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Thinking out loud and hopefully learning some things on X. #Bitcoin #Philosophy #Money
Jul 8, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
According to @stephen_wolfram, #Reality is a vast computational network that’s consciously observed from 8 billion unique human perspectives, which illuminates the role of #Money as a consensus mechanism for everyone’s relative position and resources in this vast network. 🧵👇 1/ Reality is a computational process that generates a vast network of possible experienced realities. Consciousness, energy and information are different views of this process.
Jun 3, 2023 28 tweets 8 min read
Bitcoin: The Ultimate Tool for Consciousness Exploration🧵

#Bitcoin #Consciousness #Wolfram #Reality Image 1/Bitcoin is more than just a new form of money. It is a revolutionary technology that enables human beings to expand their consciousness, creativity, and cooperation. It is a way of aligning our perception of reality with the nature of the universe itself.
Feb 3, 2023 22 tweets 4 min read
How #Bitcoin Augments and Expands a Coherent Understanding of the State of Reality, through the Computational Power of a Market Based Economy Image 2/21
Through money the market based economy functions as a computational model for reality. Computation simply offers a means of translating the inputs and outputs of one complex system into an understandable data format for another. In the case of the
Jan 12, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Austrian economics states that;

“Man must act.”

There are deep truths contained within this axiom of truth;

Man must recognize (compute) value, Man must be conscious to realize (become) himself in relation to reality and Man must exchange.

Ultimately, Man must become.👇 Image 2/
Every action is an act of exchange and every action of exchange is an act of becoming.

To exchange is to realize the properties of that which you’re exchanging with as your own properties and vice versa.👇
Jan 7, 2023 38 tweets 7 min read
How #Bitcoin Unlocks the #Quantum Potential of the Free Market Economy Image Does Bitcoin unlock the ability for a true free market economy to act as a high fidelity quantum computer built upon humans, or what I will be referencing interchangeably as “human bits”? The quantum bit or qubit is the backbone of the quantum computer’s exponential
Dec 27, 2022 27 tweets 4 min read
🧵 Money as a Data Compression Technology and Derivative of Reality What’s the role of money? Why is it so difficult to define? Why do men fight and die over it? It seems like these should be simple questions but there are no simple answers. Any explanation always seems to fall short.