Elke Babiuk Profile picture
Former Progressive Conservative - 40 yrs!
3 subscribers
Nov 4, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Good luck #abpoli! You'll *finally* need to accept AB is a landlocked Prov that will be subject to tariffs & responsible for BILLIONS of $s needed to cleanup unremediated abandoned wells & your toxic leaking tailing ponds.

Indigenous lands are not yours either.
#cdnpoli #ableg Feds to study toxicity of oilsands tailings

"...the assessment of naphthenic acids and other substances on the list would begin in June 2025, a year after the government intends to publish the full list of substances for consultation."

#cdnpoli #abpolinationalobserver.com/2024/05/30/new…
Jun 6, 2024 5 tweets 4 min read
@Swiftie01 🤣 zero respect on the international stage:

winner of Five fossil awards & in 2013 a "lifetime unachievment award" for "obstructionist behavior"

@Swiftie01 PET Legacy vs what exactly was Harper's Legacy? Scandals? Authoritarian control of his caucus? Cutting over 20,000 federal servants with Draconian cuts while hiring 3,325 spin doctors?

Jun 3, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
@LailaGoodridge @CPC_HQ @somerspsych More people are dying in AB from toxic drugs so stay in your LANE!

BC hasn't legalized drugs. Stop lying.

Why aren't you listening Ms Goodridge? BC's #SaferSupply program is helping & working while AB's deaths are up!

#abpoli #bcpoli #cdnpoli ourcommons.ca/documentviewer…

@LailaGoodridge @CPC_HQ @somerspsych thread by @KmarkovCTV

The toxic drug carnage in AB is Poilievre's & Ms Goodridge's preferred system of care for addicted Canadians yet their toxic drug deaths are way up while BC's are dropping & they want to stop #harmreduction & #SaferSupply? SHAME! threadreaderapp.com/thread/1791570…
Jun 2, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
I used to respect Chong but since he falsely claimed the faux scandal with JWR was a constitutional crisis, no more.

His Senate claim belongs to the Harper era that he served in!

I would truly like to know how moderate Conservatives are so easily radicalized?

#cdnpoli The Senate renewal by the LPC was about fostering "...a less partisan Senate that is more independent...."

An independant arm's length advisory board was tasked with providing nominees & applicants based on "merit-based criteria" (screenshots)!

#cdnpoli senate-gro.ca/senate-renewal…

May 28, 2024 14 tweets 6 min read
PM Trudeau vindicated once again.

Will it dominate the news cycle like so many of #PierrePoilievre's LIES or phony scandals cooked up Journalists with anonymous sources, or will it be a 1-day article?
#cdnpoli #ForeignInterference

Let's review.
Image An earlier thread of mine on the patently absurd claims of a partisan leaker
May 24, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Why are Conservatives allowed to spew such BS without pushback from Journalists? It's not about blanket decriminalizing hard-core drugs. It's the possession of **small** amounts that won't mean an automatic prison sentence for an addict.

#onpoli #bcpoli #cdnpoli #SaferSupply “There is currently no evidence to support a widespread diversion of safe supply drugs to the illicit market in B.C. or Canada.”

#HarmReduction #ToxicDrugCrisistheglobeandmail.com/opinion/articl…
May 24, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
The country is on fire. Pierre Poilievre doesn’t seem to care

Please please tell me more "about the sex habits of iguanas" #PierrePoilievre! 😂

#cdnpoli #cdnpolitics #ClimateChange
NO to #AxeTheTax!
YES to #CarbonTax so 🇨🇦's exports won't be penalized! theglobeandmail.com/opinion/articl…

Image Comments on the Globe piece are a fine blocking opportunity.

Conservatives don't get that our fire season starts earlier, ends later, & burns much more area because of the #ClimateCrisis than in yrs past so what started the fire is irrelevant!

That CO2 is plant food is my fav!
Apr 18, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Harper inherited a structural surplus of $13 BILLION & blew thru that b4 the global financial crisis. In order to run a surplus in the LAST YR in office when he created a *made-in-Canada* recession while U.S. was booming, he sold Canadian assets at fire sale prices.
#cdnpoli Conservative economics drives & exacerbates income inequality.

Mar 26, 2024 21 tweets 12 min read
Excellent analysis exposing CPC's
Snake Oil Salesman in the HOC:

"Technology not Taxes" is a LIE.
#cdnpoli #cdnpolitics #ClimateCrisis #PollutionPricing
#CarbonTax #GHG #ClimateAction uncommons.ca/p/axing-seriou…
"Incredibly, Poilievre calls the price on pollution a “scam” in the same breath that he offers the snake oil of “technology not taxes.”"

"It’s a relentless conservative campaign to undercut serious climate action, and destroy any consensus to act." uncommons.ca/p/axing-seriou…
Feb 28, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read

In the committee meeting today, Conservatives were intent on re-litigating their 5-yr-old faux #SNC scandal on whether PM Trudeau allegedly obstructed justice by interfering with the Attorney General's refusal to consider a #DPA for SNC-Lavelin
#cdnpoli Image 2) REVEALED today was that the ethics commissioner's RESPONSIBILITY was to STOP their review IMMEDIATELY if they SUSPECTED criminality or criminal intent by PM Trudeau.

