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Mar 18th 2023
Meanwhile, Real Criminals with Real Evidence of Real Crimes go unchecked. 🎼@RealBrysonGray
#BidenCrimeFamilly #TrumpsInnocent #TRUMP2024
The time ABC news does one clip about #HunterBiden. #Ukraine #Burisma #BidenCrimeFamily #MustWatch #Share
Read 9 tweets
Feb 24th 2023
𝗪𝗵𝗼 𝗶𝘀 𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗟𝗟𝗬 𝗯𝗲𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗮𝗱𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻? 🧵

We have all heard of 𝙨𝙝𝙖𝙙𝙤𝙬 𝙜𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨, and it certainly appears that the current administration had some pre-meditated installment. But by 𝐰𝐡𝐨?
The other day Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, made an oopsie and named #Obama as the current president. Freudian slip?
Disclosure: The following thread is intended to observe and opine on possible connections. This is not intended to provoke harassment to any of the said individuals. Any images will be subject to commentary, criticism, and education, therefore falls under Fair Use.
Read 22 tweets
Dec 21st 2022
Read 332 tweets
Nov 28th 2022
Read 168 tweets
Aug 19th 2022
Read 232 tweets
Oct 11th 2021
First, crazy and reliable are mutually exclusive

Obama Deep State nonsense is a conspiracy theory

If you’re going to fight disinformation you have to bomb with facts.

This thread is an example of how to identify liars, QAnon & why I would destroy Flynn in an interview. Thread/
#Obamagate Disinformation Campaign (ref @ncri_io)

Obamagate was a prevalent conspiracy theory pushed by QAnon accounts, right-wing influencers, and President Donald Trump in May. The Obamagate hashtag surfaced on May 10th, 2020… 2/25
accumulating over two million tweets by the end of May 11th, and another four million tweets by the end of the week. According to research by @AlKapDC, a researcher at Media Matter, #Obamagate originated on QAnon Twitter. 3/25
Read 25 tweets
Jan 18th 2021
#ICYMI Ep. 1436 We Need a Plan. Here it is. - The Dan Bongino Show® @dbongino Parler TOS, Leftist Inside Capital, Protest Censorship: Don’t Use Platforms, Liberals Will Come For Trump Supporters, 3rd Party Won’t Work, #SpyGate HUGE DROP, & More!…
BLM activist who documented time inside US Capitol during Trump riots wanted to 'see the truth'

#BLM #Activist #Recorded #Mentioning #Capital #Invasion #Planned #WeDidIt…
Everything Is Broken

And how to fix it…
Read 4 tweets
Jan 1st 2021
#Obamagate was started by trolls.

Data is the only way to refute idiocies like Obamagate. Our @ncri_io report details how trolls start & spread conspiracy theories through “coordinated inauthentic behavior”, using Obamagate as a primary example.…
Starting with #QAnon networks and worming its way to the White House twitter feed, #Obamagate sells nutjobs the idea that Obama (and a pedophile deepstate) controlled US Intelligence to try and jail President Trump so they could drink the blood of children and gain eternal life
Part of how #QAnon works is to create an interconnected mythology with more populist versions on the surface - Obama tried to get the FBI to spy on the Trump campaign - with craziness getting heavier the deeper you go: they were satanic deepstate pedophiles for instance...
Read 5 tweets
Dec 28th 2020
A mob led by local Muslim clerics destroyed a Hindu temple in Southern Pakhtunkhawa Karak, Pakistan. #Hindus & #Christians persecuted in Pakistan & #JoeBiden gives money to #Pakistan

#MAGA #StopTheSteaI2020 #Trump #BeijingBiden #GOP #BidenCheated2020 #FightForTrump #Bhagavadgita
This temple burnt today was built in 1919. Closed by locals in 1947. Was restored in 2015 on orders of Supreme Court of Pakistan

