Andrew Fisher Profile picture
Columnist for The i Paper & Inside Croydon Democratic Socialist. Formerly Labour's Executive Director of Policy Trade unionist NUJ & Unite
Dame Chris🌟🇺🇦😷 #RejoinEU #FBPE #GTTO🔶️ Profile picture William Hite Profile picture Someone Profile picture dougienewman Profile picture 4 subscribed
Jul 31 6 tweets 2 min read
In 2015, 2017 and 2019, the Labour manifestos set out policies on the Winter Fuel Payment and on social care costs.

In 2024, the manifesto was silent on both.

Call me a cynic, but I think they may have been planning these cuts in advance ...
🧵 Image In 2015 (Ed Miliband was Leader), the manifesto said

🔴“Labour supports measures to cap the costs of care”
🔴“We have taken the tough choice to restrict Winter Fuel Payments for the richest five per cent of pensioners”

The Reeves policy removes the WFP from c.90% of pensioners
Jul 29 8 tweets 3 min read
Today marks the beginning of the end of the 30 year failure that was privatisation of Britain's railways.

This afternoon MPs will debate the Passenger Railway Services (Public Ownership) Bill - which will see private rail franchises taken into public ownership as they expire.
🧵 Image Public opinion was against the privatisation of British Rail 30 years ago, and has remained against it ever since.

Most polls show about a two-thirds majority in favour of rail public ownership, including a majority of Tory voters. Image
Mar 14 13 tweets 5 min read
#OnThisDay in Labour history 10 years ago … 🌹

Tony Benn passed away at the age of 88

Benn was a former Cabinet Minister, one of Labour’s longest-serving MPs, and an inspirational figure on the Labour left for decades … he inspired me 🧵 Image Although he never led Labour, or even held one of the great offices of state, he is in the rare company of having a political philosophy named after him: ‘Bennism’.

He left a legacy Labour party reform, anti-war activism, constitutional reform, and popularising politics ... Image
Feb 29 4 tweets 2 min read
19 councils have had requests for 'Emergency Financial Support'* agreed by Government

As I've said for a few years now, the crisis in council finances is not a few bad apples, but the whole barrel-load of austerity passed on by the Government

*This isn't funding. It's debt. 🧵 Image Councils in England are getting c.£15bn LESS in central government funding than they were in 2015.

This announcement does not provided any of these 19 councils with a penny more from Government

Instead, it allows them to sell council assets to pay for under-resourced services: Image
Oct 12, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
🌹Well done to those Labour MPs who have distanced themselves from the appalling comments of Keir Starmer & Emily Thornberry in the last day or so

It should be entirely uncontroversial to support international law and universal human rights

So well done to those that have 🧵 Richard Burgon
Jul 6, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
#OnThisDay in Labour history 7 years ago ...

The Chilcot Report was published showing that Tony Blair exaggerated the case for war, that Iraq posed no military threat to the UK, that Blair had committed the UK to war come what may, and that there was no post-invasion strategy 🧵 Military families who had lost loved ones in the war called for Blair to be prosecuted for war crimes. Sadly, 7 years on, the alleged war criminal remains at large.

This is how the nation's newspapers reacted ...
May 16, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
#OnThisDay in Labour history 6 years ago ...

The 2017 manifesto was launched at Bradford University

"Our manifesto offers hope … Our manifesto is for the many, not the few", said Jeremy Corbyn

🧵 Image It was described as "Corbyn's sharp left turn" by @theipaper

The front page emphasised tax rises on the rich, scrapping tuition fees, public ownership of water, energy and rail

And the pledge to build "at least 100,000 council and housing association homes a year" ... Image
Apr 4, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Nigel Lawson was undoubtedly the most influential Chancellor of my lifetime.

Although in his later years he was rightly regarded as a French villa-dwelling Brexiteer hypocrite and a climate change-denying crank, in his prime he reshaped the British economy and state ... 🧵 As Thatcher's longest-serving Chancellor he was key to her project

“our policies aimed at a conscious break … with the entire post-war political consensus … to change the change the entire culture of a nation from anti-profits, anti-business, government-dependent lassitude”
Mar 27, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Parks are for loitering in ... that's the bloody point of them! Note as well, he says it's fuelling "anti-social behaviour", not "crime".

ASB is a dangerous catch-all term for "things people complain about".

