Gunhild Alvik Nyborg, MD, PhD, BSc Profile picture
MD, PhD, Exam. Oecon. Long COVID researcher at the Norw. Corona Cohort. Writer. Musician. (Ambient artist name: NuBorg, Jazz: Gunhild Nyborg)
5 subscribers
Dec 3, 2024 42 tweets 14 min read
Det er svært uheldig at @psykologitid publiserer en artikkel med tallrike påstander om LC som er direkte feil. Det bidrar til å gjøre arbeidet til oss som forsker på tilstanden mye tyngre og at beslutningstakere ikke forstår alvoret i situasjonen vi står i… @psykologitid Det er fint at det forskes på ulike tilnærminger til ulike tilstander, uansett genese, så min kritikk handler ikke om det. Men om man skal påstå noe om det som er andres fagfelt, bør man være varsom og sørge for at man er oppdatert på forskningen på feltet. Det er ikke skjedd her
Sep 25, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
SARS-CoV-2 is a systemic virus that affects the whole body, but mounting evidence shows that the brain is the organ most consistently affected in the short and long term. Letting this virus roam may prove extremely expensive for our societies.
New important study out in Nature ⬇️ For those who think cognitive effects are due to "fear",this study should help disprove that notion. Ppl who volunteered to be infected had lower cognitive scores after covid up to 1 year after(as long as study), memory and executive function most affected…
Sep 12, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
Det kom et virus som var så skadelig at hele verden stengte ned i månedsvis.

Da alle land åpnet opp, var viruset blitt «bare en forkjølelse». Plutselig var ingen lenger redde for at helsevesenet ville knele eller sykefraværet ville øke. Vi kan leve som før viruset kom. Hurra! 1/ Så øker ventetiden i helsevesenet. Mange er syke. Slutter i jobben. Sykefraværet øker. Overdødeligheten øker.
Men ingen skjønner noe som helst. Hva i alle dager er dette for noe tull? Hvorfor denne økningen?

Nei, aner ikke, jeg?
Dec 30, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Promising results in treatment of #COVID19: Oslo team have designed a long-acting viral-entry blocking ACE2 molecule that can be administered needle-free and can block SARS-CoV-2 from getting into cells. Congrats to the team @AndersenJT and first author Sopisa Benjakul @AndersenJT This soluble ACE2 molecule is not connected to the cell surface. When SARS-CoV-2 spike variants meet free floating ACE2, they attach to this instead of our cells
"Importantly, the dimeric ACE2-fused albumin demonstrated potent neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 immune escape variants."
Dec 19, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
New findings on PEM in #LongCovid in Yale study

Invasive cardiopulmonary exercise test (iCPET) measured pressure through right heart catheterizaton
on 55 patients w/post-Covid exercise intolerance.

Result: Oxygen extraction in tissues was compromised 1/… This was in spite of 41 of them having no evidence of heart/lung limitations on initial tests.…
Jan 3, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Article in @Nature w important contribution to our understanding of how COVID can trigger clotting _and_ compromise our innate immune system to make us more vulnerable to secondary infections (look around you & re-think the myth that what you see is caused by lockdowns)@Helsedir The authors found monocytes (immune cells) from C19 patients displayed a profound defect in pathogen sensing. The defect was also found when testing for secondary rhinovirus or bacterial infections.

This may explain poor SARSCoV2 clearance & increased risk of sec. infections
Dec 28, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Study finds differences in biomarkers in #longCovid
Using conventional statistics + state-of-the-art machine learning, two vascular transformation biomarkers were identified distinguishing LC patients from acutely ill C19 inpatients +healthy controls (classification accuracy 96%) A A boxplot demonstrating s... "Our study has identified 14 significantly elevated vascular transformation biomarkers", among them two diagnostic biomarkers (ANG-1 and P-SEL).
The study also finds angiogenesis as a potential therapeutic target…
Dec 3, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Among all these reports of children falling seriously ill from normally milder diseases, and all the speculations about immunity debt: it is known that infections with SARSCoV2 leads to severe perturbations in immune cell populations that lasts a long time… Not just T cell but B cell function is affected
"SARS-CoV-2 infection causes severe immune disruption

CD19 expression was significantly reduced in almost all the B-cell subsets in recovered patients

BCR signaling and early B-cell response were disrupted"…
Jun 30, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
Er det ingen som ser hva som foregår? En stor andel av befolkningen har nylig gjennomgått minst en COVID-infeksjon. Dette gir kognitive problemer hos mange og økt risiko for slag, arytmier og svimmelhet ⬇️ @tryggtrafikk… @tryggtrafikk I en relativt ung, frisk kohort fant man fortsatt 6 måneder etter COVID at "Cognitive assessment identified a specific deficit of the same magnitude as intoxication at the UK drink driving limit or the deterioration expected with 10 years ageing"‼️…
Jun 29, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Thorough study finds aerosol particle emission increases moderately up to an moderate exercise intensity, exponentially at higher intensities. On average emission increases 132-fold from 580 particles/min at rest to 76,200 particles/min during max exercise… "these data might partly explain superspreader events especially during high-intensity group exercise indoors and suggest that strong infection prevention measures are needed especially during exercise at an intensity that exceeds ∼2 W/kg." 2/
Jun 23, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Meta-analysis and systematic review of 21 studies including a total of 80,071 children & adolescents found a prevalence of long COVID of 25.2%. Of these kids, 16.5% experienced mood symptoms, 10% fatigue, and 8% sleep disorders. Not fun for a child… The studies found >40 different symptoms from several organ systems in these children, neuropsychiatric symptoms being the most prevalent.

