Gender Koolaid - Vulva owner πŸ’šπŸ€πŸ’œ Profile picture
I am #Terfgender. No child was born in the wrong body. #SexNotGender. #IStandWithAja -- I follow back, so please allow that. ♀
Oct 21, 2020 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Lew won't vote for transphobes in the Labour NEC elections. But Cameron really wants their vote. Don't we all love Dennis Skinner? So, of course, we all want to know Cameron's pronouns, don't we!
Sep 12, 2020 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 4 min read
@TQuarenten @YesThatAnna I'm looking to. And fortunately they do provide period advice to menstruators. @TQuarenten @YesThatAnna It gets creepier...…
Jun 30, 2020 β€’ 9 tweets β€’ 16 min read
@lynnejones_exMP @artofstumbling @lloyd_rm @janeclarejones @MForstater @jk_rowling Most information provided about @MForstater is incorrect - as she stated in her response above. Just about everything is referred to as a "dog whistle" in this piece.
Magdalene Berns could occasionally be confrontational. Many TRAs are all the time and much more aggressively. @lynnejones_exMP @artofstumbling @lloyd_rm @janeclarejones @MForstater @jk_rowling The clownfish meme is as untrue as ever. Do ask @Fondofbeetles or see here:
JK did not "silence" a trans person; she objected to a libellous comment.
Jun 29, 2020 β€’ 7 tweets β€’ 11 min read
@lynnejones_exMP @artofstumbling @lloyd_rm @janeclarejones Aha. I have indeed already read it. It is a diatribe. Slurs and sneers. Already taken apart by @MForstater (see attached). You can't compare this with the balanced and sympathetic views presented by @jk_rowling after much thought and reflection.… @lynnejones_exMP @artofstumbling @lloyd_rm @janeclarejones @MForstater @jk_rowling Did you watch Newsnight last week? The organisation is blatantly homophobic and ensures that young lesbians are forced to transition, while they are only exploring their confusion and sexuality.
Oct 13, 2019 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Trans activists want the Trans emoji to be included in unicode. They have been trying for five years. It's not there yet. Only 60 new ones a year. Isn't the aubergine enough? πŸ† (There is also no menstruation emoji, BTW.) #VPROTegenlicht Let's erase women, because we just CAN'T erase Trans people. πŸ™„ #Unicode
Sep 21, 2019 β€’ 50 tweets β€’ 11 min read
Thread from @ResistersU!
A common question, we get asked this fairly frequently. So here are some suggestions:
1) Write to or email your MP/MSP Make it personal, tell them YOUR concerns about Self ID. If you are not sure who to contact, check here:
https://www.theyworkforyou.comand you won't even have to go to the postbox if you use this website: