kiki! Profile picture
hi! i'm kiki, she/her, i write about my blorbos (MDZS)! i have too many thoughts and this is where i leave them to die || MY DMS ARE BROKEN I CANNOT REPLY
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Jul 19, 2023 22 tweets 16 min read
Going to turn this into a thread of some of my favourite fics actually. give me a moment to gather the links first of all, obviously, all by @/ana_cp

you'll always know me:

fear you won't fall:

make me series:……
Mar 27, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
using ai to write fic is genuinely insane to me bc like what even is ur motive here. ai "artists" want to feel superior and scam their way into making money. people who use chatgpt for work/school are looking for a cheat. but fic writing?? what is ur motive for fic writing???? like. this is not a job. u have no deadlines to meet. no one is holding a gun to ur head saying you have to finish this fanfic. the only reason you have to write fanfic is because you WANT to write it and now people are using chatgpt because...they don't want to write it?
Mar 26, 2023 26 tweets 5 min read
modern teen au where it starts raining right as LWJ is about to start walking home. He'd stayed back to pack up after orchestra practice, so he's the last to leave school.

No matter. LWJ always carries an umbrella. He reaches in his bag for it...

...and comes up empty-handed. He checks again, even putting down his violin to search with both hands, but eventually has to admit that he —inexplicably—forgot his umbrella. He resigns himself to walking home and exposing his violin to the rain. It has a hardcover case, so it shouldn't get too ruined.
Feb 17, 2023 152 tweets 27 min read
au where no war happens, and everyone is fine—but, as the twin jades pass into adulthood, they slowly gain a history of bad luck.

accidents. injuries. trees and buildings suddenly giving way once the jades walk under them. after a while, it becomes impossible not to notice. the twin jades are too skilled to be experiencing this many near-death misses, everyone knows that, and's still happening.

when a freak training accident gravely—almost fatally—injures LXC, it's decided that something needs to be done to protect them.
Nov 17, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
i'm starting a petition to make WN and SL meet each other post-canon and start travelling together and hopefully restore their loved ones' souls (WQ included), because if i think about post-canon WN for too long i get sad like!! he doesn't age, he can't die, and he's not really welcome anywhere other than wherever WWX and LSZ are. almost all of his friends and family are dead. he's just kind of wandering around, doing his own thing, as everyone else gets older
Nov 1, 2022 19 tweets 4 min read
so...#SituationjiSeason, huh? 👀

here's a mild Situation: modern cultivator LWJ drops off some paperwork for WWX. He sees a red rope bracelet on the floor and, thinking it fell off WWX's messy desk, reaches down to pick it up.

"Wait, no -!" he hears WWX say, but it's too late. oops! turns out the bracelet was actually WWX's latest experiment with his (new, still a bit buggy) Binding talisman. suddenly, LWJ finds himself on the floor at WWX's feet, bound in super-strong spiritually-enhanced rope. luckily for LWJ, WWX jumps right into action.
Aug 7, 2022 842 tweets >60 min read
au where, after LWJ's visit to yiling, WWX sends him off with a paperman. "Just call my name, and I'll possess it," he tells LWJ, who promises that he'll sneak the paperman into JYL's wedding so that WWX can still "attend".

after the wedding, LWJ just...keeps the paperman. he knows he shouldn't. but it's comforting to have it with him - even though, w/o WWX, its just a piece of paper.

then one night he wakes up from a nightmare abt watching WWX being chased by cultivators, him and the burial mounds going up in flames -

and the paperman is awake.
Aug 2, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
modern wangxian get set up on a date by mutual friend NHS, and it goes TERRIBLY.

WWX thinks LWJ is stuffy & stuck-up. LWJ thinks WWX is a loud, pushy tech bro. they argue all night and agree to not see each other again.

turns out theyre new colleagues at the same workplace. 😳 not just colleagues, actually. as the two newest transfers at the cultivation bureau, they've been paired up together for night-hunts. so they're partners now.

they're both mature adults, so they apologise to each other for the bad date, shake hands, and agree to be civil.
Jul 12, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
i think it'd be hilarious if LWJ discovered that his beloved cat bichen was secretly living a double life as a working cat at the small restaurant down the street, where she's known affectionately as suibian and she gets endless head scratches and treats from delivery boy WWX ImageImage the restaurant is run by the wens, and WWX helps out by making deliveries on his bike. suibian, the cat who likes to wander in and lazily catch mice from the counter, is one of the best parts of his day. when he finds out she's LWJ's cat, he obviously insists on shared custody!
Mar 4, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
what if modern #MDZS au where the soul sacrifice ritual goes wrong and MXY ends up 1) alive and 2) haunted. or possessed. he can't really tell.

