Ed McDonald 💥 Profile picture
Author of DAUGHTER OF REDWINTER & The Raven's Mark novels: BLACKWING, RAVENCRY and CROWFALL. TTRPGS. Contact: edmcdonaldauthor@gmail.com Rep: @a_cochran
Aug 14, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
A thread about why LEGEND by David Gemmell is the greatest fantasy novel of all time.
When I was about 14, I got given Legend for Christmas. I'd never heard of David Gemmell. I read a lot of fantasy. This book single-handedly gave me my entire life philosophy.
If you haven't read it, Legend is about a group of men who defend a fortress, Dros Delnoch, against impossible odds, knowing that victory is impossible, and there is no way they can win. They decide to fight there, and to die there.
Art: Gerald Miley
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Feb 26, 2022 19 tweets 6 min read
Writing Tip 17: Querying an agent
This isn't really a writing tip, it's more of a process tip. I'm not an agent, so bear that in mind, but I'll outline my process and how it worked for me. My successful cover letter is used throughout the thread.
#amquerying #amwriting
1/18 First of all:
Write an amazing book. Your book doesn't just have to be a good book; it needs to be an amazing book, in the top 0.1% an agent will read of 1000's. The opening chapters need to be extraordinary. If you don't feel it's the best book you've read, keep revising.
Feb 25, 2022 16 tweets 4 min read
Fantasy Writing Tip 16: Location, location, location. And activities.
This tip isn't about world building exactly, it's more about writing individual scenes, and how to get the best out of them so that they're memorable and really pop.
1/16 Sometimes when I'm writing a scene I find that I'm not that interested in it. I know that the protagonist (and the reader) needs the information that the scene will give. But when I'm not interested in it, I know the reader won't be either.
The solution: Set it on fire.
Feb 25, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
A pizza anecdote.
One time last year I was out with friends celebrating a sword fighting scholarship, and after I got home at 3am I wanted a pizza. So I ordered while in the taxi on the way home, and the 1st said it wouldn't deliver until 4am. This would not do. 🍕
1/10 I'd ordered a pepperoni pizza and wings along with a coke but honestly an hour delivery time, at this hour?!? So I cancelled the order and got the confirmation. I then set about ordering from somewhere else when I got home.