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Jun 11, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
The idea of “decolonization” of different subjects started gaining steam around 2016. More so in 2017 during the “science must fall” movement.

Here’s a thread of one of the arguments behind the “decolonization movement” that started this mess. 🧵
“Decolognizers” believe that science needs to “speak to [people personally]” and “accommodate [their] perspectives” in order to be considered valid and decolonized.

Disagreeing with that worldview means you are “vested in the Eurocentric way of understanding.”
Apr 22, 2023 19 tweets 10 min read
@SarahTheHaider I finally finished this podcast As both Ms. Jackson and Ms. Rao would say, “There’s a lot to unpack.” 😂

Let’s start with this. The classic “racism equals prejudice plus power” definition. I think here the guests should’ve been challenged to define power before going further. @SarahTheHaider They’re operating in a completely different reality. Power should’ve been defined so the paradoxes of their ideology can be confronted.

Paradoxes such as black/brown ppl being on the bottom, yet CRT is a dominant ideology & they’re making thousands from talking about it. (2/n)
Aug 12, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
@Emmyjewel I once dated a girl who works in admissions for one of the top 30 best colleges in the world. She one day stopped answering my texts out of nowhere. I was going to live & let live, but this time I wanted an explanation so I called her after not hearing from her for 2 weeks. 1/n @Emmyjewel She answered very calmly but measured as if she was getting interviewed or something. She also was acting as if everything was fine between us.

After some small talk I straight up asked her, “Why did you ghost me and decide to talk today?” What she said was stupefying. 2/n
Jul 25, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
On Warping Definitions: In science we change our definitions of terms already defined to provide a more accurate description of nature.

I have an issue when sociology/identity studies scholars expand definitions making them more vague to fit conclusions. Here’s why. 1↓ Let’s use light as an example. The study of light and its interactions with matter is called optics.

Isaac Newton theorized light to be a particle. Soon after Christiaan Huygens theorized light to be a wave. James Maxwell theorized light to be an electromagnetic wave. 2↓
Apr 24, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Some are under the impression that bringing up the achievements of Newton or Shakespeare are “shaming those with mental health” or “insensitive of various inequalities.”

This is why I think the lens of victimhood is catastrophic for those with poor mental health.(THREAD) I agree that we shouldn’t guilt ourselves & others for not being productive or achieving great things during these times.

My problem with articles like this is it tries to convince us that highlighting the productivity *equates* to shaming. (2/n)…
Feb 11, 2018 12 tweets 8 min read
#Fact 1 - The Wage Gap is real. People who says it's not haven't read the data.

However, in places like the USA, the wage gap is *not* mostly due to sexism like many #femnist #WomenInScience are claiming it is today. Disparate outcomes doesn't imply disparate treatment. Women typically choose fields that are lower paying; even in the #STEM fields. To attribute that to sexism only or even mostly is a very dishonest way of deriving an answer for this complex disparity.
