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My next V-day thread is for my sister, my twin, my love @sailordazzion! She requested some #hualian so here we go~ #TGCF

Xie Lian has periods in his long life that he simply cannot remember.

memory loss, first meetings, San Lang being San Lang
[oh yeah, and vampires!!]

It’s not for lack of trying, but sometimes the mind wilts. It might also be because he doesn’t get enough human blood to be considered a healthy vampire.
He refuses to hurt the humans in the towns he lives in though, so he sticks to animals in neighboring forested areas. He’s been on this “diet” for a long time, but not long enough in his eyes, due to his early years; he somehow can’t forget those, no matter how much he’d like to.
Read 31 tweets
HuaLian Omegaverse! PART 1 (see the threads)

I wanted to make a short omegaverse comic for so longgg and well here it is

#TGCF #hualian #XieLian #HuaCheng #tianguancifu
HuaLian Omegaverse PART 2 Mating mark

#TGCF #hualian #XieLian #HuaCheng #tianguancifu Image
HuaLian Omegaverse PART 3

#TGCF #hualian #XieLian #HuaCheng #tianguancifu Image
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Mxtx crossover with Luo Binghe, Hua Cheng and Wei Wuxian as roommates || #bingqiu
#hualian #WangXian
Luo Binghe never had a place to belong, so one day, he takes a stupid risk. He rents a run-down flat with three bedrooms and puts up an ad that he's searching for two roommates.
First, Hua Cheng shows up who's 17 and just ran away from home. He can't afford anything else but he'd do anything to get away from his shitty family. A few days later, Wei Wuxian shows up at their doorstep who has been kicked out by his foster parents and needs a place to stay.
Luo Binghe's plan to find himself a family actually worked. Well, it doesn't work perfectly, exactly. After all, they're all teenage boys and they all have a shit ton of issues, but it's something like friendship, something like family, if you squint at it sideways.
Read 17 tweets
🧵 Thread fic
🌄 Day 4 Prompt: Lost years

Xie Lian’s wandering years + happy #hualian 800 years later


Loneliness was something Xie Lian was used to—and at the same time, he wasn't.
At least in the beginning some heavenly officials were watching him basking, their eager, hidden eyes on him burning his skin.

He never thought he'd miss those curious gazes, but as loneliness laced his thoughts more frequently, he started to crave the slightest of interactions.
However, as the shackles sealed his luck away, his misfortune slowly started to affect the humans who showed him a sliver of kindness.
Read 14 tweets
🧵Thread fic
⚔️ #hualian strip-sparring
#XieLianWeek2022 Day 3: Martial God


"Let’s go again."

"It's already the third round, gege is being insatiable," Hua Cheng says, but he readily accepts whatever Xie Lian wishes to do to him. "Or is it that you can't get enough?"
It's not Xie Lian who answers his teasing, but a metallic 'clang'.

Sparks fly when blade meets blade, reflecting in his dark eyes, half-lidded with concentration and something that always lurks inside him when facing Hua Cheng.
Hua Cheng strides forward with his scimitar—it's different from Eming, who tends to get either overly excited or balky with Xie Lian around, thus, it gets
banned from the armory whenever the pair indulge themselves in sparring.
Read 19 tweets
#TGCF #hualian A modern, high-school AU where Xie Lian is the perfect head boy, straight As and member of the martial arts club. He's also terribly lonely.

His parents may be rich, but they're also almost never there and at this point, he knows the maids better than them.
Ofc he has Feng Xin and Mu Qing but it feels like he only has them as long as he doesn't stray from the perfect head boy persona.

So, on his 17th birthday, he decides to make a bad decision. He searches for the shadiest bar in town and goes there to get horrifyingly drunk.
But surprise! When he enters the shady bar, one of his yearmates is behind the bar, the goth kid Hua Cheng.

