Paul M. Kearney Profile picture
US Army Goodpaster Scholar, Wargamer, & Paratrooper | USMA ‘09, KCL @warstudies ‘15, G’town SSP ‘20 | Personal Acct per DoDI 5400.17
Mar 4, 2022 22 tweets 7 min read
What’s Wrong with the VDV?
A Twitter Thesis

Ht: @JTSoron First, a Primer: The VDV is a SEPARATE branch of service, not a portion of the Russian Army or Air Force.
They are an airborne-capable force, that is also equipped like mechanized infantry in that they have specialized vehicles and fighting vehicles similar to Russian Army units.
Mar 19, 2021 32 tweets 8 min read
Welcome Back, #miltwitter.
Here’s thread on everyone’s favorite punching bag,
AIRBORNE OPERATIONS!! First, you may accuse me of bias right from the start. I am an unabashed Paratrooper. And if you want to write me off now, don’t waste your time reading on. But for the rest of you…
Mar 1, 2021 28 tweets 8 min read
Dear MilTwitter,

I apologize that I am not a kinesiologist but lets not let that stop me!

The #ACFT is the talk of the town!
Even the @16thSMA wants you to run it in order to build the data set for analysis.

Let's call this the LitReview for the EverySoldier (TM) First, let me thank/hate @rmannina86 for making me do this. Your incessant prodding is a credit to yourself, the 2 Cavalry Regt and the US Army.
Feb 25, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
@rmannina86 Generally agree, however... the assessment is not in any sense gender-neutral. It’s like judging monkeys and elephants by how well they climb trees. Image @rmannina86 First, the leg tuck is supposed to measure abdominal strength/endurance... but somehow we went from another abdominal test (the sit-up) where women generally outperformed men, to a concern that most women can’t pass the leg tuck
Dec 30, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read
What if... stay with me here... we married standards with effectiveness?

A brief thread... (1/n) Hair standards for women have been awful. Just ask @gilltheamazon or @evo_kositz or @Accidental_E9 or like any woman in uniform. (/2)
Feb 6, 2020 16 tweets 4 min read
Forgive a RT, but this requires more than 280 characters:

Deterrence requires a signal to an adversary that an ally/thing is above the threshold of response. Sometimes to reassure allies we place assets at risk (units in Europe, @PatDonahoeArmy in ROK etc)/1 The RAND study recently released shows that assets heavy units are stronger in general deterrent value. In terms of the study, Units are coded heavy v light, bomber v fighter, etc /2