Guess what never happened ‽‽‽‽

The Ethics commissioner didn't refer the matter to the RCMP!
#cdnpoli Image
Feb 27, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
1) Pierre Poilievre’s freedom isn’t very free

Poilievre’s version of "freedom" is a feature of today's Conservative ideology & not a bug b/c it started with Stephen Harper!

#cdnpoli #cdnpolitics nationalobserver.com/2024/02/27/opi…

2) Stephen Harper's Conservative Gov tried to muzzle our Charter of Rights but it withstood his ideological quest to bend the Courts to his will!

Many of Harper's unconstitutional laws were about neutering a Judge's experience, discretion, & authority.lietracker.ca/2019/02/03/cha…
Feb 26, 2024 9 tweets 5 min read
Harpernomics - - was Reaganomics on steroids & the long-ago debunked theory that giving the wealthy tax cuts trickle-down to the poor: they don't & it greatly exacerbates income inequality!
#cdnpoli #cdnecon #cdnpolitics macleans.ca/economy/econom…

Image More evidence of the disaster that Harpernomics was & the growth of income inequality in Canada:
Feb 5, 2024 18 tweets 6 min read
on @PnPCBC, Danielle Smith *refused* to name the medical experts she consulted on her Trans policies.

Any bets that the alleged divided medical community she claims exist & who support her draconian policies are outside the scientific consensus?

#abpoli #cdnpoli #ableg Doesn't seem like there's any divisions on gender care within the Pediatric medical community so WHO exactly did Danielle Smith consult who claimed there was division & who supports her draconian anti-choice policies?
Feb 5, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
He will bypass courts & increase sentences but doesn't blame them for lower sentences? 🤦‍♀️

Harper laws FAILED:

"My legislation is Charter-proof..." Poilievre said. "It's not the courts that have turned loose criminals & allowed this crime wave. It's Justin Trudeau." #cdnpoli
Image Poilievre's #CommonSense - a Harper redux - makes no sense b/c it was previously unconstitutional!

Charter WAR driven by Conservative Ideology

Many of Harper's unconstitutional laws were about neutering a Judge's experience, discretion, & authority lietracker.ca/2019/02/03/cha…
Dec 23, 2023 14 tweets 6 min read
#CanTheCon: 80% of natural gas & propane used to heat greenhouses are #CarbonTax exempt. Food inflation is caused by #ClimateChange & rising energy costs.

People who gamble on a variable mortg should never lock-in for more than 1 yr!

#abpoli #cdnpoli

04/12/23: Fraser & Newman: Food is too expensive, but don't blame climate policy
Oct 31, 2023 8 tweets 5 min read
What annoys me about their privilege, entitlement, & victimhood is that average salaries for residents in AB & SK are higher than what many Maritimers make who live in energy poverty b/c they're using hugely expensive heating oil!

#abpoli #skpoli #cdnpoli #ableg

#CarbonTax whiners: Rural Canadians also get a break with higher rebates.

Poilievre's #AxetheTax scam actually robs Peter to pay Paul. Don't fall for it:

stealing rebates from low income folks to benefit those who drive gas-guzzling RVs & $65,000+ trucks requiring a $200/fill! Image
Oct 23, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Democracy Watch lost all credibility with the nonsense they're spewing.

There is absolutely nothing that is legally actionable because no crime was committed according to JWR herself: #cdnpoli
"Jody Wilson-Raybould said herself in all her interactions with Justin Trudeau over #SNC - NOTHING illegal or criminal took place"

Oct 13, 2023 23 tweets 10 min read
Not all of C-69 was unconstitutional. The “designated projects” are!

The law will stand if required amendments to bring it into compliance are enacted.

Harper’s CEAA2012 environmental legislation also included “designated projects” so those were also unconstitutional!


"Writing for a majority of the Court, Chief Justice Wagner ruled that the reference questions should be answered in the affirmative: the federal impact assessment scheme is unconstitutional in part."

Oct 3, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Unless there is primafacie evidence of war crimes, our Charter of Rights will stop the release of those names!

Neither the Nuremberg Tribunal, Canada's Deschênes Commission, Canadian Jewish Congress or the RCMP found the 14th Galicia Div guilty of war crimes.

#cdnpoli 2) Mr. Simon Wiesenthal greatly exaggerated the list of alleged Nazis in Canada by 400% according to the Deschênes Commission!

Also according to the Commission report & historical facts, the Wiesenthal Center's claim that "...Hunka’s unit’s “crimes against humanity during the Image
Aug 25, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
#CdnMediaFail: "Most Canadians" were not polled!

@TorontoStar Why does the author's smear aimed at PM Trudeau try to smear Mr Colletto with this:

"Liberals routinely malign" Mr Poilievre "who tries to stoke anger for his own gain"?

Are all Cartoonists Liberals? #cdnpoli ⬇️

"PierrePoilievre 2.0 isn’t new. Like the rest of us, he is what he is. He is mean. He is a nasty piece of work, can’t help it."

Aug 14, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
The Victimhood & Grievance politics of Conservatives today is really about selfishness, driven by their lust for power. Poilievre knows exactly what he is doing. Anyone suggesting he doesn't get it doesn't get the Parable: The Emperor Has No Clothes.
