Myr. Falco SkyWolf- He/Xey, Punhound Philosoraptor Profile picture
Social Justice Bard Art Hermit 30s Autist, Fluidmasc Demi Veggie Sauceror Winged Wolf/Time Fey/Muppet Quantum Pagan Jellicle Jedi
Nov 20 16 tweets 3 min read
I think a lot of people don't really grasp how wide-ranging, arbitrary, and ethnically defined "gender nonconformity" actually is.

I want to break it down a bit- this is by no means a comprehensive exploration.

1/? First, of course you have the trans, nonbinary, and drag communities, the ones who actively participate in nonconformity. These groups are all labels one can independently choose but there's significant overlap.

Jun 15 10 tweets 2 min read
One of the pitfalls of being disabled and housing insecure is the fact that, on TOP of people already disbelieving you or thinking people in poverty deserve to be that way, over time, the sheer length of time you've been asking for help will be held against you. As though, if you REALLY deserved to be out of crisis, you'd have exercise/meditate/eaten salad/budgeted your way out of it by now. It brings an assumption that you're "crying wolf," especially if you're regularly at risk of losing housing or already on the street.
Jan 14 45 tweets 8 min read
A major point of oppression against disabled people can be basically summed up like, "a failure to adult means you don't deserve adult respect."

As "if you can't do everything an adult does, you don't get any adult perks."

I want to go into some depth here.

1/? We see this most starkly when it comes to "adult milestones." Holding a job. Marrying. Having kids. Driving. Drinking. Keeping up with the Joneses- not just keeping your home tidy but keeping it UP TO STYLE.

Struggling with ANY of these is enough.

Jul 15, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
Honestly, Snow White is the ONE instance of a Disney Princess I would say "keep as a white person" because it's literally part of the story. Jealous queen is jealous BECAUSE the girl fits so much of the Eurocentric beauty norms. The whole story is CENTERED around that. Some folks went haywire over Ariel because the story was written by a Danish guy, and in Snow's case she was written by German dudes, but Ariel's appearance was never codified and there's nothing saying she had to be any given race.
Jun 7, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Needed a loan last week to cover hotel, so need $740 for hotel by Sunday and $500 ASAP to pay back loan in case I need to retake one.

Can NOT survive the streets at all. Please help me spread word! Anything helps!

#URGENT @TCM_tweets
Jun 7, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
To folks who hate trans people, there is NO right answer when it comes to what a trans person is supposed to do.

Once we've mentioned it, we can't win in their eyes.

1/? Do we want to keep our fertility? If so, we're painted as fakers- or sadly, in the case of trans women, they're painted as people trying to prey on cis women with the "evil, evil anatomy." Many places have made it mandatory to be sterilized if one wants to transition.

Jun 6, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
#Mouseyverse question!

Is Zhan Tiri from Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure related to (possibly an ancestor of) Yzma from Emperor's New Groove?

Similar dramatic aesthetic, cruelty, sorcery. Zhan Tiri in a childlike &q...Zhan Tiri in her elderly fo...Yzma, with grey skin and dr... Zhan Tiri's timeframe: approximately two millennia before the time of Tangled, which is in the 1800s. Yzma's timeframe: approximately the 1500s.
Jun 6, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
There are a few bits in the Descendants series that are quire clever, even if they might not be intentional. For one, Snow White isn't seen with a kid, while Belle and Aurora do. But Snow is the youngest Princess, 14, so if she had a kid, they wouldn't be in high school.

1/? For another, Yzma has a son in the animated shorts, Zevon. The name BEGINNING with a Z could be a nod to her nephews in Emperor's New School, Zim and Zam.

Nov 17, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
The most frustrating thing about anti-maskers, (the ones who are against even letting people wear masks, but also just ones who won't wear them personally,) is that it's a violation of people's CONSENT to put them into any more danger than can't be avoided *at all.*

1/? I have the right to get on a motorbike and try to hop across a fleet of buses. If I crash and burn, it's on me if I am at least aware of the chance of crashing. I can't tell anyone else to try the stunt. Even challenging someone to such a stunt can be coercive.

