Fred Langlois Profile picture
Science. Climate justice. Fluffy dogs. Organizing with @CourageOttawa @HorizonOttawa . Opinions, bad takes, and typos are mine. He/him. Cartoon by @TurboBurpo
Feb 4, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
My grandmother died this morning from post-COVID complications. Suffering. Unable to say goodbye.

She was triple-vaccinated yet caught #Omicron because the variant is so infectious. Her acute-phase symptoms didn't require hospitalization, just rest and recuperation at home.1/4 After testing negative she was still fatigued, less and less mobile, and her state progressively deteriorated. Upon admission to the hospital she was in pain and her only option was palliative care. She was put on morphine and sedatives. Four days later she expired. 2/4
Jan 3, 2021 22 tweets 4 min read
Hello comrades and friends and friends of comrades!

You might have seen posts or hashtags about Canadian Shield relating to a pandemic response plan

It's not like our federal, provincial, and municipal governments have been doing a great job so I decided to investigate

THREAD So Canadian Shield is a report sponsored by Global Canada which appears to be a corporate/business minded think tank

You can read the report here: