Elke Reunis Profile picture
@WMPaeds trainee, love #PEM #MedEd #simulation, travelling & baking #ChoosePaediatrics #WMPaedsFamily 🧡 She/her | Unpaid Social Media Manager @kwamedy
Jan 6, 2021 15 tweets 10 min read
Incredible paediatric ST3 regional teaching day organised by @DrSeanMon

Feel so privileged to be a @WMPaeds Trainee and have monthly study leave to attend this amazingness 🤩

#PaedsRocks #ChoosePaediatrics

A summary of my highlights: First up Sean did an interactive session on #debriefing sharing frameworks for structuring a debrief both from literature & his own top tips(using pics to illustrate rather than lots of text -love this @DrSeanMon #MedEd technique, def going to steal this for future teaching 😆) ImageImage