Ephemeral Profile picture
The Llama amongst the sheep. While they sheepishly laugh, I smirk, unafraid to spit at the bad data. Lliving, Lloving & Llaughing in my own peculiar way!!
Jul 31 35 tweets 14 min read
1) Interesting new study on mrna vax in the blood that confirms the important role monocytes play in taking up the vax but as always leaves many avenues open for further research

Llong llama thread 1/35medrxiv.org/content/10.110… 2) They look at the blood of already vaxed individuals (various covid vax types, multiple doses) before & after a new mrna shot. Almost identical decreases of mrna & lipids in plasma suggest the entire vax component (LNP-mrna) gets into the bloodstream not just spike.
Jan 18 21 tweets 9 min read
1)  Covid overattribution continues to be a largely unaddressed issue yet it has major implications not only for assessing vax effects, but more importantly for assessing all cause hospitalisations (hosp) & population (pop) mortality data

thread 1 out of 21 2) This most recent pre-print demonstrates this quite well. While i would be very careful with excess estimates above predicted trendlines, u can look at overall standardized trends over time. These reveal clear covid overattribution.

Sep 28, 2023 23 tweets 10 min read
1) The latest attempt at demonstrating sars cov 2 (SC2) escapes lungs to infect other cells in the body is once again misleading. What this study does show is how important macrophages (cd68+ immune cells) are!
This deserves a llong llama thread 1/23
2) Below is actual study link.

My first question is how relevant are these RNA copy levels? All i see are 2 patients with sig findings, patients 1 & 6. What do u guys think? @Kevin_McKernan

May 26, 2023 31 tweets 17 min read
1. Here is a thread on the flu, that never disappeared, but whose normal circulation was most likely displaced via viral interference: an understudied phenomenon where viruses interact in a myriad of ways, some competing to take over your cells.

Detailed thread 1/31 2. Our overfocalization on covid has blinded us to which type of viral interference is actually occurring. One must consider the entire virome, so all diff types & subtypes of viruses circulating, not just lord covid.
Jan 18, 2023 19 tweets 10 min read
@orwell2022 That is an absolute disgrace, but most likely they dont want to open the doors into investigating all the awful stuff that really went on in the hospitals during covid mania @orwell2022 Toronto has long been home to many scandals, like here kids drug research for a blood disorder (thalassaemia), the head doc had to battle hard for doing the right thing: informing patients they were being harmed by apotex's ineffective experimental drug jme.bmj.com/content/30/1/44
Jan 12, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
This qatar study of vax deaths is highly revelatory within its supplementary section...as always the goodies are hidden
nature.com/articles/s4146… What should be most alarming is that of the few (8) deaths that have the highest probability of being directly due to vax one of them is a healthy young adult/adolescent (no prior medical history/comorbidities).
See Supplementary table 1, 2nd patient description
Sep 27, 2022 10 tweets 14 min read
@Sobretutumba @orwell2022 @OS51388957 @mr_Smith_Econ @connolly_s ??? Really??? Isnt this study saying 2 vax+infection is great & u get a great immune response? Thats crazy! If anything adding booster makes it worse as seen in triple vaxed controversial health care worker study where type of prior infection may matter: @Sobretutumba @orwell2022 @OS51388957 @mr_Smith_Econ @connolly_s What i find interesting about both of these studies is the lack of correlation to symptoms! If increased immune activity (neutralizing, t cells, b cells etc) doesnt change your symptom outcome, what are we measuring & how important is it to overall health outcomes? Image
Sep 21, 2022 12 tweets 33 min read
@Sobretutumba @orwell2022 @TracyBethHoeg @NahasNewman @VPrasadMDMPH @OS51388957 @ClareCraigPath @davidzweig @mr_Smith_Econ @CarlosVecino4 @ChGefaell That i believe is their largest confounder. How many people were boosted by nov 2021?! If u include from dec 2020 its normal to have way more unvaxed in hospital....also same old tricks right? Counting 7 days after injection, so exclude potential risks in week after boost. @Sobretutumba @orwell2022 @TracyBethHoeg @NahasNewman @VPrasadMDMPH @OS51388957 @ClareCraigPath @davidzweig @mr_Smith_Econ @CarlosVecino4 @ChGefaell Then u don't have equal testing, big issue! They even exclude nosocomial infections yet these are so important! Just basing covid "case" as +test within arbitrary time period instead of clear clinical definitions is unethical to me & diminishes value of test negative study.
Aug 8, 2022 23 tweets 7 min read
The linked tweet below has been receiving a lot of attention but I believe it is for all the wrong reasons. All the various arguments do not question the most fundamental issue: what are the actual polio immunization rates? How have routine child immunization rates actually changed past 2+ years? While warning about diminishing trust in public health and the potential issues of declining immunization rates is indeed important, we should remain factual & based on high quality data.
Aug 4, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
@apsmunro Why do we keep giving novel meds to those with sig comorbidities without properly evaluating their outcomes in clinical trials? they are often excluded or constitute minimal % of trial participants, @apsmunro yet these people could be more vulnerable to adverse events especially given often higher rates of medication. We see this in for ex. pfizer kids covid vax data, at most 13% with comorbidities, many of which are "milder" like obesity, where is the separate evaluation for them? ImageImageImage
Jul 14, 2022 26 tweets 11 min read
No "expert" can say the vax harms we are seeing today were "unpredictable" nor that they didn't know! Why were we not informed of these existing risks? This review also clearly demonstrates the experimental nature of covid vaccines. Here are some highlights... First of all these vax technologies although novel they have indeed have been used in healthy humans (albeit in tiny #s), so claims that they were never tested in humans are false. Here are examples of experiments on humans for HIV, cytomegalovirus, & even influenza vax. ImageImage
May 30, 2022 11 tweets 15 min read
@orwell2022 @Immetjes @MinVWS @connolly_s I thought i saw this study before, took me forever, but of course was just same authors! I hate these unnecessarily complicated papers that play around with putting people into diff categories instead of following stable groups of people over time.
@orwell2022 @Immetjes @MinVWS @connolly_s israel data seems to love that crap since they did that for their myocarditis from vax is less bad than from infection overhyped paper: where in reality they did NOT properly distinguish between myo due to V, myo due to CV, & myo due to just C (no vax)
May 26, 2022 8 tweets 9 min read
@orwell2022 @OS51388957 @dobssi Why do all the above person's graphs look exactly the same no matter what parameter he uses? This tells me that eastern europe has a mortality issue irrespective of his inputs. @orwell2022 @OS51388957 @dobssi Saying each thing matters because "hey look at my graphs! they correlate!" is a tiny fraction of the complicated mortality story. For ex tobacco use is NOT a mortality driver in bulgaria, only 1% above EU avg despite use being so much higher, you can see that in lung cancer stats
Apr 14, 2022 16 tweets 4 min read
I am very much against fear-mongering and I believe that understanding actual risk levels is important. This thread will highlight a few important studies that may get us a little bit closer to the true risk sars-cov-2 poses to the immunocompromised. We had this widely shared bombshell study revealing "Immunocompromised children and young people are at no increased risk of severe COVID-19" (sciencedirect.com/science/articl…)