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Jul 13, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
🧵 Thread fic
🌄 Day 4 Prompt: Lost years

Xie Lian’s wandering years + happy #hualian 800 years later


Loneliness was something Xie Lian was used to—and at the same time, he wasn't. At least in the beginning some heavenly officials were watching him basking, their eager, hidden eyes on him burning his skin.

He never thought he'd miss those curious gazes, but as loneliness laced his thoughts more frequently, he started to crave the slightest of interactions.
Jul 10, 2022 19 tweets 4 min read
🧵Thread fic
⚔️ #hualian strip-sparring
#XieLianWeek2022 Day 3: Martial God


"Let’s go again."

"It's already the third round, gege is being insatiable," Hua Cheng says, but he readily accepts whatever Xie Lian wishes to do to him. "Or is it that you can't get enough?" It's not Xie Lian who answers his teasing, but a metallic 'clang'.

Sparks fly when blade meets blade, reflecting in his dark eyes, half-lidded with concentration and something that always lurks inside him when facing Hua Cheng.
Jul 10, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
😭❤️😭💞❤️💓😭 Image Ling Wen so pretty!!!! Image
Jul 10, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
🧵 Thread fic


🌺 Day 2 Prompt: Second Ascension

Book 4, Wuming POV + bonus #hualian (#wulian) 800 years later

The stomped-over petals of the white flower were scattered across the floor. A miserable beauty thoroughly trampled—It reminded Wuming of his god. Wuming just stared, a horrified expression hidden behind his mask as his beloved, pierced himself through with the same damned black sword that caused him so much suffering already, jumping down to land flat on the cold Lang'er Bay ground.
Jul 9, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
🧵 Thread fic


🌼 Day 1 Prompt: Calamity Falls
Book 2, Xianle Days
Hong-er POV+bonus hualian 800 years later

Hong-er was there when it all began.

Rumors spread through Xianle, first among the street urchins. Words of a drought and the royal family's spending. Hong-er didn't understand it at the time.

He just changed the simple white flower in his self-made statue's hands (it's nowhere near perfect, still ridiculous, but he's getting better.)
Jun 29, 2022 29 tweets 5 min read
🧵 Thread fic
💓 Hualian having some bouncy-spicy fun on a trampoline

(Yes, on a trampoline.)


"S-San Lang."

The warm summer night swallows Xie Lian’s shaky exhale as Hua Cheng finally lets him go after devouring his lips for the umpteenth time.

"Fuck, gege." Hua Cheng hovers over, arms bracketing Xie Lian in-between. With an expression of lust, mischief, and adoration, he catches Xie Lian’s lips once again.
Jun 9, 2022 19 tweets 5 min read

🧵 Thread fic
🏛️ #hualian museum visit
Post-Canon, Modern, POV Outsider

Collab with @Ying_anSanren! ART below!

#HuaChengWeek #HuaChengDay

READ IT FROM THE BEGGINING HERE: "A-And this is the newest piece of our collection," The plain-faced tour guy says, nervously correcting his glasses, "What at first appears to be a pair of regular stone statues..."

"... But it has been discovered that if the light falls on them from a different angle… "
Jun 8, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
DAY (PART) 6 of

🧵 Thread fic
🏛️ A #hualian museum visit
Post-Canon, Modern, POV Outsider

Collab with @Ying_anSanren (ART below 💖)

Prompt: A thing to love about him

Read from the beggining here:
The next room is full of statues.

There are small and big ones, some with bamboo hats, some without it, some in fighting stances, some draped over divans or altars. Some are playing instruments, dancing, carrying a basket of fruits or doing house chores.
Jun 7, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read

🧵Thread fic - Updates DAILY🕒
🏛️ A #hualian museum visit: Post-canon, Modern, POV Outsider

Collab within a Collab! ART of Hua Cheng’s comm array password by @Ying_anSanren & @yingfish!💞

🏛️ Prompt: A thing to know They soon arrive at a different scroll, but… what's on it, is it another painting?

It looks as if someone would have splashed black ink on it and then used his worn-down brush to smudge the spots with forceful plunges.
Jun 6, 2022 24 tweets 6 min read
For #HuaChengWeek 🥳

DAY (PART) 4 of
🧵Thread fic - Updates DAILY🕒
🏛️ A #hualian museum visit: Post-Canon, Modern, POV Outsider

A collab! With @Ying_anSanren's ART below💖

Day 4 Prompt: Headcanon

Read from the beggining:
The round room was the largest one so far, full of hanged paintings, both modern and ancient, decorating the walls.