Nov 16, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
I think it's important that Star Wars is featuring more non-Force based stories. There's always going to be something cartoonish about Magic Fascists that doesn't have the same impact as Bureaucratic Fascists have. Even if the tyrants have immense technological capability, that's still an ordinary *method* of imposing cruelty on the world, instead of being able to fling someone out a window with your brain or subvert their free will with a mumble. Tech will always change.
Nov 16, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
I'm an Autumn and Spring person. Summer is too hot, winter is too cool. I love the SIGHTS of all seasons, with winter a slightly lower enjoyment. I love the FOOD of winter, though- it's easier to warm up than it is to cool down when extremely hot. I love being able to be outdoors, so middle-of-the-road temperatures are best for me. I scorch VERY easily, both with sunburn and with overheating in general, and can overheat in lower temperatures if I overexert myself.
Nov 16, 2022 31 tweets 6 min read
Courage is another extremely misunderstood human concept. Not only is there the divide between bravado and facing fears with dignity, there are many who think it is MANDATORY to have courage in the face of any horror or abuse.

1/? This is the source of a lot of "inspiration porn" tendencies when it comes to overcoming adversity- disability, poverty, orphanage, exile, disaster, abuse. Everyone loves a Winner narrative and people are all afraid to be the Loser.

Nov 16, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
It's like washing hands or brushing teeth- docs can't tell how much tooth brushing ACTUALLY reduces dental issues (percentage-wise, they're certain it DOES) because people won't report accurately whether they take care of their teeth or not. Their pride makes them say yes. People are resistant to admitting they are doing the wrong thing EVEN if they're resistant to doing the right thing. And they often just half-ass a lot of things, thinking that a 60% effort will do when it's really important to at least get up to 80% or so.
Nov 15, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Hiding us behind paywalls and individualized servers, preventing people from having an Anyone Can See Anything place like Twitter, is part of erasing marginalized people and hiding our needs and gripes from the people marginalizing us. People who want to KEEP us marginalized are mad that we have a venue we can speak up in that's difficult to keep entirely out of their faces. Their pride is hurt that their bullshit is unpopular but they won't abandon it.
Nov 15, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Chafing under the fashions, expectations, and physical layout of my assigned gender. Wanting to not have protrusions on my torso and wanting a lower voice. The emotions were constant and consistent, even if it took me until my late twenties to have a WORD to fit the definition. Feeling like masculinity felt more *suitable* and *fitting* for my personality. I'm a very happy-medium kind of fluid, despising the extremes of either stereotypical binary gender, but between the two I'm far closer to masc than femme.
Nov 15, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
TIL that the words "lord" and "lady" are both directly related to "loaf," as in bread. The ones who have it.

They're often really good at loafing around too. (This makes me think of calling rental owners "landloafs.")
Nov 15, 2022 41 tweets 7 min read
There is a specific complication that comes with being asexual but alloromantic, especially being sex-averse. A sex-comfortable ace person has more internal flexibility as to whether they like romance including sex than sex-averse ones do.

1/? It's a life where you really want a cuddle buddy, maybe even some teasing, but have some sort of strict limit where at some point between cuddling and intercourse there is a brick wall of Nope. Where no matter how turned on you get you do not want actual nether part contact.

Nov 14, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
And the sick thing is that despite the structure being built to EXCLUDE Autistic people, it is also made to drag people IN- the intake surveys are looking for fawning, people pleasing, ass-kissing, and rules and routine lovers. We are the prime people for what jobs SAY they want but we are their least favorite people to actually PICK.
Nov 14, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
One of my favorite things about the shop I sell through is that print-on-demand has a small footprint compared to mass-printing. No chance of making excess product, and the items can stay on the site as long as it exists.

Redbubble is also pro-sustainability, worker, diversity. Their terms *specifically* state they are against things like prison and underage labor, union-busting, over-working folks, and safety violations.
Nov 14, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
The Goofy movie duo did a great job creating a very logical set of strengths and weaknesses for the Goof family. Where you can tell that sometimes Goofy and Max's "surprise graceful moments" come from them learning from a life of clumsiness how to COMPENSATE for them. Didn't portray them as the only people who have clumsy moments, didn't portray them as inept people- Goofy is great with children, and when returning to college the guy gets straight As. That shows something. He focuses very well when he clicks with the purpose of it.
Nov 1, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
I rather doubt this term will click with all (or perhaps even many,) but I thought of "Neuroxenic" as a term for Autism. Xeno- Greek for "strange," not only to say we ARE strange but that we are the ones society CALLS strange.

Almost like reclaiming the word queer. This would not have a corresponding "ism," the person or traits would just be called Neuroxenic.

(Also like that it sounds rather like "scenic.")