the £ rollercoasters downhill and up (but mostly down).
Feb 25, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: 1/ Some commentators believe the UK must avoid participation in the European Parliament elections so Nigel Farage et al don't sweep the board. 2/ we don't think that will happen. No doubt some people will feel angry about us not leaving the EU yet - but who will they vote for precisely? Ukip still exists remember (but without Farage)
Feb 24, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
BREXIT: the problem is this place. Let us explain. 1/ 2/ MPs are notoriously difficult to get in contact with, so those groups who want to communicate their ideas to MPs tend to have offices really close to Parliament. Like *really* close.
Feb 23, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
Dear Members of Parliament - some thoughts for you: [1] 2/ You might not now how to vote on Brexit issues. Do you do what your constituency party association tells you? What your conscience tells you? What Think-tanks tell you? What party whips tell you?
Feb 23, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
1/ LEAVE .EU Have tweeted today 23/02/2019 the following image. 2/ We aren't' going to argue about the specific figures but on the issues. Leave. EU are implying that since Switzerland 🇨🇭are outside of the EU 🇪🇺 but do a large amount of trade with the eu, then the UK outside of the EU will have no problem doing the same.
Feb 21, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
1/ Dear MPs - in this thread we are genuinely trying to help. Please read/listen. The UK is indisputably having great difficulties replicating the preferential trade agreements and Free Trade Agreements that we enjoy as members of the EU. But it doesn't need to be this way. 2/ The European Free Trade Association, (which the UK helped to create) has an enviable network of FTAs with countries around the world. In those places where it doesn't have FTAs, it often has Joint Declarations on Cooperation or Mutual Recognition Agreements.
Feb 13, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ Are we alone in thinking that there is something strange about Mrs May? She was a remainer, but almost the first thing she does as PM is invoke article 50 and adopt a hard set of redlines. Ok, that's politics we suppose, but there's more... 2/ as a remainer, she could have used new polls showing less people now support brexit to push for a softer brexit. She hasn't.