Dr. Eoin Lenihan Profile picture
Independent journalist and researcher. Words in The Federalist, European Conservative, Gript, Daily Caller, Quillette, Post Millennial and more.
6 subscribers
Feb 16 9 tweets 3 min read
What's equally disturbing is that if you zoom out and explore at the entire map of Ireland, you find that every city, market town and large village in Ireland is now heading towards minority Irish populations at speed.
👇👇👇 Image Tralee. Image
Dec 27, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
Top 20 NGOs funded by the Irish State according to Grok.
👇👇👇 Image The National Women's Council of Ireland for example obtain the overwhelming balance of their funding from the government and have acted as a pressure group for government interests in recent years. They are not an NGO, they are a GO. The council was able to raise €50k from private donations for meddling in various referenda - again an obvious clash of interests when they're being kept in business by government handouts. That aside, surely it would make sense that if an NGO is to receive state funding, the amount given by the state should be, at maximum, a match for whatever private donations an NGO can gather. That's one of the few ways a government can justify spending taxpayer money - by being able to point to usefulness and demand for the service.Image
Jan 7, 2024 11 tweets 13 min read
Nuremberg Diary

Nuremberg and the Holy Roman Empire

The Imperial Castle sits prominently upon a red sandstone outcrop above the city of Nuremberg. Behind its formidable walls, walls that were never breached during the Thirty Years War that laid waste to many of her neighbouring cities, some of the most important business of the Holy Roman Empire was conducted.

The castle is first mentioned in documents in 1050 when Emperor Henry III held ‘Court Days’ there. It would become one of the most important bases for successive German Kings and The Holy Roman Empire (HRE). The HRE was an elected monarchy and its leaders constantly moved so they needed a network of bases from which official business could be conducted. In 1356 Emperor Karl IV proclaimed the Golden Bull during court days. This document, drafted in part at the castle, became the single most important document of the HRE. It regulated the elections of Kings giving the power of election to seven prominent princes. Rules of inheritance of the Empire and administrative procedure were laid out in the document. The Golden Bull placed Nuremberg, alongside Frankfurt and Aachen, as the most important royal seats of the Empire. The Bull stipulated that Nuremberg would be where each new King would hold the first court days of his reign.

Frederick Barbarossa - crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 1155 - was one of the most distinguished early Kings to stay at the castle. He stayed there 12 times and conducted official business there on five occasions. The castle was used dozens of times for Imperial Diets and Court Days giving the city unrivalled prestige and with it, wealth. The free imperial city and the town below the great castle thrived until the late Medieval period, hitting a peak in the early 16th century when it was a thriving hub of artisans, chief among them the Reformation artist Albrecht Dürer who was born and lived there. This period of sustained wealth continued into the 17th century. In 1806 the HRE was dissolved and Nuremberg was absorbed into the kingdom of Bavaria where it played the role of little brother to Munich, its glory days now a memory.Image
The Imperial Chapel at Nuremberg

Of the buildings remaining on the interior of the Imperial Castle in Nuremberg, the Imperial Chapel is the most important. It was constructed in the 13th century. Its columns are made of marble most likely imported from the nearby Alps. The Chapel is a ‘double chapel’. There are two chapels built one on top of the other. There is a hole in the roof of the chapel below so that those below can hear the mass taking place above and vice-versa. The lower chapel has an opening to the yard to allow for more participants in events. Above the upper chapel is the Emperor’s gallery which allowed for the Emperor to stay apart from the rest of the court.

The design incorporates an intentional class stratification. The lower classes attended on the ground floor, the more noble on the upper and the Emperor himself above all, set apart from the crowd looking down on all proceedings.Image
Oct 11, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Yale Prof & self proclaimed “radical Muslim” believes Hamas didn’t commit terrorism because “settlers are not civilians”. The hard left is imploding. Root them all out. 👇👇👇
Another terrorism supporter at San Francisco University. Images and research by @realDougStewart 👇👇👇
Aug 8, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
In the trial of @MrAndyNgo Vs Rose City Antifa etc. the defence brought in Alexander Reid Ross for expert testimony. It is absolutely par for the course with Antifa - present an actual anarchist extremist as a credible expert. A thread on Ross' activism and extremism. 🧵
👇👇👇 1. In Chapter 4 (Rose City Antifa) of his 2022 book 'Unmasked', Andy Ngo recounted a 2017 Rose City An training & radicalisation camp in which Alexander Reid Ross was a key speaker. Ngo outed Ross as a Rose City Antifa organiser. To present him as an 'expert' against Ngo is ludic Image
Jun 27, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Amazing when someone goes full Krassenstein and pulls facts out their ass to try and cover up child sex abuse. In case anyone needed to know - For every adult-on-child sexual assault, there were seven such assaults by students, according to an Associated Press (AP) analysis of… https://t.co/odjjEauSzYtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
I was a middle and high school teacher for several years. The most devastating and increasingly common stories were elementary age kids who were introduced to porn on the phones of their older siblings or their friends at sleepovers. This is now the most common gateway to S/A.
Jun 9, 2023 24 tweets 10 min read
I am putting together a short thread on NAFO - the pro-Ukrainian harassment group that has made destroying Twitter a no.1 priority. I will be closing comments because the NATO people will harass you and stalk you on their timeline if you comment. This is an info thread. NAFO - or North Atlantic Fellas Organisation - is a social media collective formed at the outset of the war in Ukraine with for the ostensible purpose of fundraising for Ukrainian defence and to combat Russian propaganda primarily on Twitter. nafo-ofan.org/pages/we-are-n…
Jun 8, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Who knew lettuce could be so beautiful in all its different forms. ImageImageImage This 4m x 4m square is new this year and has roughly 90 heads of cabbage, broccoli and kohlrabi coming through. ImageImage
May 26, 2023 18 tweets 9 min read
I actually thought this was a meme chart but it is real and used by Antifa and Anarchist researcher Michael Loadenthal who has now set his account to private. Here's a short thread about Loadenthal and the absurdity of him being part of a DHS sponsored research project. Here is a good summary of how this individual was funded by the Biden weaponised DHS. foxnews.com/politics/unive…
May 24, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
twitter.com/i/spaces/1djGX… Live here if you're still having trouble finding it and getting in. Right now: @JennaEllisEsq introduced as a DeSantis supporter but quickly points out that she hasn't endorsed anyone yet. Says she's a big fan of both front runners on policy.
May 24, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Right now there is a court case against Christian Exoo, the individual who ran the AntiFashGordon Antifa doxing account on Twitter. During that it has been discovered that Daryl Lamont Jenkins owned the urls for Torch Antifa.

