Eric July Profile picture
Owner of @TheRippaverse. Vox in @BackWordzMusic & Cofounder of @Beinlibertarian. @BlazeTV fire-starter. Anarcho-Capitalist. Youtube:
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Mar 6, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
As usual, tik tokers and redditors (more than likely born in the 2000s spread myths that have been THOROUGHLY debunked years before they pretended to care about a property. Today's myth is "April from TMNT was originally designed to be black. This is simply NOT true and I'll show…… The first time we saw her colored (in a comic) is here. She was white.
Nov 27, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
This thread is probably going to going to make some of you angry, but being mad/upset isn't an argument. Here's some free game: I believe that conservatives and libertarians bringing up the power of BlackRock, ESG, etc. as it pertains to Hollywood's entertainment is not simply useless... I can make the argument that it incentivizes lack of action because it pretends that what is current, is inevitable.
Nov 9, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
The average person can barely wipe their own ass responsibly.

It is absolutely moronic that you’d think these same people would magically become equipped to actually vote responsibly. There’s simply no such thing.

Once you accept this, you can actually find solutions. Power being left to a democratic vote is in itself immoral, but you’ve certainly seen as of recently how destructive it actually is. The “red wave” was never going to be a thing. These are your two best options if your goal is to actually have a net gain in individual liberty.
Jun 28, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
The folks that argue abortion from the stance of the woman’s “bodily autonomy KNOW they’re being disingenuous. The actual argument is centered around killing a baby. So the ‘bodily autonomy’ that’s at play here is the aborted. Never mind the fact you don’t universalize positions. But one particular non-argument that I’ve heard even pro-abortion ‘libertarians’ use (even Rothbard got this wrong in his early years) is this idea that the baby is a ‘parasite’ at best and therefore justifies the abortion. This is a terrible argument and this is why:
May 21, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
(A thread) I’ve talked about this many times on various videos, but let’s discuss it here.

The Social Justice/Authoritarian left is the worst demographic of people to hire or attempt to have as your primary customer. Let me explain… Their main goal is to spread and legitimize their social views. They do not care about your bottom line, your product, your service, or your success. Your business/brand is only a means to an end and they will do the bare minimum to prop it up ONLY if it benefits their activism.
Apr 10, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Let me address this, and this will more than likely be the only time.
Being Libertarian (the platform I cofound) recently published a hit piece on Tom Woods. I was made aware of this and I immediately went to check it out.
(Thread) It was an article that basically alleges he groomed his ex-wife. I'd only scanned the first paragraph because I was focused on who published it. This is a guy that has in previous years not only been on a crusade against Tom, but has attempted to tie me to very egregious things.
Mar 11, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
(Thread) If you're black and you're not a deranged leftist, a moron on the internet will end up calling you a coon/house N/ etc. It has always been a last effort and eject button when they are on the opposing end of an argument that they're losing or they're too stupid to engage I've long said this is one of the dumbest terms because there is not one-way to be black. But it's a term that none of these fools are using loosely to people in person. Nevermind the irony of some light-skinned cat just tossing the word around. I suspect an internal struggle.
Dec 18, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
(Serious post/thread):

My goal in the comic book space (and music for that matter) is to present a product that is actually good enough; something that has a liberty-minded creative that is prominent enough to actually set the tone for a industry. The Authoritarian Left basically controls all forms of perceived legitimate entertainment. How this happened isn't difficult to understand. They played the long game and for decades people that valued liberty thought entertainment was trivial so they neglected it.
Mar 20, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
These are the weirdos responsible for that hit piece. They recently have launched attacks on EVS which included a video with me in it. They weren't "doxed" as the name was on their website.

But I find it hilarious that they thought they could ruin peoples lives in the shadows. I value (obviously) the concepts of privacy. Some of you choose to remain anonymous. But it's absolutely insane that these idiots think they can make egregious, slanderous connections but try to cry foul because they didn't cover their tracks and got brought out of the shadows.
Feb 12, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
As you're seeing with the Gina Carano situation, leftists live in a different dimension and are incapable of seeing themselves as wrong. So they gaslight, and speak a world into existence, no matter what the evidence shows or what the reality is. Disney (and the rest of Hollywood) has a clear slant when it comes people being in their ranks and not being political leftists. This isn't my opinion. Disney is currently employing multiple people that have conflated half of the voting population as Nazis. Again, not my opinion.
Jan 12, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
Fascism being on the opposite end of socialism is ahistorical considering Fascism (according to its godfathers) was specifically built to be anti-individual and pro-collectivist.. which virtually every socialist would agree they are and individualists/classical liberalism. 1. Appealing to the fact that fascists have killed other socialists is a nonpoint, as basically every socialist environment ended up in the death of other socialists. They have almost always fought each other and it happened during the Russian revolution.
Jan 6, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Here's the harsh reality (a thread):
The game was rigged from the start and much of the Republican voters have long been the useful idiots of the Republican politicians. Every election cycle it has been "we must support them because the Dems are worse." You've been gettin' fucked 99% of Republicans, especially at the Federal level, only pretend to value liberty. This country has become more and more of a socialist shithole and the Republicans have been either complicit or useless in preventing it. There has been zero net-gain towards freedom for decades.
Jul 20, 2020 11 tweets 2 min read
A lot of twitter crackheads don’t know what libertarianism is.. which is why you see a lot of “where are the libertarians!?” and other dumb shit. So let me help you weirdos out with a thread. Libertarianism is not merely “anti government.” We are anti-government because of our principles of private property rights and non aggression. We understand that the State violates our principles in a multitude of different ways.
May 31, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
#BlackLivesMatter (in movement and slogan/ not organization) is for losers. It is centered around begging to be acknowledged or accepted by the world they feel despises them. Precisely, it is centered around begging whites to treat them like they feel whites treat other whites. It is of no surprise that this movement is highjacked or the lines blurred with pencil-neck antifa whites, "POCs," and pronoun-in-the-bio weirdos that group their struggle with yours. I'm not at all worried about convincing people that I think hate me to value my life.
May 30, 2020 19 tweets 3 min read
You're probably stupid (a thread):
Justification of destroying property and/or looting businesses that had nothing to do with anything is by far the highest for of illogical dumbassery. It makes no sense and you're ol Uncle Eric is here to tell you why. "This has to happen because JUSTICE"
No it doesn't dipshit. Justice deals with the aggressor facing repercussions. You watched a black man get murdered by with the assistance of 3 cops, one watching. It's on tape. We know who did it. They are agents of the State
Mar 10, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
The term "economic inequality" is repeatedly tossed around by mainstream leftists and I'm going to tell you why it's stupid.

Inequality is natural. In order to make beings equal in any way from an economic standpoint, requires force and acts of aggression. Despite what they taught you at your indoctrination camp, humans are not "equal." They aren't even equal to themselves on different days. So naturally, they are not going to be equal if they are even remotely economically free. This is easily explainable.
May 12, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
“libertarians”: Rand Paul? Are you kidding me!? He’s not a full libertarian so he gets no support from me.

Also “libertarians”: yaaaas Tulsi Gabbard. Thus why I don’t take y’all or your politics seriously.