Linda vaxed to the Max. Mask up & filter air! Profile picture
Happy Labor Voter. Love our PM. And Toto. Bring on an ICAC ASAP. She/Her Quandamooka Country Proud ALP Member & Union Member. Sweary. Very sweary. RN.🕯
Aug 20 7 tweets 2 min read
#CovidConscious peeps - I think I might have cracked the code for getting health care staff to #WearAN85!
Visit from Drs Inc surgeon this am to discuss Rx plan.
All good. Surgery WILL be needed.
Which raised the rather large N95 elephant in the room.
I let him know I've faced.... some aggressive resistance to staff wearing a N95 this admission.
And when I had 2 procedures last year I was made to wait until the last minute to see if staff would "agree" to N95 & protect me while unconscious.
Worse, some of those who "agreed" were bullying, belittling,
Apr 19, 2022 8 tweets 6 min read
If this government aren't planning a MAJOR expansion of #IndueCard , WHY have they advertised TWENTY new jobs on SEEK in the last 2 weeks?
Many Senior Project, IT, Financial Compliance 😬 and "Quality Assurance" positions. #auspol #AlboForPM #MorrisonMustGo #rorts Appointment of senior project positions in major centres (Bris, Syd & Melb), ALWAYS proceeds recruitment of numerous underlings.
This coincides with a funding expansion in the Budget & ability to sign off on actioning an expansion just *moments* before the election announcement
Jun 8, 2021 20 tweets 5 min read
I'm doing a series of 🧵to explain some stuff I think Tweeps should know about Medicare.
I've worked in health for close to 4 decades, as a clinician, researcher, in policy, complaint investigation & agency development, so I know how some of this stuff works.

Item numbers: EVERYTHING, & I mean everything in our health system gets an item no. They're incredibly specific to the procedure. The average cost is calculated & set as what is known as the *Scheduled Fee*. This fee is used to calculate rebates from either Medicare or private insurers.
Apr 2, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
From a nurse educator with 37 years experience - Don't overdo it folks -
Our body NEEDS to live in harmony with trillions of bugs. Manage your home entry points then live like a grub! Your immune system will thank you! #auspol #covid19australia Home entry points are:
1. External door handles
2. Shoes
3. Clothing - only for those with excessive public contact outside home
4. Post & parcels.
5. Groceries.