Lamar Profile picture
Vet, former nobody analyst in alphabet soup & lots of other stuff along the way.
Magdi Shalash Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jan 5, 2021 12 tweets 5 min read
@RepThomasMassie I am a huge supporter of yours but the notion that Congress should sit this one out isn't correct. Adams and Jefferson discussed making decisions on how to count ballots 1796 & 1800. ECA is unconstitutional. In event of no ascertainable majority House elects iaw 12th Amendment. @RepThomasMassie Courts didn't want to do their duty to settle controversies? Fine. Congress must but not through invoking the ECA. That creates a new unconstitutional way of electing President. Instead support the House election method iaw w/ the 12th A. when the time comes. Thanks.
Dec 30, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
This is wrong for several reasons.

1) The powers that Pence may have or not have aren't spelled out in a positive or negative manner as this thread suggest.

2) The ECA is likely unconstitutional and should be ignored by Pence and Congress.

Cont... 3) Since Pence has his own free will and the constitutional authority to count or not count competing electors, as proven historically even by Jefferson, Pence may also declare an inability to determine the "correct" slate.

Dec 29, 2020 12 tweets 2 min read
There is a flaw in this article's argument that I believe is urgently important to consider before January 6th rolls around.

I don't see anyone discussing it which is quite worrisome.…

Cont.... Don't get me wrong, the article provides a great rundown & "technically" it appears at first glance to thread the proverbial constitutional needle BUT I believe should VP Pence invoke these powers to exclude states as it asserts it will set a catastrophic precedent.

Nov 9, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read

How this plays out:

Trump Wins


Trump is sitting at 214 Electoral College votes (supposedly, although it's really more).

- 214

Cont.... He's going to win Alaska and North Carolina which will add 18 more votes bringing him to 232.

- 232

Jun 28, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
5) Only her understanding for under what justification the Flynn/Kislyak calls existed is in question.

Considering that it was highly classified raw intel one might think she'd want to be ultra clear and certain about all of this one way or the other. 6) Same goes for Obama, Biden, and the entire rest of the gang. They are all in a catch .22. here.

They are discussing intel that shouldn't exist in a raw format in their presence, shouldn't be used for law enforcement purposes, & yet no discussion of its origins, legality etc?
Jun 28, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read

1) Does anyone know if Susan Rice has been asked why she clearly lied to Congress under oath during her Sep 8, 2017 House Testimony?

From p. 41

Source:… 2) Some may say, "well, it wasn't an 'investigation' yet", or, "well, she didn't 'know' it was an investigation" etc.

Ok, so why didn't she ask how/why the Flynn calls were being collected then? Under what justification/predicate could it be used for law enforcement purposes?
Jun 24, 2020 15 tweets 4 min read

1) What really happened with the Flynn case?

Hard to know when outside looking in but I believe DOJ dropping case has two "real" purposes. 1) protecting sources & methods, 2) pursuing justice on macro level looking back to Obama, not just on behalf of @GenFlynn . 2) The government/executive jealously guards sources and methods obviously and courts usually assist in this effort, even if it's hush hush, especially when it comes to limiting discovery in cases that are clearly based on parallel construction.
May 20, 2020 27 tweets 7 min read

Sometimes we just need to ask the right questions. For example: In what universe is it possible that @JoeBiden is the Democrat Party nominee?

Unifying Theory:

THREAD Let's acknowledge the Obama Administration abused the US Intel apparatus for many years. They & others who were heavily invested in keeping this fact concealed did everything they could to keep @realDonaldTrump from getting elected, including by illegaly spying on Trump.
May 17, 2020 21 tweets 8 min read
#Obamagate - A tale of: Spying without warrants, using parallel construction as a workaround for targeting political foes, using the IC/LEA "wall" as a shield to hide improprieties behind the wall allowing a politically motivated "investigation" based on subterfuge.

THREAD 1) In this link/screenshot we see that the "Flynn/Kislyak" call was "unavailable" to the court. (Indicates likelihood of Parallel Construction - protecting sources and methods)… Image