HC: what's a good boy like you going in a place like this?🤨🚬
XL: drinking to forget😔🥺
Read 10 tweets
🧵 Thread fic


🌺 Day 2 Prompt: Second Ascension

Book 4, Wuming POV + bonus #hualian (#wulian) 800 years later

The stomped-over petals of the white flower were scattered across the floor. A miserable beauty thoroughly trampled—It reminded Wuming of his god.
Wuming just stared, a horrified expression hidden behind his mask as his beloved, pierced himself through with the same damned black sword that caused him so much suffering already, jumping down to land flat on the cold Lang'er Bay ground.
He admittedly hated the way His Highness resulted to do this, but he had a hunch why he's still trying so hard.

After all, he said what he said: His Highness will forever be His Highness.

Besides, Wuming understood it like no one else what it meant to feel one person enough.
Read 11 tweets
🌸 Three times! Cause I waited my whole life 🌸

- narrative vers. of hualian's third meeting in the coffee shop.
- part of my one message received au which you can find here
- a threadfic; (i will clean this up later and upload it on ao3)

#hualian #tgcf
(note! english isn't my first language so there'll be grammatical errors, sorry bout that!)
In all tales, there's always that one scene that changes the course of the story. The one so unexpected, so impossible, that others think of it as fate.

One– a chance of fate.

The first meeting of the two fated souls goes like this.
Read 92 tweets
🧵Modern #Hualian AU Threadfic
⚠️Lots of angst/hurt. Basically no comfort. You have been warned.
CW: Memory loss, brain injury

i would like to apologize in advance to anyone who reads this. idek how this cursed idea came to me but it did and i wrote it down and here it is. 🙁
Hua Cheng spends most of his time remembering...

Remembering a time when he would wake up to find Xie Lian in bed with him, his hair messy, his cheek smushed against the pillow.
How his face would light up when they’d go to the Farmer’s Market and he would find the littlest, most undersized fruits and vegetables and insist on purchasing them to use in his next culinary disaster.

How they would snuggle on the couch in the evenings and XL would
Read 26 tweets
Can’t stop thinking about what it would be like if XL was able to revive his mother (a la the Resurrection Stone in Harry Potter), even if only for a few minutes so he could say goodbye and introduce her to HC.
How they would collapse on the ground together and she would hold him close and sift her fingers through his hair like she did when he was small. How they would both apologize for words unsaid and mistakes made and time together lost to tragedy.
How she would cradle his face and smile with /such/ loving warmth as she used her thumbs to wipe away his tears. How he would smile back, eyes watery but no less loving.

How, when they’d both calmed down, XL would beckon HC closer and introduce him to her. Her eyes would widen
Read 10 tweets
#hualian Modern AU where, when Xie Lian’s parents died and their company crashed, the only thing keeping him sane was his online friend, Wu Ming. Back then, their chats were his only safe place, even though he didn't know anything at all about Wu Ming, not even his real name.
Their relationship lasted exactly eight months, during which Wu Ming grew to be most important person in Xie Lian's life, the only thing making him happy.

Then, after eight months, Xie Lian had a bad day and they had a fight.
It was over some nonsensical thing, Xie Lian doesn't even remember what. But after that, Wu Ming stopped talking to him. Xie Lian had managed to drive away the only person he had left with his stupid temper.
Read 34 tweets

🧵 Thread fic
🏛️ #hualian museum visit
Post-Canon, Modern, POV Outsider

Collab with @Ying_anSanren! ART below!

#HuaChengWeek #HuaChengDay

"A-And this is the newest piece of our collection," The plain-faced tour guy says, nervously correcting his glasses, "What at first appears to be a pair of regular stone statues..."

"... But it has been discovered that if the light falls on them from a different angle… "
He pushes a few buttons on the console that he clutches in his sweaty palms.

A blinding flash of light and a few of the visitors gasp.

Within the glass box, the statue of the Scrap Collecting Immortal shines brilliantly.
Read 19 tweets
DAY (PART) 6 of

🧵 Thread fic
🏛️ A #hualian museum visit
Post-Canon, Modern, POV Outsider

Collab with @Ying_anSanren (ART below 💖)

Prompt: A thing to love about him

Read from the beggining here:
The next room is full of statues.

