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Aug 28, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read
it is very surreal that I'm the only one doing a count, but here it is : Trump hired 2 members of PNAC on his campaign transition team in 2016, Frank Gaffney and James Woolsey, 1 additional PNAC'r Michael Ledeen was heavily rumored to be on the team but never officially confirmed, Trump hired at least 3 more PNAC neocons into the actual admin: John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, Zalmay Khalilzad, it was widely reported in msm that Paula Dobriansky also a PNAC member was working in some capacity in the Trump admin. Even if we don't count the rumored/unofficial PNAC Trump appointments, that still leaves *5* PNAC neocons *officially* hired into the Trump administration so when people claim that Trump is 'anti neocon' or that the 'neocons tried to stop Trump' they are either deeply misinformed or outright lying to you, these are PNAC neocons, some of the most dangerous and insane war hawks on this planet. the 'neocons' are not a monolith like some would have you believe, in fact it was about 2007 when the first major PNAC split occured, and it was probably just branding not actually what they really believed, after 2007 only certain neocons continued to talk about attacking or nuking Iran and certain neocons refused to talk about it or even act like they were against it (see John Kay of the Foundation For Defense of Democracies)
Jun 2, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Variant images for Episode 3: Terrence McKenna, Ott, DMT, Pharmahuasca, Heroic Dosing, Utopianism & the Entheogen New Age @MediaRootsNews…

Jun 1, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
.@MediaRootsNews Radio On Psychedelics...w/

Episode 1: A Brief History of Hallucinogens, MK-Ultra, the CIA, LSD, Leary & the Psychedelic 60s / 70s… @MediaRootsNews Radio On Psychedelics...w/

Episode 2: How Raves Brought Back the Psychedelic Subculture, DanceSafe, Pill Tests & the DEA vs MDMA…
May 29, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
please consider bidding on my garbage pail kids in the morgue NFT series, auction price starts at 5 BTC ImageImage thank you for bidding on GPKMorgue#2839 we are now at 7.8 BTC Image
Apr 10, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
feel like Zero Hedge should disclose to their paying subsribers that they aggregate PNAC John Bolton's neocon Gatestone Institute content on a regular basis, seems like they wanted to omit that outlet from what they 'read' listed on the left Image Tyler Durden being a full on neocon cucked mother fucker Image
Apr 9, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
its still incredibly hard to process the Stephen King acting in the last vignette of Creepshow where he plays a solo lonely moron in a cabin in the woods dressed like a Looney Toons bad guy character who touches a dangerous asteroid Image its just crazy to imagine being on set and spending this much time filming what is essentially a very high budget practical effects heavy Stephen King monologue with acting this awful, the vibe is so off putting it nearly ruins the entire movie
Apr 9, 2022 14 tweets 9 min read
A mini 🧵for libertarians cucked by zionist neocon Ron Desantis
“The fight against BDS” in Florida literally means banning the 1st amendment in Florida to protect Israel
Ron Desantis takes on the 1st amendment
Mar 21, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
The biological weapons convention only explicitly bans the intent to make biological weapons, not the actual manufacturing process of making a pathogen that could be used as a weapon, as long as you say you’re making it for good reasons it’s technically ‘ok’ By design the BWC loop hole makes it very difficult to prove the 'intent' to develop explicit biological weapons at the labs in Ukraine, at first I was a bit the fence and after only looking at official US gov docs 99% of what Russia has said about these labs is totally accurate
Nov 24, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
please forgive me I have no idea who im quote tweeting here, but Michael Flynn's friend and co-writer, Michael Ledeen (PNAC) was one of the primary Bush-era neocons hyping up 2001 anthrax fears and lied about it being the work of Saddam Hussein
it may be confusing for some people to understand but it really does appear that a faction of the neocons have replaced a random US adversary like a middle east dictactor for propaganda purposes with this vague/morphable enemy of the 'global elites' and sadly everybody eats it
Nov 23, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I love that the owner of New Line Cinema only made 2 films, one a locker room talk 1950s masturbation comedy and the other a super dense psychedelic new age propaganda film for children Book of Love VS the Last Mimzy, which one do you think is better?
Nov 21, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
just about 1 year after the 2001 anthrax attacks
#Newsweek magazine runs a cover:

Operation Smallpox, Inside the Emergency Plan to Innoculate Every American

check out the entire scanned article in this thread (cont) Image October 2002 #Newsweek article about #smallpox bioterrorism and the plan to vaccinate every American in the event of a smallpox virus attack

(cont) Image