Erwan Le Corre Profile picture
Father of 3 | Natural Movement OG & Author | Founder @MovNat & @BreathHoldWork | 3x CMAS 🇺🇸 Static Breath-holding Record Holder | BreathHoldWork e-course 👇🏼
3 subscribers
Mar 7 12 tweets 2 min read
“Intermittent Hypoxic Training as an Effective Tool for Increasing the Adaptive Potential, Endurance and Working Capacity of the Brain” by Rybnikova et al. (2022) provides a comprehensive review of intermittent hypoxic training* (IHT) and its potential benefits.


*breath-holding Historical Context:

The review traces the evolution of hypoxia research, noting its initial association with pathological conditions and its later recognition for adaptive and therapeutic potentials.
Oct 24, 2024 26 tweets 3 min read


Simple. VERY simple.

Takes seconds.

No equipment needed.

You can do it ANYTIME and ANYWHERE and nobody will notice.

Ready? At the end of a regular exhale, KEEP EXHALING 😮‍💨 for a few seconds.
Feb 8, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
My BreathHoldWork immersion practice today:

6x 4:00 holds with decreasing recovery time. The last round was easy (no fighting) so great progress compared to 3 days ago.

4 x 2:30 holds with only 10 seconds recovery. EASY level (no fight).

Altitude 7,400 ft / 2,250 meters. The baseline I wanted is now established so tomorrow I’ll start increasing hold time again.
Jan 22, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Today I broke the US 🇺🇸 static breath-holding national record I already held (under the CMAS rules) by an extra 24 seconds…but this time in the “Master” category (+50 years old).

The 7 minutes 8 seconds record was validated by the US Freediving Federation. ImageImageImage I’m happy yet not satisfied because the water and weather conditions caused me to get cold early. Fighting the cold takes a lot of energy, causes tension and mild shivering, which costs significant oxygen and shortens the time you can hold your breath.
Jan 7, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read

The FIVE main reasons why holding breath on FULL LUNGS will improve your regular breathing much more than after an exhale.

👇🏼 #1

A maximal inhale is a significant inspiratory effort that will strengthen your diaphragm and all your upper respiratory muscles.

With greater respiratory strength your regular breathing becomes easier, slower and more economical.
Dec 30, 2022 14 tweets 2 min read
What can you do to improve your sleep?

A non-nerdy thread. By far the most effective way to fall asleep faster and to sleep deeper is to COOL your body.
Nov 19, 2022 25 tweets 4 min read
WHM gone wrong…

A thread. Two years ago Steve @Stivka3 , a breathwork instructor from Australia, hurt his lungs badly doing the WHM exercise…the very wrong way, without being aware of it.

Steve gave me permission to share this story.
Nov 1, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
I’m about to go on a run. It’s a zone 10 ☠️ run…

More seriously, it’s a short, very fast run, that lasts under 3:30.

I don’t warmup for it. I relax…then go straight all the way out all the way to my landmark.

It’s absolutely BRUTAL. Being 51 and weighing 180 lbs, doing this on pavement and without a warmup…

lacking technique or health would WRECK my body.
Jun 23, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
“Lucky to be alive.”

Haha, yes, but no.

This elite swim team fortunately did respond quickly - bravo to that! - yet unfortunately has never been taught how to respond with technique and efficacy.

Let me explain. When someone blacks out underwater, the obvious priority is to bring the victim back to the surface as quickly and safely as possible.

Instead of grabbing the torso to bring the victim back to the surface, the swimmer should hold the victim’s head with both hands straight away.
Jun 8, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
@Petco demanded my name and phone number as a condition to buy a hamster for my boy. Asking if it was a state regulation I was told twice that it was a “policy.” Not wanting to make a fuss in front of my kids I opted for the novel concept of “identity fluidity”… …and temporarily identified as “John Smith” before I quickly returned to “Erwan Le Corre” since my “feeling” about my identity had already shifted back to my dominant identity.
May 12, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Someone recently questioned the idea of “healthy” breathing, saying it was debatable.

Ever heard of “EUPNEA?”

