Evan Benn Profile picture
Director of Special Projects and Editorial Events @phillyinquirer. Prior: EIC @miamiindulge, food editor @miamiherald, features @stltoday | ebenn@inquirer.com
Jun 8, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
In 2010, I covered a @Bourdain book-tour stop at #stl’s @TheFoxTheatre where a boy with leukemia asked his culinary idol where he should go eat - anywhere in the world - once he’s in remission. Bourdain didn’t hesitate: Spain. But then...1/3 ...after @Bourdain left town and our story about the tour appearance ran, his assistant reached out to me, privately. Bourdain wanted to help send this kid to Spain and make it the time of his life. 2/3