Q: Any styling tips?
A: Just style yourself to the best of your ability, think of how others will perceive you as! I’ll ans the qns fast since I wna ans all of the qns
Q: Any preferred style of sleepwear
A: I have around 20 pjs, I really like pjs made of the material
Jan 21, 2021 • 79 tweets • 24 min read
210121 #EXO#KAI Huya SM Super Idol League Real-Time Translation by EXOUpdates_Subs 🐻❤️ [THREAD] #카이#엑소 @weareoneEXO
opened the thread bc they opened the livestream!~ ❤️ Just a reminder, he’s going to play the Chi ver of PUBG and FIFA today! ☺️