EarthCube Profile picture
From 2011-2022 the EarthCube cyberinfrastructure program has been funded by @NSF and fostered an interdisciplinary community that spanned geoscience domains
Dec 2, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
Collective progress in research data management & access is often supported by carrots and sticks of funder and publisher requirements.

In "FAIR play in geoscience data" @NatureGeosci announces new publication practices.…
#FAIRdata h/t @deepseadawn 1/ In endorsing #FAIRdata principles, @NatureGeosci
1-will require authors to make data accessible in public repositories, &
2-will support additional types of in-publication supplements, esp encouraging Source Data files for each figure and supplement. 2/
Oct 17, 2019 9 tweets 14 min read
In honor of #NationalFossilDay today, #EarthCube celebrates some of its #paleo domain projects - partnerships among geoscientists, software engineers, & data experts to develop practices and software tools to help answer critical science questions.

Roughly chronologically: .#EarthCube started with a set of @NSF_GEO funded workshops, hosted by leading geoscientists with end users in their own fields, to first gather science needs. Result: priorities for critical questions in 24 domains + overall summary. Paleogeoscience here:…