In the middle there's a huge banner: [Love Through The Ages: Origin Myths of The Red String of Fate]
Jun 5, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
For #HuaChengWeek 🥳

DAY (PART) 3 of
🧵Thread fic - Updates DAILY🕒
🏛️ A #hualian museum visit: Post-Canon, Modern, POV Outsider

A collab! With @Ying_anSanren's ART below💖

Day 3 Prompt: Favourite outfit

Read from the beggining:
The next exhibition room is exquisite; a wide variety of clothing and other finery, some of them displayed behind glass.

Tour Guide Guy explains:

"Although renowned for his shapeshifting abilities, the Red Supreme of the legends sometimes would show his true appearance"
Jun 5, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
DAY (PART) 2 of

🧵Thread fic - Updates DAILY🕒
🏛️ A #hualian museum visit
Post-Canon, Modern, POV Outsider

Collab with @Ying_anSanren (2nd ART Below 💖)

🏛️ Prompt: Day 2 - Favourite Hua Cheng Moment

Read DAY (PART) 1 here: The next room is dark, only the displayed object is emitting some light. Its welcome flickering leads the group inside, instantly putting them in silent awe.

"Legends say," Tour Guide Guy begins, his voice ringing even more mysteriously in the dim atmosphere:
Jun 4, 2022 15 tweets 4 min read
For #HuaChengWeek2022 🥳

🧵Thread fic—Updates DAILY🕒

🏛️ A #hualian Museum visit
🏛️Post-Canon, Modern,
POV Outsider
cw: swearing (a bit)

Collab with @Ying_anSanren (ART below💖), special thanks to @yingfish!

🏛️ Day 1 Prompt: Favourite Hua Cheng Quote As a brooding university freshman, Lai Wen could have pictured himself spending his Friday evening better than going with his lame ass class (SO cringe, as if they were still in high school) to visit the temporary exhibition entitled:
May 31, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
🧵Hualian family fluff

😴 Tired hualian with their very sleepy baby


The dead don't need sleep.

Thus, Ghost Kings shouldn't sleep either, Hua Cheng mused, staring up at the ceiling of their bedchambers. On his body, spread out, like an upside-down starfish lies his god, his husband and father of the cause of their lack of sleep.

Despite the tiredness, Hua Cheng couldn't be happier.
May 19, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
5️⃣2️⃣0️⃣ 📆

🧵Thread fic

🍰 Fluff, Flirting

🍰 Post-Canon, Modern Hualian celebrating 520 Day


"San Lang took advantage of his talent in sculpting." Xie Lian remarked as he watched how Hua Cheng’s deft hands kneaded the marzipan into the shape of flower petals.

He arranged them into the grandiose fondant flower crown, wreathing the top of the cake they just baked together.
Mar 17, 2022 25 tweets 4 min read
🔞🧵 NSFW Thread fic 🧵🔞

🔞 🦋 Xie Lian's hair gets braided in a h0rny way 🌸🔞


Thoroughly parted, equally thick locks. 

Right section right hand,

Left section left hand, 

The rest hanging free, cascading down his back,

End tickling the skin with every thrust. Their rhythm is steady, a deep back and forth, accompanied by soft gasps and warm, skin prickling huffs of air. 

It's not the first, not the second round, so the rush, heated need is almost absent.
Mar 6, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
How about some hualian baby thoughts again, this time with Ruoye and E-Ming? 👶👣

Ruoye would be absolutely immersed in showing off how doting and helpful of a silkband it is, fussing about the little baby day and night. It's always been like this ever since the first baby cries shook the bedchambers in the middle of the night.

And it soon turned into a habit.
Feb 27, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read
Today I'm thinking about… Fashionista HuaHua 👘🧤✨

After Hua Cheng returned from his year of absence, Xie Lian made it his personal goal to answer his every whim. 
Hua Cheng could take whatever he wanted and he took it quite frequently.

Today, he wanted Xie Lian’s attention. Xie Lian knew he was somewhat at fault too, indulging and spoiling him to no end. 

To the point his chiding tone and reprimanding words didn't work anymore. 

Although they felt half-hearted and weak, he said them anyway:

"San Lang, you're doing it again."
Feb 19, 2022 50 tweets 9 min read

🖌️ My take on a calligraphy practice

🧽 Or rather, its aftermath 

🖤 Some bittersweet, gentle Wu Ming loving

🔞 NSFW, Mild hurt/comfort, mentions of book 4

#tgcf #wulian #hualian Xie Lian knows that calling him nameless was not the cruelest thing he has done to him.

With each splash, black stripes dissolve, becoming one with the darkening warm water.

On the nearby chair, black clothes are folded neatly, with a white smiling mask resting on the top.