what he DOES know is that the YLLZ has latched onto him as a dark, vengeful ghost. the YLLZ is not a nice person to share brain space with. he mutters all the time, and he manifests as a shapeless shadow in the corner of MXY's room, and sometimes MXY blacks out and wakes up on the other side of the city with his knuckles split open. it's scary.
Mar 3, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
#MDZS autumn's top 3 q got me thinking abt bad bi bitch JYL again...i just think itd be so fun if modern teen JYL was calm and placid and polite but at the same time she was also sneaking out of her window to go make out at the skate park with her casual gf WQ 17yo JYL getting a shaky stick-and-poke tattoo with WQ and QS....her tattoo is of a lotus, tucked just under the jutting bone of her ankle
Feb 23, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
what if #wangxian diaspora au where they have the same english name...they meet for the first time bc WWX gets into trouble and the teacher mixes him up w LWJ, so LWJ gets called to the principal instead the principal lists a string of offenses that "LWJ" committed, including but not limited to:
- breaking onto school grounds
- smuggling in alcohol
- attempting to bribe a staff member with said alcohol
- yelling "you'll never catch me alive" and running off into the darkness
Feb 9, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
#MSZS #wangxian obsessed w magical kind-of cyborg WWX whose og heart is fatally cursed by WZL. to survive, he needs a new heart made from magical metal.

it's an emergency: WQ, WN and LWJ working to save WWX. no sources of magical metal in sight.

so LWJ offers up Bichen. to make it angstier: LWJ's body will literally reject any other sword bc he's tied so deeply to bichen. also what if this was an au where the wens won and started an empire? wangxian have to lie low. LWJ can't use musical cultivation bc its too recognisable.
Feb 2, 2022 132 tweets 23 min read
modern cultivation #wangxian au where the lan forehead ribbon is a necklace. it's enchanted against damage, but one day LWJ's necklace breaks on a night-hunt. The broken spell is unpredictable, so LXC advises LWJ to find a professional to fix it.

the professional is, ofc, WWX. WWX is a cultivator, but he's on probation after a string of necromancy-related offences. He's banned from combative cultivation (i.e night hunts) for 2 years. he runs a spell shop w the wens, where he casts/breaks minor curses, sells magical aides, and fixes magical artefacts.
Jan 14, 2022 115 tweets 18 min read
#MDZS #wangxian need 2 sleep but being plagued by a modern w magic au where WWX is the conductor of a literal ghost train: a train that carries ghosts. it runs every night and stops at stations that don't exist in the mortal world.

then, one night, a living man boards the train. at first, WWX thinks he's seen wrong. the man is dressed in all white. he could be a ghost.

but WWX can hear his footsteps. the white ribbon in his hair is blowing in the night breeze. and then, when the man turns and sees WWX, his eyes are very much alive.
Jan 8, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
YLLZ!WWX x warprize!LWJ where WWX tries to get LWJ to hate him by creeping LWJ out.

WWX, doing his best JGS impression: HGJ, you're so beautiful and can't blame me if i ravish you...

LWJ, looking pointedly at WWX's bony gangly everything: /i'm/ the delicate one? i just think itd be funny if WWX keeps trying to be all 'ooohh hanguang jun is so dainty and fragile! arent you scared of me?' and LWJ is just like 'you're so skinny i could snap you in half like a stick. my hand can wrap around your whole wrist'
Jan 8, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
played my first ever game of wordle is this how you do it


(after adding the picture: sorry i thought caterpie's horn was yellow for some reason)
Jan 7, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
#wangxian au where plant witch LWJ, who loves the giant city park bc its the only piece of nature left in the city, meets WWX, who knows that the park is actually just dirt on top of a fake concrete landscape and has been doing necromancy in the hollow space beneath it for years wangxian start dating and LWJ brings WWX to the park and tells him how he loves that there's this preserved bit of nature in the city, how peaceful he feels when he's here

WWX, sweating bullets: yep yep preserved piece of nature totally YEP
Dec 31, 2021 62 tweets 10 min read
happy new year's eve! i'm having last minute end-of-year #MDZS #wangxian thoughts. namely: married wangxian investigating a curse that makes couples fight. they're confident that, if any couple could withstand the curse, it'd be them.

but then they start having arguments. WWX sits there alone for a solid few minutes before his brain restarts. He curls his hand into a fist, like he's trying to catch the kiss that LWJ left there, and steels himself to talk to FMX.
Dec 29, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
i just...wangxian....they love each other so much it makes me insane morning cuddles wangxian where everything is sleepy and soft and they can just kiss each other very tenderly and murmur sweet nothings
Dec 27, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
#MDZS #wangxian what if WWX's hair antenna bounces into a little heart shape every time he sees LWJ and it's just never explained WWX's hair antenna acts like a cartoon mood ring and everyone knows about it except for him