Guy Spier 🎗️🇮🇱 🇺🇦 Profile picture
Father, Husband, Investor, Author & Optimist. My now: #FreeTheHostages #slavaukraini #IStandWithIsrael #RejoinEU Investor in Care Rating
Feb 6, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
"Fifteen years ago, India's economy was growing at just 3%, hampered by policy paralysis, corruption, and a challenging twin balance sheet problem. Foreign investors were wary, as reflected in the country's lowest investment grade ratings by the big three credit agencies. 🇮🇳💼 #EconomicGrowth"

1/… Fast forward to today, and India stands as the world's fifth-largest and fastest-growing economy, with a recent quarterly growth of 7.6%. Major reforms, banking sector recapitalization, and NPA clampdowns have transformed its economic landscape. 🚀 #IndiaEconomy…
Aug 14, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I loved the conversation between @DellAnnaLuca with @jposhaughnessy there are some parts of it that are investing gold.

I will listen and relisten...

1/… "The Most Skilled Person is Unlikely to be the Most Successful".

(this lesson #4 and screenshot are taken from the article written after the podcast)

which you can access here):

Feb 10, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
I recently participated in a call on quality with friends. I took my notes and asked #ChatGPT to convert them into a tweet thread.

This is what I got - lightly edited. 1/ Quality is a signature of excellence and truth.

It's more than just things that are unseen, it's about weighing the facts better.
Oct 27, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
Mohnish Pabrai is hosting his thirteenth annual charity lunch to benefit the Dakshana Foundation.

@MohnishPabrai @DakshanaIndia

1/ Almost two decades ago, I had the opportunity to break bread with Mohnish. It changed my life. We all know about the charity lunch with Warren Buffett - that was huge.

@MohnishPabrai @smithwollensky

2/ Mohnish Pabrai, Warren Buffett and Guy Spier at Smith and Wo
Sep 20, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
If you are interested in investing, then Ergodicity by @DellAnnaLuca is a short book that you must read.

Please don't be turned off by the word, "ergodicity" in the title.

A thread

When it comes to really important things that I did not learn at university or at business school, ergodicity is way up there - along with Mr. Market, and other ideas taught to me by Ben Graham and Warren Buffett.

May 29, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
I just finished "Freezing Order" by @Billbrowder

It's a must-read for these troubled times. "On the surface, it appeared that Trump was acting irrationally, but what I've learned over the years as an investor is that almost everyone behaves rationally..."

- @Billbrowder
Jul 26, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Am following New Oriental Education from a distance.

$EDU I used to be very bullish on the for-profit education industry.

I had investments in a broad range of companies: DeVry (now Adtalem), Apollo, Corinthian Colleges - and also further a field: Estacio Participacoes and Anhanguera (now Kroton) in Brazil.

Mar 8, 2021 9 tweets 7 min read
Hey Switzerland

In terms of doses per 100 people, you are behind: The United Kingdom, the United States, Denmark, Estonia and Iceland.

Source: Bloomberg @business

@LeroyBaechtold… Image Switzerland, in terms of doses per 100, you are also behind: Serbia, Hungary, Turkey, Portugal, Morocco and Bahrain.

Source: Bloomberg @business

@JoelThuering… Image
Oct 24, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
Richer, Wiser Happier:

My friend William Green's new book is finally up on Amazon:…

It's scheduled to be released in 2021. And will be the most important investment book of this decade. Tony Robbins: (World-renowned performance coach)

“BRILLIANT…packed with powerful insights from the world’s most successful investors…. Read Richer, Wiser, Happier and take its invaluable lessons to heart.”

Jun 22, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
How to take smart notes by Tiago Forte should be required reading for all knowledge workers.…

It draws heavily, but not exclusively on Soenke Ahrens book on how to take Smart Notes.…

@soenke_ahrens There follow some choice quotes and ideas from the article.
Jun 19, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
What is Collectors Fallacy?

it's this:

Preparing material does not get you anywhere.

- You have to read it.

- Engage with it.

- Struggle with it.

- Make it yours.

Whether it's a book, annual report, transcript.

h/t @ctietze Image Research. Read. Assimilate. Rinse and Repeat.

That is the order of the day.

(h/t) @ctietze via @soenke_ahrens
Jun 14, 2020 22 tweets 6 min read
Let's meet the Seven Powers.

If you are a CEO, learn about your path to power.

And if you are an investor - learn about your path to power.

With thanks to Hamilton Helmer who wrote an excellent book with the same title. The Seven Powers by Hamilton Helmer - book cover. <br /> Let's be clear what we mean by Power when it comes to business:

Power is the ability to earn supernormal profits and generate large amounts of shareholder value over a long time.

Companies that have done it in the past would include: Intel, Walmart, Ikea and Costco.
Jun 7, 2020 24 tweets 7 min read
Why should all serious and aspiring investors need to learn to learn to crush it on twitter?

Because twitter is the most amazing networking and learning network ever built.

Smart VC's and tech investors like @bgurley already know this. Smart value investors like @MarceloPLima , @trengriffin and @aaronvalue also understand the power of twitter - and use it daily.