There are small and big ones, some with bamboo hats, some without it, some in fighting stances, some draped over divans or altars. Some are playing instruments, dancing, carrying a basket of fruits or doing house chores.
Only one thing do they have in common: they are sculpted with the utmost care, their details exquisite.

Lai Wen knows this and that about art, but when faced with these statues the more he looks at them, the more he starts to feel how an unmistakable air lingers in the room.
Read 14 tweets

🧵Thread fic - Updates DAILY🕒
🏛️ A #hualian museum visit: Post-canon, Modern, POV Outsider

Collab within a Collab! ART of Hua Cheng’s comm array password by @Ying_anSanren & @yingfish!💞

🏛️ Prompt: A thing to know
They soon arrive at a different scroll, but… what's on it, is it another painting?

It looks as if someone would have splashed black ink on it and then used his worn-down brush to smudge the spots with forceful plunges.
Looking at it Tour Guide Guy pauses for a moment, his face is full of misery. He lets out a sigh before explaining:

"I'm sure you all know the very recent, but popular theory that some ancient beings used certain phrases for communication."
Read 13 tweets
For #HuaChengWeek 🥳

DAY (PART) 4 of
🧵Thread fic - Updates DAILY🕒
🏛️ A #hualian museum visit: Post-Canon, Modern, POV Outsider

A collab! With @Ying_anSanren's ART below💖

Day 4 Prompt: Headcanon

Read from the beggining:
The round room was the largest one so far, full of hanged paintings, both modern and ancient, decorating the walls.

In the middle there's a huge banner: [Love Through The Ages: Origin Myths of The Red String of Fate]
While Tour Guide Guy waits for the whole group to gather around the first scroll that seemed to be the oldest one, Lai Wen took his time to look around: many paintings featured characters connected by the titular red string of fate.
Read 24 tweets
For #HuaChengWeek 🥳

DAY (PART) 3 of
🧵Thread fic - Updates DAILY🕒
🏛️ A #hualian museum visit: Post-Canon, Modern, POV Outsider

A collab! With @Ying_anSanren's ART below💖

Day 3 Prompt: Favourite outfit

Read from the beggining:
The next exhibition room is exquisite; a wide variety of clothing and other finery, some of them displayed behind glass.

Tour Guide Guy explains:

"Although renowned for his shapeshifting abilities, the Red Supreme of the legends sometimes would show his true appearance"
Now that's what I call imposing, really, Lai Wen thinks, inspecting the crimson-black garment with the shimmering silver vambraces and jewellery.

Some of them have the design of leaves and beasts, some are in the shape of…
Read 14 tweets
DAY (PART) 2 of

🧵Thread fic - Updates DAILY🕒
🏛️ A #hualian museum visit
Post-Canon, Modern, POV Outsider

Collab with @Ying_anSanren (2nd ART Below 💖)

🏛️ Prompt: Day 2 - Favourite Hua Cheng Moment

Read DAY (PART) 1 here:
The next room is dark, only the displayed object is emitting some light. Its welcome flickering leads the group inside, instantly putting them in silent awe.

"Legends say," Tour Guide Guy begins, his voice ringing even more mysteriously in the dim atmosphere:
"The Red Supreme King lost his Beloved once. He has searched for many, many lifetimes across the three realms. To guide him home, he lit up the night with 3000 everlasting blessing lanterns—
Read 12 tweets
For #HuaChengWeek2022 🥳

🧵Thread fic—Updates DAILY🕒

🏛️ A #hualian Museum visit
🏛️Post-Canon, Modern,
POV Outsider
cw: swearing (a bit)

Collab with @Ying_anSanren (ART below💖), special thanks to @yingfish!

🏛️ Day 1 Prompt: Favourite Hua Cheng Quote
As a brooding university freshman, Lai Wen could have pictured himself spending his Friday evening better than going with his lame ass class (SO cringe, as if they were still in high school) to visit the temporary exhibition entitled:
[Love Through The Ages: Origin Myths of The Red String of Fate]

So fucking cheesy!