via: Reliable Sources with Oliver Darcy on Telegram Image In a video explaining the situation Jenkins stated that the International Anti-fascist Defence Fund is helping him to pay his legal costs. So the question is...who funds the ADF?
May 3, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
It's sadly predictable that the activist papers are smearing @TuckerCarlson as a racist for his 'Not how white people fight' text. It's disappointing that many conservative outlets aren't rebutting this nonsense for fear of being called a racist also. A brief thread. Image Carlson said 'It's not how white men fight' relating to an incident where three Trump supporters beat up an Antifa member. The full context shows a deeply human moment of reflection wherein Carlson rejects the all-too-common impulse to dehumanise political opponents. Image
Mar 22, 2023 25 tweets 7 min read
In the past month I published two deep dives into how Craigslist's Craig Newmark is pouring hundreds of millions of $$$ into the disinformation industry & America's leading journalism schools. He is quietly buying up the future of journalism & swinging elections for the DNC.🧵 In this piece I recount how Newmark, unable to deal with the election of Trump in 2016, went down the Russian collusion conspiracy theory rabbit hole and decided to spend $200million in the run-up to 2020 to swing the election for Biden. thefederalist.com/2023/02/13/cra…
Mar 14, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
🚨Massive and disgraceful breaking news in the @DougMakey case. 🚨

Disgraced Antifa journalist Luke O'Brien has just interfered with an expert witness in the case which has led to a request for a delay from Makey's team.

A short thread....🧵 Luke O'Brien who was fired from HuffPo last year has harassed the defence's leading expert witness causing him to withdraw as a witness.
Mar 6, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Highly significant! An SPLC attorney arrested in Atlanta last night for terrorism. The SPLC is currently the biggest ally of Antifa relying on their hacked materials & doxes of individuals for their “hate watch” list. The SPLC actively hires Antifa “researchers” & “journalists”… Michael Hayden is one of the most prominent Antifa journalists. He featured in my now peer-reviewed research into Antifa on Twitter. The SPLC also recently hired his close friend - Antifa journalist - Jason Wilson. Both were outed in this article - quillette.com/2019/05/29/its…
Mar 5, 2023 10 tweets 7 min read
A boring thread about how I got my garden beds ready for planting. Last year was my first year #gardening. I just built natural earthen beds. I didn't know much about amending soil etc. & the garden had been dormant for about 15 years. Here's how it looked prepped last spring. Despite being a novice there were some real successes. Like 45kg of spuds, 15kg of onions - which we still use! Peas, tomatoes, beans were all winners. Carrots, parsnips and cabbage, not so much. Still, I learned a lot. #gardening
Feb 3, 2023 12 tweets 6 min read
Important. @craignewmark financed Donovan’s work at Harvard & has pledged to continue funding her in the future. He is literally the largest funder of disinformation in the US. He has spent millions of dollars making sure journalism departments are activist breeding grounds. @craignewmark In 2021 the Harvard Shorenstein Centre announced that Craig Newmark would fund Joan Donovan's Technology and Social Change project. shorensteincenter.org/newmark-suppor…
Feb 2, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I feel vindicated by the courageous steps taken by @Harvard Dean Douglas Elmendorf who is reportedly firing Shorenstein Centre 'misinformation expert' @BostonJoan. I have been covering how Donovan has packed the centre with Twitter activists. open.substack.com/pub/dreoinleni… In a statement on the Harvard Crimson website it was reported that Dean Douglas Elmendorf was winding down Donovan's multi-million dollar project - "The Technology and Social Change" thecrimson.com/article/2023/2…
Feb 2, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
We now have definitive proof that Vitamin D was a powerful defence against COVID. Peer reviewed research from Italy shows that Vit D reduces need for hospitalisation by 72% and reduces risk of death by 51%. I walked with thousands of anti-mandate protesters in Germany last winter. Time & again I heard people say that Vitamin C, D and Zinc were a powerful means of combatting COVID and offered a more natural means of fighting it. They were called *far-right* and *conspiracy theorists*
Jan 17, 2023 22 tweets 9 min read
I published an article in Quillette in 2019 which identified the leading Antifa journalists on Twitter. @MrAndyNgo has been blamed for writing and/or editing it & those accusations have lead to his hospitalisation, incalculable death threats & slander. Here's the reality. 🧵 In 2019 I published this Quillette article. It provided a now peer reviewed quantitative analysis of the Antifa network on Twitter. I was able to identify the most Antifa-connected journalists on here. quillette.com/2019/05/29/its…
Jan 10, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
A thread about how Antifa and Antifa journalists gaslight and outright lie about anyone who dares point out how they use Twitter to organise real world violence. @elonmusk 👇👇👇 In 2019 I wrote an article for @Quillette
which showed how certain members of the media have concerning connections with Antifa. That research passed peer review & was published with Social Network Analysis and Mining - a Springer journal. Find it here - rdcu.be/cCi4s