ASB is simply a device for criminalising non-criminal behaviour - simultaneously wasting police time and harassing young people
Feb 23, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
On this day in Labour history 🌹

Labour won the 1950 election, but only narrowly …

The landslide of 1945 general was all but wiped out, with Labour’s majority reduced from 146 to just five … 🧵 There had been major boundary changes since 1945, which favoured the Tories.

The Conservatives gained 90 seats on just a 2.8% swing.

Turnout was 83.9% - the highest ever in a UK general election
Feb 18, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
"Zero tolerance of antisemitism, racism or discrimination of any kind"

Really? 🧵... What about Barry Sheerman - an MP on the right of the Labour Party?

He sent two clearly antisemitic tweets in August 2020. Was the whip withdrawn? Was he suspended? No…
Jan 16, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
NEU ballot result: teachers have voted overwhelmingly for strike action:

✅Teachers in England 90% on a 53% turnout✅
✅Teachers in Wales 92% on a 58% turnout✅
✅Support staff in England 84% on a 46% turnout
✅Support staff in Wales 88% on a 51% turnout✅ All teachers and support staff deserve an inflation-proofed pay rise.

As a parent and trade unionist, solidarity with @NEUnion members ✊…
Dec 2, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
#OnThisDay 80 years ago …

A report entitled ‘Social Insurance and Allied Services’ (which became known as the Beveridge Report) was published on 2 December 1942 ... 🧵 Labour MP and Minister without Portfolio, Arthur Greenwood, in charge of reconstruction in the wartime coalition, had appointed Liberal peer Sir William Beveridge in 1941 to inquire into social insurance ...
Nov 30, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Starmer leaning into this Daily Mail headline at #PMQs asking how he can justify tax breaks to private schools? Sunak replies it's an attack on hard work and aspiration.

You can have all the aspiration and hard work you want, and still be nowhere near affording £40,000 a year school fees to these fake charities
Aug 11, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Some thoughts on Gordon Brown's proposals:

Brown is right to say Government should “pause any further increase in the cap”, and then negotiate separate company agreements to keep prices down after examining profit margins and available social tariffs.
1/n… The proposal for equity financing to energy companies is not necessarily bad - which means the Government takes shares in the companies for every penny it loans them.

We put something in, we get something in return.

Aug 6, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
#OnThisDay in Labour history, Robin Cook died 🌹

The former Cabinet Minister, who resigned in protest against the Iraq War in 2003, died on 6 August 2005 while walking in the Scottish Highlands ... 🧵 Former minister Chris Smith wrote of Cook that since resigning, he had been setting out a vision of "libertarian, democratic socialism that was beginning to break the sometimes sterile boundaries of 'old' and 'New' Labour labels"
Aug 2, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Just a reminder that 10 years ago George Osborne proposed regional pay in the public sector, starting with the civil service ...

Liz Truss can try to revive it, but it will be defeated again @pcs_union… New Labour also tried to pilot regional pay in the Department of Constitutional Affairs (now Ministry of Justice) in 2007 ...

Here's then minister Harriet Harman defending it:
Jul 31, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Quite astonishing the number of BAME Labour MPs & councillors who have in recent days spoken out about anti-black racism in Labour post-Forde.

And yet no public response from the Party or any interest from political journos

Start with this by @Taj_Ali1🧵… .@HackneyAbbott, who was abused by senior HQ staff - subject to “expressions of visceral disgust, drawing (consciously or otherwise) on racist tropes”, as Forde put it - has called on Starmer to act ...…
Jul 26, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
#OnThisDay in Labour history ...

This was the front page of the Evening Standard, as Clement Attlee's Labour Party won by a landslide in the 1945 election - 77 years ago today ...🧵 The Labour manifesto had a clear economic analysis:

"The great inter-war slumps were not acts of God or of blind forces. They were the sure and certain result of the concentration of too much economic power in the hands of too few men"

Public ownership was the solution ...
Jul 25, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Economically illiterate.

"Shadow chancellor says policies do not fit within her plans to restrict public spending" - public subsidy has INCREASED since privatisation

Leave state subsidising private profit and public ripped off by higher bills and fares… Liar.
Jul 14, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
#OnThisDay in Labour history in 1998, Chancellor Gordon Brown announced the Sure Start programme🌹

"bringing together quality services for the under-threes and their parents—nursery, child care and playgroup provision, and post-natal and other health services" 🧵 An evaluation of the policy in 2019 found that the Sure Start programme saved the NHS millions of pounds.

It had a “big positive effect on children’s health”, the IFS concluded ...…