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15 subscribers
Mar 8 26 tweets 6 min read
Absorption Part II

In the last video / thread we covered the mechanics of what’s happening when absorption is occurring. The DOM was used to help visualize what is happening “under the hood”.

But, do you need a DOM to find absorption?

Nope. 🧵 This week we are going to look at a few examples using the footprint and how I use it along with a “delta by price” profile, this is essentially a volume profile but where the ask volume - bid volume is calculated and the delta is the difference between that calculation.

Example Image
Feb 23 24 tweets 5 min read
Absorption when properly understood and executed on is an approach that uses specific criteria to that gives a great trade setup.

You may hear the term “trapped traders” and while this name is fun and catchy I don’t really subscribe to the idea...

Lets' do a run down. Something I have long referred to as liquidity zones...

When we move away from these area’s it is not a result of trapped traders but traders get “trapped” as a byproduct of running into areas of high liquidity.
Jan 21 21 tweets 3 min read
Trading during a Trump Presidency

A practical guide… 🧵

For intraday traders mainly.. This is a guide written mainly for intraday traders (fancy term for day traders) who mainly trade futures markets. If you haven’t traded during the last Trump presidency there are somethings you should know and be aware of.
Aug 25, 2024 15 tweets 5 min read
In the trading community we hear and repeat many things that are widely accepted as fact, without anyone really challenging the view.

Here’s an example:

”Markets stay in balance 80% of the time and trend 20%” of the time"

Lets talk about it... Image I certainly believed that too and I have seen this repeated and repeated it myself over the many years I have been trading. In fact I designed most of my trading approach around this simple idea that I should be “fading the edges” and trading from “extreme to back to the middle (balance)”. I also know that many of you do the same.
Jan 14, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read
Single Prints

A simple market profile concept you can utilize without being a market profile purest.


#NQ_F #ES_F #futurestrading Image 2/ Market profile AKA TPO charts are essentially a 30 minute candle chart organized by using letter sequences that represent each 30 minute period. For example the RTH open would start with the letter A then 30 minutes later the letter B so on and so forth.
Jun 12, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Knife Catching Ends with Bloody Hands

My favorite method to avoid catching the knife, reduce FOMO, and find better R:R trades.


#Trading #WeekendStudy Image I know that everyone on FinTwit always buys the exact bottom and top, how do I know this? Well it’s simple, they always brag about those 0 MAE trades :)
Apr 15, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
1/ Trading with Delta contd..

#FuturesTrading #Trading $ES_f $NQ_f $RTY_f $SPX $NDX

Last week a wrote a thread about how I use delta in day trading futures markets. Here's a few thoughts and chartbooks. Image 2/ NQ - I use a 1-10 Point and Figure with tick size of 2 ImageImage
Apr 9, 2022 32 tweets 6 min read
1/ Trading with Delta and finding Liquidity Zones

Delta is a simple measurement of ask volume minus bid volume, many traders use various forms of delta to infer who is the most aggressive participant in the current auction. Image 2/ Today I’ll walk you through how I use Delta to identify a very simple trade setup which I will refer to as a liquidity zone.