David A. Marcus, MD Profile picture
EM/IM/CC Residency Director @NSLIJ_EM. GME Well Being Chair. Meducator, Activist, Ethicist. Co-Creator #EMconf. Fan of #FOAMed
Jan 26, 2022 26 tweets 7 min read
As an ethicist who teaches #medstudents about the ethics of organ allocation I'm thrilled that organ transplantation is in the news. But many are troubled by the latest case. Is it right to refuse a heart to the unvaxxed? Who decides? Read on for, I hope, some clarity... A🧵... First, some background.
One perspective:
Jul 4, 2018 9 tweets 3 min read
Here’s my small contribution to #TipsForNewDocs - ready? YOU DON’T NEED ANY TIPS. IGNORE THIS THREAD. YOU ARE AMAZING! Remember why you’re here and stay true to yourself. You’ll get the hang of it in no time. And if not, reach out to a friend. #sorrynotsorry #tipoverload Allow me to explain why you should ignore #TipsForNewDocs, or at least set it aside for now (and I mean no offense to the originators, it’s full of really GREAT tips). Seems to me that this thread attempts to address, and ameliorate, the anxiety caused by 2/x