Normal, unlabored, relaxed, easy breathing; in other words the healthy condition of inhalation and exhalation in a normal person under resting conditions. Even diaphragmatic, nasal breathing isn’t healthy if you take 20-30 breaths a minute while at rest.
Similarly, even slow, diaphragmatic breathing isn’t healthy if you breathe through the mouth.
Mar 11, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
EASY and QUICK BreathHoldWork 30 day challenge!

Improve your breath hold time 60 extra seconds within a month.


Add 2 seconds to your breath hold time every day for 30 days.

You can do it. Everyone can. Start day one this way: take a large inhale and hold your breath until before you feel uncomfortable. Keep it easy in order to be able to recover breathing through the nose instead of gasping through the open mouth.
Record the time and day.
Mar 10, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Often when I talk about breath holding, people reflexively think or comment “Wim Hof method.”
Let’s talk about it.
When it comes to breathing and breath-holding, the so-called “method” is actually made of a single, one-size-fits-all exercise. There’s a whole, quasi esoteric aura around that one specific exercise. It’s supposed to enable you, among other things, to magically hold your breath for a long time.
Feb 27, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
How far is Russia from the USA?

2.4 miles exactly.

On the left, Russia. On the right, America. This is the USA/Russia border in Alaska.
Jan 24, 2022 18 tweets 3 min read

You need it if you want to become intimate with your actual limits and not whatever you imagine they are.

This recovery breathing is very intense because deep hypoxia IS intense. My physiological limit here was reached: a mere extra second holding my breath could have made me black out.

This is at the end of a 4 minutes breath hold that started after a natural exhale.
Jan 4, 2022 22 tweets 4 min read
Just did the first BreathHoldWork Meditation session of my 6th group.

I’m blessed to have so many students wanting to learn from me (and also writing such fantastic testimonials). Straight off the bat in session one I teach essential knowledge that neither BreathWork or Yoga teachers know or teach.

I know this because all of my students have either learned breathwork or yoga, or are breathwork or yoga instructors themselves.
Dec 26, 2021 21 tweets 4 min read
France is about to legally turn the “vaccine pass” into an actual “vaccine passport.”

What’s the difference you may ask?

The difference is that which between medical segregation and (medical) dictatorship.

Let me explain. It’s been months that in European countries people must show a digital QR proof of their “vaccination” if they want to use public transportation, go to the hospital, go do groceries (restrictions being more or less severe depending on the area) if they’ve declined the jab.
Nov 24, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
After months of protests, months of intimidation and repression by the French Globalist government, the French Caribbean island of Guadeloupe, Martinique and now Guyana have entered RESISTANCE.

Not on MSM. Nurses, hospital personnel, firefighters have massively rejected all injunctions and threats to take the jab. Then authorities have removed all the stocks of medication they were effectively treating #Covid patients with.
Nov 12, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Yesterday at the Atlantic Council
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla received the 2021 Distinguished Leadership Awards from Ursula Von Der Leyen, the President of the EU commission.
Isn’t this maskless moment so cute?
The EU is buying 1.8 billion doses from Pfizer, about $20 a dose… ImageImage Remember the EU parliamentarians exposing the secrecy of the terms of the contract between the EU commission and Pfizer?…
Oct 25, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
The road to hell is paved with the relentless normalization of evil, sickness, idiocy, violence, mental illness, fear, pain, crime, ill behaviors, artificiality and so forth.
It’s on the news, it’s in every show. The collective consciousness is saturated with this darkness. Not everything is relative. Goodness is real and badness is real. Right and wrong are real. Light and darkness are real.
Healthy vs sick. Strong vs weak. High vs low. Bravery vs cowardice. Clarity vs confusion.
Oct 24, 2021 17 tweets 3 min read
Back to the subject of breathing and cellular respiration.

A high oxygen blood saturation (SpO2) between 95 and 99% only shows that a normal level of O2 circulates in your blood but it is not an indication of optimum cellular oxygenation. So how do you know if your CELLS, not your blood, are well oxygenated if that’s not by looking at your superficial oxygen blood saturation on an oximeter?


By paying attention to your regular breathing.