I sense a lot of kids not being seen in this… ‪The pooled prevalence of l...
Jun 21, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
For all those who still believe herd immunity as a concept applies to SARS-CoV-2: It doesn't. We'll be infected again and again, and the data now tell us that the risk of serious long-term effects increases with each infection. Govts need to re-think & find a new & better plan 1/ Cumulative risk and burden of sequelae in people with one, t "the risks were evident in those who were unvaccinated, had 1 shot, or 2 or more shots prior to the second infection"
This figure shows clearly that we cannot rely on vaccines to protect us from serious sequelae from COVID. 2/
Jun 15, 2022 12 tweets 13 min read
‼️Read this⬇️
One of the most important🧵through this pandemic.
Try to read all of it. Try to understand. Share it. Make sure those in positions sees it.
The concept of herd immunity to this evolving virus seems completely out of reach.
Jun 14, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Nå må @Folkehelseinst, @Helsedir og @Regjeringen følge med: Omikron gir nesten ikke beskyttelse mot omikron - heller ikke på B- og T-cellenivå. Og immuniteten mot BA.4 og BA.5 er enda dårligere.…
Jun 2, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
So it's clear:
SARS-CoV-2 infects T lymphocytes, preferably activated CD4+ cells in vitro, independently of the ACE2 receptor and induces pronounced programmed cell death potentially contributing to the lymphopenia seen in ~80% of hospitalized C19 patients… Among those tested in this study, after SARS-CoV-2 infection "CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes almost declined to zero in some patients", while B and NK cells were unaffected. Technically: Both Jurkat and M4 cell lines were infected in vitro.
Feb 17, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
Important study out in Nature: From this, the mRNA vaccines seem far superior to infection in subsequent protection. IMO, this explains what has been seen on the ground.
See the striking difference. You want to be at zero here. 1/
@Folkehelseinst @jonasgahrstore @ingvildkjerkol (C) Vaccinated blood samples more effective than convalescen @Folkehelseinst @jonasgahrstore @ingvildkjerkol Link⬆️
"the samples from mRNA vaccinated individuals had a median of 17 times higher RBD antibody levels and a similar degree of increased neutralization activities against RBD-ACE2 binding than those from natural infections."…
Feb 16, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Major work on orphanhood as result of the pandemic by joint forces from Imperial College, U of Oxford, @WHO, CDC, U of Cape Town & others:… Here, they used mortality + fertility data to model min. estimates & rates of COVID19-associated deaths of primary or sec. caregivers for children<18 years in 21 countries.
Globally, up to Apr 21, est. 1134 000 kids experienced death of primary caregivers…
Jan 30, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
@zweinebelkerzen @F_Lund_Johansen Covid actually has few similarities to flu aside from transmission via air. Covid is a systemic disease that damages blood vessels and organs around the body, including lungs and brain, and often leads to the creation of autoantibodies; immunological changes may be long lasting1/ @zweinebelkerzen @F_Lund_Johansen Infection from earlier variants gives immunity lasting 5-12(-17) months on average from studies. Omicron gives less severe acute disease than delta on average, it is still not clear if it actually is milder than other variants as so many at risk are now vaccinated. 2/
Jan 28, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
New pre-print that found a very limited immune response after infection with omicron. The desired herd immunity effect may according to this be a far dream still: from this, seems you can be re-infected more or less directly after your last infection… "Delta breakthrough infections (n=39) had 57-fold and 3.1-fold titers whereas Omicron breakthrough infections (n=14) had 5.8-fold and 0.32-fold titers compared to uninfected non-boosted and boosted individuals, respectively"
Dec 3, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
Norway is seeing the world’s first omicron superspreader event after a party downtown Oslo last Friday. Of 120 healthy non-symptomatic fully vaccinated individuals with a negative test, two had recently returned from South Africa and turned out to be positive, omicron. 1/ Now some 80-90 of the 120 are PCR pos, 13 of these confirmed omicron, the rest waiting for sequencing results. Some of those infected w omicron were not at the party but present at the same restaurant that evening. Not looking good re transmissibility.…
Dec 2, 2021 13 tweets 6 min read
VIKTIG: Nye data fra Sør-Afrika viser raskt økende positivitetsrate og rask økning i nye tilfeller, antall sykehusinnleggelser og antall døde -fra dag til dag @Folkehelseinst @Helsedir @jonasgahrstore @ingvildkjerkol @Oslounivsykehus @helse_og_omsorg @Oslokommune @RaymondJohansen Studie på 2,8 mill innbyggere i Sør-Afrika finner at tidligere infeksjon gir vesentlig lavere beskyttelse mot Omikron enn man har sett ved tidligere varianter. Det vil si at Omikron i stor grad unnslipper immuniteten til de som har gjennomgått sykdom…