Entire #Pakistan only has 30 functional #Temples

No place for #Hindus & #Christians

@HinduAmericans @BharadwajSpeaks @OpIndia_com #bhagavadgita4all
Read 60 tweets
Dec 22nd 2020
#ICYMI Ep. 1416 The Real Story Behind What Soros Is Up To - The Dan Bongino Show® @dbingino George Soros Funding DA Elections, Secretary of State Elections, Ukraine Do Not Prosecute List, Soros Controls Streets & Elections, & More!…
Order Dan Bongino’s @dbongino #1 Best Seller “Follow the Money: The Shocking Deep State Connections of Anti-Trump Cabal” for account of troubling connections between the anti-Trump lunatics. @dbongino #BestSeller #ObamaGate #DrainTheSwamp #MAGA2020 #Ad
Backed by Soros Cash, Radical District Attorneys Take Control in DC Suburbs

#Investor #Shorting #Stocks #Currencies #Manipulates #Crime #Levels #Manipulating #DA #Elections…
Read 4 tweets
Dec 18th 2020
#ICYMI Ep. 1414 The Most Explosive Revelation Yet In The Biden Scandal - The Dan Bongino Show® @dbongino - We Like Angry Dan!, Biden Office Mates Scandal, Hunter Biden & Uranium Scandals Linked, Democrats Hide China Espionage with Russia Hoax, & More…
Order Dan Bongino’s @dbongino #1 Best Seller “Follow the Money: The Shocking Deep State Connections of Anti-Trump Cabal” for account of troubling connections between the anti-Trump lunatics. @dbongino #BestSeller #ObamaGate #DrainTheSwamp #MAGA2020 #Ad
EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Called His Father And Chinese Business Partner ‘Office Mates’ In September 2017 Email

#HunterBiden #Emails #Expose #CCP #Link…
Read 4 tweets
Oct 28th 2020
Here’s a small sampling of #QProofs from the past 3 years.

How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?

#QAnon #WWG1WGA Image
Read 14 tweets
Oct 21st 2020
We don't have a free press anymore.

They've been totally corrupted in service of the swamp and America's enemies -- China, Iran, and Russia.

Democrats and the media are compromised.

The media provided cover for Obama and Biden to send pallets of cash to Iran. the No. 1 state sponsor of terror, put them on a pathway to nuclear weapons, and took Iran's side when we took Soleimani out

Obama and Biden took American killer Soleimani off the sanctions list
The media provides cover for Communist China by blaming the American president for what the CCP did

They don't search for patient zero, they mimic state-run China TV

And they provide cover for Joe Biden and his corrupt deals with the CCP

Read 4 tweets
Oct 14th 2020
Vous vous souvenez l'#Obamagate, #Biden et #Obama promis à 50 ans de prison par #Trump? Eh bien, SON ministère de la Justice mené par Barr a enquêté sur les demandes de "désanonymation" des comptes-rendus d'écoutes sous #Obama. Et...RAS. Dans les règles.…
2) Et comme on l'écrivait dans cette enfilade d'explication sur le cas Flynn en mai dernier,si des responsables sécurité nationale d'#Obama ont demandé la désanonymation de Flynn sur des écoutes, c'est parce qu'il avait trop causé à l'ambassadeur de Russie
3) Bref, en décembre 2016, le futur conseiller sécurité nationale de #Trump, Flynn, a négocié en douce avec l'ambassadeur de Russie contre la présidence Obama. Sa conversation a été interceptée. Et la sécurité nationale US a fait son job en désanonymant.
Read 24 tweets
Oct 9th 2020
Twitter is censoring discussion of #Obamagate.

Compare the very limited search results when you search for #obamagate… (just 8 “top” results and **0** “latest results)

...and this more honest, uncensored search:…
I use DDG to search inside sites a lot now, usually on YouTube, but now apparently on Twitter. Manipulative fools.
Wait...I spoke too soon. There aren’t any tweets in the DDG search newer than 2018. Most are taken down. And *my* new #obamagate is now the only “latest” result for this popular hashtag?! What’s going on?