He would totally skip it, lest the prof wouldn't have implied that this visit is a must to anyone who'd like to pass the finals. And not only his own course, interdisciplinarity be damned!
Read 15 tweets
#HuaLian enemies to lovers thread fic au –

Hua Cheng was sitting in paradise manor, once again like everyday, listening to the reports of all reporters he had sent in different areas, to look for Xie Lian. He should have been bored by now, since almost all reports Image
are mostly made up stories by the reporters to not face his anger. But still, hua cheng listened to all reports attentively. He couldn't be careless when it comes to His Highness
Today was no different than other days, the sun rose and set like everyday. However for hua cheng,
It was different. The rays of the sun in the sunrise brought a ray of hope with them.
One of the reporters reported "My Lord, the crown prince of Xianle has been seen in the Royal Palace of Yong'an"
Hua cheng is no fool. He can tell which is a lie and which isn't.
Read 56 tweets
#hualian #tgcf
800 years of chastity do things to you. When hualian are about to have their first time, XL is certainly very enthusiastic, he really wants to do it. But when the clothes are about to come off, well, he's too afraid. He rolls off the bed.
And HC is very concerned, but XL reassures him that, no, of course he wants to! He'd actually love to have HC naked before him, to touch him in all ways. It's just that when it's XL's turn to get naked, it's all a bit... much.
Don't worry Gege, HC says, this San Lang has an idea;)

The next evening, when XL is waiting for the stew to finish cooking, HC comes along and takes one of his hands into his, lifts it to his mouth and starts dropping gentle kisses on it.
Read 13 tweets
Tag: #tgcf #hualian #HuaCheng

Хуа Чэн последний раз провел по камню тряпицей белого шелка, убирая с него излишки воска.

Лёгким, привычным движением пробежался кончиками пальцев по твердым мускулам и волосам, лицу, шее и груди, убеждаясь что нигде нет изъяна.
Отошёл на пару шагов. Мягко, быстро.

В нем все ещё горел истинный огонь творца, что только что завершил свою лучшую работу.

Хуа Чэн скользнул взглядом по статуе, придирчиво осматривая каждую деталь.
Кожа каменного изваяния, натертая песком, вулканической пемзой, а затем белым пчелиным воском, казалось мягкой, бархатной на ощупь. Сияющей изнутри.

Глаза за веером густых ресниц, тонких, как иголочки. Ни один человеческий мастер не смог бы передать этот взгляд.
Read 55 tweets

🖌️ My take on a calligraphy practice

🧽 Or rather, its aftermath 

🖤 Some bittersweet, gentle Wu Ming loving

🔞 NSFW, Mild hurt/comfort, mentions of book 4

#tgcf #wulian #hualian
Xie Lian knows that calling him nameless was not the cruelest thing he has done to him.

With each splash, black stripes dissolve, becoming one with the darkening warm water.

On the nearby chair, black clothes are folded neatly, with a white smiling mask resting on the top.
The same mask he hid a smile underneath.

 A smile of devotion, fulfillment and sacrifice. 

Black are the drops, sliding down the alabaster skin before him, ink staining the washcloth in his hand.
Read 50 tweets
NSFW🔞🔞🔞 because I know there's those who find breastfeeding inappropriate 🙄

Baby fox Hong-er (Hua Cheng later), Omega Ferret Xie Lian, eventual Junlian but that's a slow burn, starts below

#hualian #HeavenOfficialsBlessing #HuaCheng #Xielian #TGCF #fanfiction
The god pleasing festival was fully underway. Xie Lian had done his dramatic entrance and was proceeding with his roll accordingly. He was the kingdom of Xian Le's most beloved crown prince for more than just his status and royal blood.
After years of the Xie clan no bearing any pure blooded ferret hybrid's, Xie Lian was the first after centuries of the clan trying. So he was far more precious and even considered the kingdoms most rarest treasure. Therefore there was always a lot of expectations.
Read 128 tweets
his favourite tea (TGCF fan comic) (1/3)

#tgcf #hualian
Read 4 tweets

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