Aaron J. Courtney 🇺🇲 Profile picture
All time world record powerlifter, medical researcher: SARS-CoV-2, endocrinology, biochemistry, sports pharmacology, technologist, media producer, RIA Biz
Jun 10, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
There is hope for American hospital systems after all.

Old friend of mine (who isn't really local to me and who shall remain nameless) requested help presenting with 76% SpO2 ambulatory at least 10 days post #SARSCoV2 infection.

Rule#1: don't panic the ill by conveying severity Pt obtained ivermectin. We immediately began IVM+NAC+doxycycline+ASA. SpO2 popped to 87% within one hour - no doubt thanks to NAC. Gradually declined back to 82% after 5mg of melatonin and attempts to sleep for the evening. Obvious signs of hypoxemia = 911 & hospital transport.