My guess is DDG uses old data from the Twitter API.
Read 9 tweets
Sep 25th 2020
De bizarre complottheorie QAnon is in opkomst in de VS, tot in het machtscentrum in Washington. Maar ook in Nederland is de samenzweringscultus populair.
Kijk hier onze complete reportage. 👇📺
Daaronder uitgebreide draad >>…
In Nederlandse QAnon-groepen op Facebook zijn dit jaar 40.000 berichten geplaatst die leidden tot een half miljoen interacties. Dat blijkt uit een analyse van de UvA i.o.v. Nieuwsuur.
M’n artikel over QAnon hier 👇…
In nog eens 300 andere Nederlandse Facebookgroepen werden QAnon-berichten gedeeld. Op besloten groepen en verwijderde groepen hadden we geen zicht. Er is een duidelijke stijgende lijn te zien van berichten sinds de corona-lockdown dit voorjaar.
(analyse door @favstats UvA) Image
Read 92 tweets
Sep 16th 2020
URGENTE! #OBAMAGATE O Comitê de Segurança Interna do Senado Americano acaba de aprovar intimações para o ex-diretor da CIA John Brennan, ex-diretor de Inteligência Nacional James Clapper, ex-diretor do FBI James Comey e outros funcionários do governo Obama!
O comitê também autorizou intimações para o ex-chefe de gabinete de Obama Denis McDonough, ex-advogada do FBI Lisa Page, o ex-agente do FBI Joe Pientka, a ex-embaixadora nas Nações Unidas Samantha Power, O ex-diretor de contra-espionagem do FBI Bill Priestap;
A ex-Assessora de Segurança Nacional de Obama Susan Rice, o ex-agente do FBI Peter Strzok, o ex-advogado do FBI Kevin Clinesmith, dentre outros.
Read 3 tweets
Sep 3rd 2020

Rapprochement Is a Fantasy—#Iran Thrives on Tension With the U.S.

“… reconciliation with the U.S. is threatening and unacceptable, and all attempts at rapprochement must be suppressed.”

Yet Obama/Biden remain staunch advocates of appeasement.…
“… recuperation of $1.7 billion in frozen assets that coincided with the release of American prisoners in January 2016.”

“At times, observers and policymakers in the U.S. have vested their hopes, and even their policies, in the possibility that tensions among Iran’s political factions might serve to attenuate the regime’s anti-American commitments. Such thinking is wishful at best.”
Read 10 tweets
Aug 29th 2020
Esta Thread eu tive ajuda da @WitcherFrog e da @sucurlei1 e sou grata pelas informações e ajudas que tive pra passar as seguintes informações que disponibilizarei aqui!
Se preparem pq Setembro em diante vai ser cheio de aventuras! A hora é essa!
1] Preparei essa Thread com o intuito de trazer esperanças, e alguns assuntos que jamais veremos na MSM, o que nos espera não tem nada a ver com globalismo e escravidão da humanidade! Se esse assunto não ressoou com você, ignore e deixe pra lá!
2] O COVID-19 foi usado pela Cabala, mas foi tmb usada pela Aliança como cortina de fumaça para salvar crianças vítimas de pedo filia e abusos satâ nicos, além de implementar um sistema financeiro quantum, que começou no Domingo 02/08/20
Read 62 tweets
Aug 27th 2020
#CrimesAgainstChildren #ObamaGate #HumanTrafficking
Are you ready for a roller coaster ride that will likely make you dizzy?
How does
a) Trump speech Ohio
b) FBI raid Cleveland
c) Kolomoisky & Boholiubov, Ukraine
d) Hunter & Joe Biden
e) Pharma
---connect with:...
f) Epstein & Maxwell
g) Les Wexner
h) Modeling Agencies
i) World-wide human trafficking
j) Mexican drug cartels
Let us dive into a complicated, convoluted rabbit hole!
Illustrate the enormity of a tangled web so complicated that it would take a minimum of 2 large volumes of books to list & present just the most crucial details of each part and how they connect.
Read 30 tweets
Aug 27th 2020
No surprise that Brian Urlacher is against Black athletes striking to draw attention to police brutality.
NFL Hall of Famer Brian Urlacher follows 6 Qanon accounts on Instagram and has liked posts dismissing police brutality, pushing Hydroxychloroquine for #COVIDー19, and other Q conspiracies theories.
One of the Qanon accounts Brian Urlacher follows praised Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse as “doing nothing wrong” and referred to his murders as attempts to “clean up the community.”
Read 17 tweets

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