Ilan Schwartz is on🦋 Profile picture
ID doctor & researcher, #TxID, #IDTwitter; no longer active on Twitter. Rebuilding at b***sky (#IDSky):
Oct 2, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
No other way to say this:

The Alberta government completely abdicated its responsibility to ensure our health and wellbeing.

As a result, our healthcare system has completely collapsed. And all of us - unvaccinated and vaccinated alike - are affected.… Some of my quotes:

"Alberta was reckless in dropping all restrictions and declaring the pandemic over. Jason Kenney infamously declared that we were in the post-pandemic era, that COVID was no longer a risk and basically threw caution to the wind — that was a grave misstep"
Oct 1, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Dear Edson babies who are crowning,
I’m sorry, you’ll just have to stay in utero a bit longer.
Some people had a Covid party and the hospital is full.
Thanks (Typo fixed)
Sep 16, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Wow 😬 @ahs_media tweeting out a photo of ICU patients double-bunking (this is NOT normal)
They really want everyone to know how serious this is!!! Look at each patient. Look how many tubes/lines are coming out of them, every one corresponding to pump or machine. Both patients are proned (turned on their tummies) for better oxygen exchange. It takes 5 staff to turn them over carefully so the tubes/lines don’t get yanked out.
Sep 15, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
#PopAB briefing on #longcovid on now.
Now speaking is Dr Jason Weatherald @CalgaryPHdoc
10-15% of infections - all infections, not just severe cases - can be complicated by long term symptoms
Sep 15, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Canada: Alberta healthcare system on verge of collapse as Covid cases and anti-vax sentiments rise

Includes coverage of open letter signed by 74 ID doctors:

“Our healthcare system is truly on the precipice of collapse”… “It’s not easy to go to work every day and watch people in their 30s die,” an ICU nurse in Edmonton told the Guardian.

“Having to help a family say goodbye and then going through the actions that are required at the end of someone’s life, is worse than anyone can imagine.”
Sep 15, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
74 Infectious Diseases doctors agreed on the following:

"Hospitals and ICUs across the province ... have reached a point where it is unclear if, or for how much longer, we can provide safe care for Albertans... Our healthcare system is truly on the precipice of collapse." "... [T]he current measures do not go nearly far enough to interrupt transmission or reduce barriers to vaccination... [and] the current state of healthcare capacity in Alberta is so dire that waiting to see results of current ... measures will result in devastating consequences"
Jun 23, 2021 4 tweets 5 min read
Our newest study of #emergingfungalinfections

Covid-assoc #aspergillosis reportedly occurs in <1/3 ICU patients, but dx is rarely biopsy confirmed

By reviewing autopsy studies, we found proven invasive mould infections occur in 2% of decedents w covid… Major caveat is that most autopsies included were from first wave, pre-#RECOVERYtrial and use of steroids and other immunomodulation likely increase risk of #CAPA.

NB to know your local epi, which may differ; for eg of centers reporting >>> rates, see… &👇
Dec 24, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
I was today years old when I learned about “human wine decanting” 😱

Infectious diseases is NEVER boring! Image This 🐇 🕳 😂 Image
Oct 18, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
Confused about remdesivir in light of the Solidarity trial?

Some experts say the data prove no general mortality benefit. Others say the study was flawed.

Fortunately there have been thoughtful analyses on Twitter from smart & respected ID experts which I’ve threaded together👇 Firstly, how did we get here? A review of the timeline of remdesivir studies and their findings by @zchagla
Oct 11, 2020 54 tweets 26 min read
How it started How its going ImageImage How it started How it’s going ImageImage
Oct 9, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Undisputed champion of “Worst name in the history of naming organisms since Linnaeus”:


(Yes really) If you can pronounce it, you will win a prize
Oct 8, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
🔥 🔥 Long-awaited final data from ACTT-1! 🔥 🔥

#Remdesivir decreased time to discharge but had no statistically significant mortality benefit at day 29.

Benefit seems limited to patients on supplemental oxygen (but not ventilated)… Image My conclusion: clearly there is a clinically meaningful benefit in patients who require supplemental oxygen but not higher levels of respiratory support.

Personally I would also use it in critically severe disease *if supply was not a constraint*. But unfortunately it is.
Jun 4, 2020 8 tweets 6 min read
Origin story of the HCQ PEP trial.

I have learned a ton from working with @boulware_dr and @DrToddLee and team on this trial.

Most important lesson:

Don’t let the details (like funding for example) get in the way of doing something important. This trial was run on a shoe-string using innovative internet-based recruitment and follow up with centralized depot and administration
Apr 14, 2020 7 tweets 4 min read
A telltale sign of #COVID19: pernio / pseudo-chilblains

Painful, swollen and erythematous tips of toes (resembling frostbite).

#DermTwitter #IDTwitter