Fix The Fed Profile picture
The best way to #FixTheFed is to #EndTheFed. We're here to propose reasonable reforms and criticisms until that day. *Parody account* *Not financial advice*
Apr 26, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
The Powell Fed intentionally killed the American dream.

Don't believe us? Here's a 🧵

Between March 2020 and Sept. 2022, the Fed purchased more than $3.6 TRILLION RESIDENTIAL Mortgage Backed-Securities. This radical action was not authorized by Congress or existing statute... Woah that's a lot. How do we know? We simply added up the MBS purchases. We got $3.619T. Feel free to check our math. Reinvestment purchases are still purchases, and impact the markets, even if a small portion of the purchases were offset by runoff. /2…
Jul 10, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
🗞️How the Federal Reserve Built a Housing Market of Cards and Destroyed the American Dream to Enrich Wall Street

FED had no clear authority for $2.7TN in illicit residential MBS purchases and refuses to stop despite record inflation and unaffordability… Honored and humbled by @RudyHavenstein, OG central bank critic extraordinaire ...

Twitter's Wall Street shareholders at BlackRock and Vanguard think they snuffed him out for good ... let's prove it backfired and amplify his message a thousandfold on here! Image
Apr 3, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
📢Don't Read This Post: Wall Street Wants to Keep the Fed's Illicit $48 Trillion Repo Bailout Secret

Public outcry is building; Fed pumped $20 trillion in cash "loans" pre-pandemic in Q4 2019 and another $28 trillion in Q1 2020 alone!

See our FAQs here:… Fed apologists don't like use of term-adjusted repo totals. We address why they're important in our FAQ, but the issue is a red herring. Just look at WSOP's chart below for an apples-to-apples comparison to Fed's repo op during the GFC. Fed still says "purely technical measures"! Image
Feb 8, 2022 4 tweets 7 min read
Thanks for the incredible support. Over 1M impressions here and 90K reads on substack so far. The bigger this gets, the harder it is for MSM to refuse to cover Fed Chair Powell's illicit behavior. We still have a week to get the word out and stop Powell's outrageous confirmation. This is headline news no matter how they spin it. The private equity centimillionaire who oversees American monetary policy made illicit trades during FOMC trading blackouts, defective public disclosures, and is required to dump millions in holdings by OGE.

Some folks get it.
Jan 13, 2022 18 tweets 14 min read

Fed Chair Powell signed Ethics Agreement last month requiring him to dump millions in muni bonds; failed to disclose EA to @SenateBanking at confirmation hearing; Biden gave nod despite Powell's own trading implicated in #FedScandal… Bombshell: @OGE quietly released a Dec. 3, 2021 Ethics Agreement signed by Powell requiring him to divest _all_ muni bonds. The language misleadingly states this is due to the Fed's "new investment restrictions," but also references waiver or exemption under 18 U.S.C. § 208. /2